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Runaway and Homeless Youth Basic Center Program


Grants for Runaway and Homeless Youth programs are authorized by the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (Title III of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974), as amended by the Runaway, Homeless and Missing Children Protection Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-96). More information may be found at

Basic Center Program

The Basic Center Program funds youth shelters that provide emergency shelter, food, clothing, outreach services, and crisis intervention for runaway and homeless youth. The shelters also offer services to help reunite youth with their families whenever possible.


Any State, unit of local government, public or private agency, Indian Tribe, organization, or institution is eligible to apply for these discretionary funds.

Sponsoring Bureau: Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau

Program Announcements

Information for FY 2005 grant competitions will be available in Spring 2005. An excellent way to learn more about this program is to read the Fiscal Year 2004 program announcement.

FY 2003 Program Announcement:

In addition to the new start grants, the Administration for Children and Families has provided for noncompetitive continuation funds to current grantees in the following programs:

FY 2005 Grants

Anticipated FY 2005 Total Priority Area Funding: $13,200,000

Anticipated number of FY 2005 awards: 105

Ceiling on amount of individual awards: $200,000 per budget period

Average anticipated award amount: $128,000 per budget period

Project period: 3 to 5 years (funding given first year, and then grantee must apply for continuation grants for subsequent years of project)


Curtis Porter

Phone: 202-205-8306
