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There are approximately 617,000 underground storage tanks (USTs) nationwide that store petroleum or hazardous substances. The greatest potential threat from a leaking UST is contamination of groundwater, the source of drinking water for most Americans. EPA, states, and tribes work together to protect the environment and human health from potential UST releases. You can learn more about USTs on our Basic Information page.

American Recovery And Reinvestment Act
Link to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
USTs In Your State
Link to State and Regional Program Information
A person inspecting a tank
Preventing UST Releases
Regulations require that USTs be protected from spills, overfills, and corrosion. This section includes information and resources to help UST owners and operators meet those requirements.
A backhoe digging in the ground and 3 people working
Cleaning Up UST Releases
Regulations require that leaking USTs be cleaned up to restore and protect groundwater sources. This section includes information and resources to help UST owners and operators meet those requirements.
An ethanol gas pump
The biofuels compendium provides information regarding storage of ethanol and biodiesel fuels.
An old gas station brownfields site
Petroleum Brownfields
The redevelopment of petroleum contaminated brownfields has significant positive impacts on local communities.
Old gas pump
USTs In Indian Country
EPA provides technical and financial support to tribal governments to prevent and clean up releases from USTs in Indian country.

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