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Region 8

Serving Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations

Region 8 Water


Mountain Lake

EPA Region 8 is responsible for clean and safe surface water and ground water. Our goals are:

  • that the Region's waters are safe for all people to drink and use for recreation, and
  • that the quality of the Region's waters support the life that is expected to be in them.

Region 8 is responsible for the drinking water program in Wyoming.

Region 8 Water contacts (PDF, 10 pp, 52K; About PDF files)

View EPA's Winter 2008 edition of Natural News

Water Topics in Region 8

Animal feeding operations
Drinking water
Industrial Pretreatment
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Special Appropriation Act Projects (SAAP)
Sole Source Aquifer
Sourcewater Protection
State Revolving Fund (SRF)
Tribal Set Aside (TSA)
Total Maximum Daily Loads
Water Monitoring
Nonpoint Source program
Sustainable infrastructure
Underground injection control
Water Quality Standards

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