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Oregon Employment Department
Child Care Fast Facts
Children in care
  • Oregon children aged 0-12 (total) 620,000
  • Oregon children aged 0-12 in paid child care 201,000
  • Oregon children in licensed child care 79,000
  • Other paid care arrangements 122,000
    • Exempt family child care
    • Exempt center care
    • In home, paid non-relative
    • In home, paid relative
    • Relative's home, paid
    • Other paid, includes group activities

Affordability of care
  • Mean $ per hour spent on child care $4.42
  • Mean $ per month families spend on child care $403
  • Families spending more than 1/10 of income on child care 34%
  • Mean # hours of care purchased each week per family 30

Availability of care

     # of Certified child care Centers 1020
     # of Registered Family Child Care Homes 3,660
     # of Certified Family Homes 460
     # "Market" exempt providers 2,227
     # child care slots per 100 children 17
Child care safety
     # of health and safety reviews in the past 12 months 3,400
     # of complaints investigated 850
Child Care’s Impact on Oregon’s Economy
  • Generates more than $639 million in gross annual revenues
    Employs at least 14,420 people in 7,900 small businesses
    Supports the employment of more than 90,000 parents earning an estimated $2.6 billion annually.
  • Serves 123,000 children, representing 20% of all Oregon children under the age of 13.
  • Brings in more than $122 million of federal funds that support approximately 4,000 more Oregon jobs.
  • Purchases more than $256 million in goods and services from other Oregon industries annually.
  • Enables working parents to produce $3 billion in goods and services which are sold outside Oregon (exports).

Page updated: February 12, 2009

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