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Secretary Leavitt: Prologue Series

What is past is prologue......

Many of the most profound problems are not ours to solve in finality, but rather to incrementally improve during our temporary stewardship. Three foundation goals form the basis for my public service:

  • To leave things better than I found them
  • To plant seeds for the next generation
  • To conclude my work knowing I have given my all

As my stewardship comes to a close, it is time to plant seeds for the next generation. I intend to write and deliver a series of formal speeches to share what I see on our approaching horizon. I call these speeches The Prologue Series.

The Series

Medicare: Drifting Toward Disaster
Our population is aging and as we age, medical expenses grow. The real urgency of the problem starts between now and 2019 when the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is projected to become insolvent. There is no backup plan, but if we act now, we can change the outcome.

 Medicare: Drifting Toward Disaster (PDF 2.1 MB)

Import Safety: Safety at the Speed of Life
In global commerce, as in the Olympics, things happen fast, they have to—but speed without safety carries great risk.  The unsettling stream of product safety problems are experiencing is a reflection of the most profound change in commercial patterns in human history—the globalization of trade.  We need to develop new tools and strategies equal to the new challenges we face.

 Import Safety: Safety at the Speed of Life (PDF 4.0 MB)

Building a Value-Based Health Care System
A value-based national health care movement is taking shape and gaining momentum right now. I envision a time, not far from now, when patients will be able to define and compare the cost of health care to create an informed value-based system. Information empowers consumers and industry, and motivates the entire system to provide better care.

 Building a Value-Based Health Care System (PDF 2.02 MB)

Health Diplomacy: From the American People

 Health Diplomacy: From the American People (PDF 1.02 MB)

A World Without Innovation

 A World Without Innovation (PDF 525 KB)

Privacy and Mobilizing Health Data: Finding the Golden Mean

 Privacy and Mobilizing Health Data: Finding the Golden Mean (PDF 650 KB)

Pandemic Flu: Preparedness in a Changing World

 Pandemic Flu: Preparedness in a Changing World (PDF 3.21 MB)

Personalizing Care: A Health Care Future That Works

 Personalizing Care: A Health Care Future That Works (PDF 845 KB)