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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Table of Contents
Child Maltreatment 2003

Child Maltreatment 2003

Inside Cover

Letter from the Associate Commissioner



Summary: Figures

Chapter 1     Introduction

Background of NCANDS
Annual Data Collection Process
Structure of the Report
Chapter One: Table

Chapter 2     Reports

Screening of Referrals
Report Sources
Response Time from Report to Investigation or Assessment
Investigated Reports
Disposition of Reports by Report Source
CPS Workforce and Workload
Table Notes
Chapter Two: Figures and Tables

Chapter 3     Victims

Types of Maltreatment
Sex and Age of Victims
Race and Ethnicity of Victims
Reported Disability of Victims
Perpetrators of Maltreatment
Factors Influencing the Determination that a Child is a Victim of Maltreatment
Child and Family Services Reviews: Maltreatment in Foster Care
Child and Family Services Reviews: Recurrence of Maltreatment
Table Notes
Chapter Three: Figures and Tables

Chapter 4     Fatalities

Number of Child Fatalities
Fatalities by Age and Sex
Fatalities by Race and Ethnicity
Parental Status of Perpetrators
Fatalities by Type of Maltreatment
Fatalities by Prior Contact with CPS
Table Notes
Chapter Four: Figures and Tables

Chapter 5     Perpetrators

Characteristics of Perpetrators
Table Notes
Chapter Five: Figures and Tables

Chapter 6     Services

Preventive Services
Postinvestigation Services
Factors Influencing the Receipt of Services
Receipt of Postinvestigation Services
Receipt of Foster Care Services
Table Notes
Chapter Six: Tables

Chapter 7     Additional Research Related to Child Maltreatment

Reports on Key Indicators, Outcomes, and National Statistics
Studies of the Child Welfare System
Capacity Building Initiatives
Suggestions for Future Research

Appendix A     Required CAPTA Data Items

Appendix A: Tables and Figures

Appendix B     Glossary

Appendix C     Data Submissions and CAF Data Elements

Appendix C: Tables and Figures

Appendix D     State Commentary

Appendix E     Reader Survey