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Planning and Community Assistance
Air Rail Highway Bike/Ped Public Transit
Statewide Transportation/Ten-Year Improvement Program - Record Management System

The STTIP-RMS project is a collaboration of effort among the DOT, DOIT, and FHWA to improve the current transportation project tracking database, improve the current billing process, update business logic to meet new requirements, provide enhanced functionality, and update the processing, sharing, and integration of information. This project will transform the current transportation project tracking database and existing business logic to leverage available technology, expediting data capture, data exchange, data storage, and reporting processes. The STTIP-RMS application will use the existing DOT technology and data infrastructure for obtaining, updating, and sharing information from existing DOT applications, while complying with DOIT software development methodologies and standards.

New Hampshire Department of Transportation
PO Box 483 | 7 Hazen Drive | Concord, NH | 03302-0483
Tel: 603.271-3734 | Fax: 603.271.3914

copyright 2009. State of New Hampshire