
About FDA

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Science & Research (NCTR)

The National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) conducts FDA mission-critical, peer-reviewed, critical path (translational) research targeted to develop a scientifically sound basis for regulatory decisions and reduce risks associated with FDA-regulated products. This research is aimed at:

  • evaluating the biological effects of potentially toxic chemicals or microorganisms
  • defining the complex mechanisms that govern their toxicity
  • understanding critical biological events in the expression of toxicity
  • developing methods to improve assessment of human exposure, susceptibility, and risk. 

NCTR’s research efforts support the FDA’s Strategic Goals:

  • FDA Strategic Goal 1: Strengthen FDA for Today and Tomorrow
  • FDA Strategic Goal 2: Improve Patient and Consumer Safety
  • FDA Strategic Goal 3: Increase Access to New Medical and Food Products
  • FDA Strategic Goal 4: Improve the Quality and Safety of Manufactured Products and the Supply Chain

NCTR represents the FDA on key committees of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a program that evaluates the effects of chemicals on health. Over the past 30 years, the NTP and NCTR have conducted studies on FDA nominated compounds, providing data to support science-based regulatory decisions.  



Contact Us

  • 870-543-7130
  • National Center for Toxicological Research

    Food and Drug Administration

    3900 NCTR Road

    Jefferson, AR 72079
