About / Alaska Office


At the Arctic Studies Center office in Anchorage, Alaska, Native peoples, scholars and museum associates work together on a broad range of collaborative research, exhibitions and education programs. More...

Sharing Knowledge Project

The Sharing Knowledge Project invites Alaska Native Elders, tribal representatives, scholars and artists to share their knowledge about cultural heritage objects at Smithsonian museums. This collaborative work is the basis for a web site, gallery (opens 2010) and publication (in progress).

Looking Both Ways:
Heritage and Identity of the Alutiiq People

The traveling exhibition Looking Both Ways: Heritage and Identity of the Alutiiq People was developed through the shared efforts of the Arctic Studies Center, the Alutiiq Museum and indigenous communities of southern Alaska. The exhibition toured Kodiak, Homer, Anchorage, Juneau, New York and Washington, D.C. in 2001-2003. Its exhibition catalog is available from the University of Alaska Press.

Kenai Fjords Oral History and Archaeology Project

The Kenai Fjords Oral History and Archaeology Project is exploring historic village sites and the changing environment of Alaska's Kenai Peninsula with the help of local Native residents, natural scientists and the Ocean Alaska Science and Learning Center.

Harriman Expedition Retraced

In 2001, ASC Alaska Director Aron Crowell joined the Harriman Expedition Retraced to document a century of change in the North Pacific and Bering Sea since the original voyage in 1899. A PBS film aired in the Fall, 2002.

New Dynamics of Cultural Research
and Representation in Alaska

A position paper presented by Aron Crowell at the first Northern Research Forum, Akureyi, Iceland.

More about the Arctic Studies Center - Alaska

The National Museum of Natural History cares for many thousands of items that represent the cultural heritage of Alaska's diverse Native peoples, including clothing, tools, basketry, carvings and ceremonial art. In 1993, the Arctic Studies Center opened an Alaska regional office at the Anchorage Museum of History and Art to make these resources more accessible to Alaskan scholars, artists, educators, students and the general public.

In addition to exhibitions and field studies, the Alaska office of the Arctic Studies Center works with the University of Alaska and with Alaskan museums and cultural centers to offer lectures, workshops and courses in cultural research and museum skills. A wide range internship and fellowship opportunities is available.

The ASC Alaska Office is located at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Aron L. Crowell
Alaska Region Director
Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center
625 C Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-929-9207
Email crowella@si.edu


Dawn Biddison
Assistant Curator
Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center
625 C Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-929-9208
Email: BiddisonD@si.edu

Kayaks in Alaska