ED Stakeholders Forum

August 4, 2009


The second Education Stakeholders Forum, held August 4, provided detailed information regarding Race to the Top Fund, Investing in Innovation Fund, and Part II of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. Here is information from the forum.

Thank you for your interest in these forums. We will post the date and time for the next forum here.

June 18, 2009

The Department of Education is hosting a series of forums to share updates and information on important education issues. These forums will enable Department staff to communicate directly with representatives of schools, organizations, state and local governments, and other interested parties who guide and support the work of schools.

The first forum was held on June 18, 2009, at the Department's headquarters in Washington, DC. Among the topics discussed:

  • Issues related to the implementation of the education portions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA);
  • The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA);
  • The Department’s fiscal year 2010 budget request;
  • Current higher education issues; and
  • Other high-priority education matters.

See the transcript of the meeting. Download files PDF (208K)

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Last Modified: 08/06/2009