Freight Professional Development Program
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane, and freight train
Office of Operations - 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Resource Library

Resource Library

National Transportation Library

The National Transportation Library of Freight Resources is designed to provide easy access to freight-related information from a variety of sources, including USDOT, State DOTs, MPOs, regional councils, professional associations, the academic community and others.

Freight Transportation Bookshelf

This section provides links to several key freight transportation resources. It is not meant to be a comprehensive library of freight resources, but rather a listing of selected documents that should be on every freight practitioner's bookshelf.

  • Financing Freight Improvements - This Guidebook describes funding and financing tools available for freight investments. The Guidebook has been designed to provide information to the FHWA, states, MPOs, and other parties interested in investing in freight infrastructure.
  • Freight Facts and Figures - A snapshot of the volume and value of freight flows in the United States, the physical network over which freight moves, the economic conditions that generate freight movements, the industry that carries freight, and the safety, energy, and environmental consequences of freight transportation.
  • Freight Glossary and Acronyms - Provides definitions for key freight terms and a list of commonly used freight-related acronyms.
  • Freight Story 2008 - A national perspective on freight transportation challenges and responses.
  • Freight Technology Story - Provides information about the state of the art and the adoption of effective technologies by the freight industry and its customers.
  • Guide to Quantifying the Economic Impacts of Federal Investments in Large-Scale Freight Transportation Projects - This guide focuses on economic effects and the secondary passenger benefits that often accrue due to freight projects.
  • Quick Response Freight Manual Second Edition - This report provides background information on the freight transportation system and factors affecting freight demand, helps planners locate available data and freight-related forecasts compiled by others, shows how to apply this information in developing forecasts for specific facilities, and provides simple techniques and transferable parameters that can be used to develop freight vehicle trip tables.
  • Swiss Heavy Goods Vehicle Control Sites: Peer Exchange Meeting (White Paper) - On February 19, 2008, a peer exchange meeting was held in Glendale, Arizona with the intent of exchanging information on technology-based approaches supporting commercial motor vehicle enforcement. Meeting attendees included transportation and law enforcement officials from Switzerland and U.S. counterparts in the states of Arizona and Washington and at the federal level.
Office of Operations