ED Stakeholders Forum

May 11th, 2011, 1:00 p.m.

The Department of Education announces an upcoming Education Stakeholders Forum hosted by Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education Thelma Melendez. The purpose of the meeting is to solicit stakeholder input regarding the delivery of technical assistance via the Comprehensive Center network. As is generally provided at these forums, we'll also include updates on current program/policy happenings here at the Department.

To register, please e-mail your name, title and organization name to

We hope to see you there!

The External Affairs and Outreach Team
U.S. Department of Education

February 14, 2011

Our annual Budget Briefing featured the key points of the Administration’s FY 2012 Budget Proposal. At these links, please find the power point slides used by Assistant Secretary Carmel Martin Download files PDF (280K), a transcript of the proceedings Download files PDF (96K), and a video. As always, thank you for your continued interest in these forums.

January 24, 2011

January 24th Education Stakeholders Forum with Secretary Duncan

October 22, 2010

Thanks to those of you who were able to join us for our recent Stakeholders Forum, which featured information on Race to the Top, the two state-led assessment consortia, Promise Neighborhoods, and the TEACH campaign. A video and transcript of the session can be found here: Download files MS Word(127K), and the power point slides used by the presenters can be found here: Download files MS PowerPoint (4.37MB)

Again, thank you for your interest in these forums.

March 19, 2010

The focus of the discussion for this forum was the Department's current work around the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), including details regarding the ESEA Blueprint for Reauthorization. It also included various education program updates, highlighting recent ARRA activities and the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA). A video of the session is available, as well as transcript Download files MS Word (121K) and power point slides Download files MS PowerPoint (4.24MB) presented during the session.

FY 2011 Budget Briefing/Conference Calls

For those of you who were unable to attend our stakeholders briefing regarding the Administration's FY 2011 Budget Request, a video and transcript of the February 1st, 2010, briefing can be found here:

In addition, subsequent stakeholder conference calls that focused on clarifying the educational technology, higher education, and elementary and secondary education provisions within the budget request, were held on February 10th, 11th, and 12th, respectively. Complete transcripts of those calls can be found here:

Budget Clarification Call—Educational Technology, February 10, 2010
download files MS Word (132K)

Budget Clarification Call—Higher Education, February 11, 2010
download files MS Word (84K)

Budget Clarification Call—ESEA, February 12, 2010
download files MS Word (96K)

December 8, 2009

College- and Career-Ready Graduates
This forum featured Michele Cahill, Vice President for National Programs and Program Director for Urban Education, Carnegie Corporation; and Kathy Havens Payne, Senior Director of Education Leadership, State Farm Insurance Companies.

A transcript of this forum can be found here: Download files MS Word (125K). A video and audio file [MP3, 39.6M] of the session is also available.

November 20, 2009

This forum, entitled "Educating Diverse Learners," featured the following panelists:

Dr. Alfredo Artiles, Professor of Education Policy, Leadership and Curriculum, Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education, Arizona State University; Kris D. Gutiérrez, Professor and Inaugural Provost Chair, University of Colorado, Boulder; Dr. Judith Moening, Executive Director for Special Education, North East Independent School District (San Antonio, TX); and Dr. Patricia Popp, State Coordinator, Virginia Education Program for Homeless Children and Youth.

The link for the transcript of this session can be found here: Download files MS Word (127K). A video and audio file [MP3, 39.7M] of the session are also available.

November 4, 2009

Thanks to those of you who were able to join us at the November 4th stakeholders forum entitled, "Measuring Progress and Creating Continuous Systems of Improvement." We featured four panelists: Harold Doran of the American Institutes for Research; Martha Thurlow of the National Center on Educational Outcomes; Delia Pompa of the National Council of La Raza; and Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University. The transcript of the session is available here: Download files MS Word (135K). A video and audio file [MP3, 40.5M] of the session are also available.

October 21, 2009

Thanks to those of you who attended this forum on "Promoting Innovation and Reinventing the Federal Role," which featured panelists Warren Simmons of The Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Stacey Childress of the Harvard Business School, and Susan Patrick of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning.

The transcript [MS Word, 124K], video, and audio file [MP3, 38.9M] of this session are available.

October 13, 2009

The focus of the reauthorization discussion for this forum was "Great Teachers and Leaders." Here, please find the transcript [MS Word, 130K], video, and audio file [MP3, 41.7M] of the session.

The New Teacher Project Overview Slides. [PowerPoint, 2.47M]

August 4, 2009


The second Education Stakeholders Forum, held August 4, provided detailed information regarding Race to the Top Fund, Investing in Innovation Fund, and Part II of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. Here is information from the forum.

Thank you for your interest in these forums. We will post the date and time for the next forum here.

June 18, 2009

The Department of Education is hosting a series of forums to share updates and information on important education issues. These forums will enable Department staff to communicate directly with representatives of schools, organizations, state and local governments, and other interested parties who guide and support the work of schools.

The first forum was held on June 18, 2009, at the Department's headquarters in Washington, DC. Among the topics discussed:

  • Issues related to the implementation of the education portions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA);
  • The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA);
  • The Department's fiscal year 2010 budget request;
  • Current higher education issues; and
  • Other high-priority education matters.

See the transcript of the meeting. Download files PDF (208K)

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Last Modified: 05/05/2011