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Actuarial Notes of the 1960s

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Number Date Title Author(s)
63 December 1969 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDHI System With Short-Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
62 December 1969 An Analysis of Social Security Numbers in the SMI Actuarial Sample T. Hawkes and R. Harris
61 September 1969 Hospital Utilization and Average Daily Hospital Costs for Persons Aged 65 and Over as Indicated by Data Under the Hospital Insurance Program and From the American Hospital Association R. J. Myers
60 August 1969 Comparison of Medicare Expenditures With Estimates, First Three Years of Operation R. J. Myers
59 August 1969 Retirement Experience of Old-Age Beneficiaries, 1958-68 F. Bayo
58 August 1969 Disability Incidence Rates Under OASDI System for Disability Onsets Occurring in 1956-64 R. J. Myers and F. Bayo
57 August 1969 Current Experience of SMI Program on a "Cash" Basis R. J. Myers
56 August 1969 Accrued Cost of SMI Program for 1966 and 1967 R. J. Myers
55 August 1969 SMI Benefit Experience for 1966-68 as Shown on Payment Records R. J. Myers
54 July 1969 Distribution of SMI Bills and Reimbursements by Type of Service R. J. Myers
53 June 1969 The Farmington, West Virginia Mine Disaster: An Actuarial Analysis of Survivor Benefits Payable C. R. Owen
52 June 1969 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDHI System With Short Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
51 April 1969 Mortality of the Aged Before and After Medicare R. J. Myers and W. D. Ritchie
50 April 1969 Comparison of Actual Experience Under HI With Estimates of Various Organizations R. J. Myers
49 January 1969 Additional Interest Earnings of OASDI Trust Funds Resulting From Changed Interest Rate Provided in 1960 Amendments M. A. Lannen
48 December 1968 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDHI System With Short-Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
47 October 1968 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDHI System With Short-Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
46 September 1968 Termination Experience of Disabled-Child Benefits Under OASDI F. Bayo
45 August 1968 Disability Incidence Rates Under OASDI System for Disability Onsets Occurring in 1956-63 R. J. Myers and F. Bayo
44 July 1968 Comparison of Actual Experience Under Medicare With Original Estimates, 1966-67 R. J. Myers
43 June 1968 Retirement Experience of Old-Age Beneficiaries, 1958-67 F. Bayo
42 April 1968 OASDI Benefit Increases Resulting From the Conversion of Monthly Rates Under the 1967 Amendments R. Hicks
41 March 1968 Illustrative Total Monthly Family Benefits Under the 1967 Amendments J. M. Ceccarelli
40 March 1968 Maximum Benefits Under the Social Security Amendments of 1967 J. M. Ceccarelli
39 May 1967 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDHI System With Short-Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
38 June 1967 Analysis of the Fertility Assumptions for the OASDI Long-Range Level-Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and F. Bayo
37 May 1967 Comparison of Recent Projections of the United States Population R. J. Myers and F. Bayo
36 January 1967 Disability Incidence Rates Under OASDI System for Disability Onsets Occurring in 1956-62 R. J. Myers and F. Bayo
35 December 1966 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDHI System With Short-Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
34 December 1966 Additional Interest Earnings of OASDI Trust Funds Resulting From Changed Interest Rate Provided in 1960 Amendments M. A. Lannen
33 November 1966 Vested Benefits J. M. Ceccarelli
32 August 1966 Relationship of Child Beneficiaries to Old-Age Beneficiaries R. J. Myers
31 August 1966 Enrollment for Supplementary Medical Insurance, July 1, 1966 G. I. Kowalczyk
30 July 1966 Mortality Study of Charter Beneficiaries R. J. Myers
29 May 1966 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDI System With Short-Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
28 March 1966 Retirement Experience of Old-Age Beneficiaries F. Bayo
27 February 1966 Comparison of Actual Experience Under OASDI System With Short-Range Cost Estimates R. J. Myers and M. A. Lannen
26 January 1966 Additional Interest Earnings of OASDI Trust Funds Resulting From Changed Interest Rate Provided in 1960 Amendments M. C. Hart and M. A. Lannen
25 December 1965 Illustrative Total Monthly Family Benefits Under the 1965 Amendments M. A. Lannen
24 December 1965 Arkansas Titan II Missile Site Disaster: An Actuarial Analysis of Survivor Benefits Payable G. I. Kowalczyk
23 December 1965 OASDI Benefit Increases Resulting From the Conversion of Monthly Rates Under the 1965 Amendments G. Hutchinson and T. Hawkes
22 August 1965 Payees for Lump-Sum Death Payments Awarded in 1964 W. Long
21 August 1965 Maximum Benefits Under the Social Security Amendments of 1965 M. C. Hart
20 June 1965 Studies on the Relationship of Contributions to Benefits in Old-Age Benefit Awards, R. J. Myers and B. Oppal
19 June 1965 Quarterly Distribution of OASDI Contributions Within a Calendar Year, Particularly When a Change in Financing Is Made R. J. Myers
18 April 1965 Disability Incidence Rates Under OASDI System for Disability Onsets Occurring in 1956-61 R. J. Myers
17 March 1965 Distribution of OASDI Contributions Within a Calendar Year, Particularly When a Change in Financing Is Made R. J. Myers
16 February 1965 Additional Interest Earnings of OASDI Trust Funds Resulting From Changed Interest Rate Provided in 1960 Amendments M. C. Hart
15 March 1965 Age Characteristics of Child's Insurance Beneficiaries Under OASDI R. J. Myers and J. M. Ceccarelli
14 March 1965 Joint-Life Immediate Annuities Based on the United States Life Tables for White Persons, 1959-61 F. Bayo
13 August 1964 Payees for Lump-Sum Death Payments Awarded in 1963 W. Long
12 March 1964 Voluntary Contributions Under the Civil Service Retirement Act C. Baughman
11 January 1964 Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance - Family Benefits in Current-Payment Status, June 30, 1963 R. Hicks
10 January 1964 Conversion of Existing Benefits Under Formula Changes M. C. Hart
9 December 1963 Proportion of Aged Persons Receiving OASDI Benefits and Proportion Receiving OAA Payments by State, June 1963 T. Hawkes
8 January 1964 Average Value of Invested Funds, OASI Trust Fund, Fiscal Year 1962 M. Glanz
7 December 1963 U.S.S. Thresher Disaster: An Actuarial Analysis of Survivor Benefits Payable G. I. Kowalczyk
6 October 1963 Mortality Trends in the United States, 1900-60 R. J. Myers
5 August 1963 Payees for Lump-Sum Death Payments Awarded in 1962 G. Hutchinson
4 August 1963 Comparison of Mortality in Large Western European Countries With That of the United States R. J. Myers
3 July 1963 Summary History of Cost Estimates for Disability Benefits R. J. Myers
2 May 1963 Actuarial Analysis of the Relative Value of Refunds Versus Deferred Annuities Under the Civil Service Retirement System R. J. Myers
1 March 1963 Disability and Old-Age Benefits in Current-Payment Status by State December 31, 1962 G. Hutchinson Portal to U.S. government agencies Privacy Policy  | Website Policies & Other Important Information  | Site Map
Last reviewed or modified Tuesday Apr 7, 2009
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