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dollar sign, worksheet with numbers and the partial face of a watch Commuter and Community Information at your fingertips

Now you can let your fingers connect you to a new world of information at USDA. It's called InfoExpress and it takes just a touch of the kiosk screen to use. With InfoExpress you'll get:

  • Information about Traffic tie-ups and slow downs
  • Transit Information
  • Maps and Guides
  • Latest Weather update
  • Matchlist of people interested in car and vanpooling
  • List of Telework Centers
  • Cycling and Walking Information

InfoExpress is a free service provided by Commuter Connections, the Washington metropolitan area's commuter information resources, and it only takes a minute to try.

The new Commuter Connection kiosk is located in the mini mall, sub-basement, area of the USDA south building (across from the Agriculture Federal Credit Union), 1400 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington, DC 20250.

As an alternative to using the kiosk, employees may also call Commuter Connections at 1-800-745-RIDE or visit their website. Please call 720-PARK if you have any ques