
Recent Research Papers

Ballentine, B. The ability to perform physically challenging songs predicts age and size in male swamp sparrows, Melospiza georgiana, Animal Behaviour, 77 973-978. 2009.

Betts, M.G., Rodenhouse, N.L., Sillett, T.S., Doran, P.J. and Holmes, R.T. Dynamic occupancy models reveal within-breeding season movement up a habitat quality gradient by a migratory songbird, Ecography, 31 (5) 592-600. 2008.

Bokony, V., Lendvai, A.Z., Liker, A., Angelier, F., Wingfield, J.C. and Chastel, O. Stress response and the value of reproduction: are birds prudent parents?, American Naturalist, 173 (5) 589-598. 2009.

Colbeck, G.J., Gibbs, H.L., Marra, P.P., Hobson, K. and Webster, M.S. Phylogeography of a Widespread North American Migratory Songbird (Setophaga ruticilla), Journal of Heredity, 99 (5) 453-463. 2008.

Cruz-Angon, A., Sillett, T.S. and Greenberg, R. An Experimental Study of Habitat Selection by Birds in a Coffee Plantation, Ecology, 89 (4) 921-927. 2008.

Davis, A.K., Diggs, N.E., Cooper, R.J. and Marra, P.P. Hematological Stress Indices Reveal no Effect of Radio-Transmitters on Wintering Hermit Thrushes, Journal of Field Ornithology, 79 (3) 293-297. 2008.

DeLuca, W.V., Studds, C.E., King, R.S. and Marra, P.P. Coastal urbanization and the integrity of estuarine waterbird communities: Threshold responses and the importance of scale, Biological Conservation, 141 (11) 2669-2678. 2008.

Durrant, K.L., Marra, P.P., Colbeck, G.J., Gibbs, H.L., Hobson, K.A., Norris, D.R., Bernik, B., Lloyd, V.L. and Fleischer, R.C. Parasite assemblages distinguish populations of a migratory passerine on the breeding grounds, Journal of zoology, 274 318-326. 2008.

Gomez, A., Kilpatrick, A.M., Kramer, L.D., Dupuis II, A.P., Maffei, J.G., Goetz, S.J., Marra, P.P., Daszak, P. and Aguirre, A.A. Land use and West Nile virus seroprevalence in wild mammals, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14 962-965. 2008.

Gordon, C.E., McGill, B., Ibarra-Nunez, G., Greenberg, R. and Perfecto, I. Simplification of a coffee foliage-dwelling beetle community under low-shade management, Basic and Applied Ecology, 10 246-254. 2009.

Greenberg, R., Kozlenko, A., Etterson, M. and Dietsch, T. Patterns of density, diversity, and the distribution of migratory strategies in the Russian boreal forest avifauna, Journal of Biogeography, 35 (11) 2049-2060. 2008.

Greenberg, R., Olsen, B., Ballentine, B., Warner, S. and Danner, R. Temporal distribution of the Coastal Plain Swamp Sparrow: The importance of subspecies identification, Birding, 40 42-49. 2008.

Greenberg, R., Perfecto, I. and Philpott, S.M. Introduction: Agroforests as Model Systems for Tropical Ecology, Ecology, 89 (4) 913-914. 2008.

Greenberg, Russell, Perfecto, Ivette and Philpott, Stacy. Guest Editorial. Coffee: ecology in the marketplace, Frontiers in Ecology, 115. 2008.

Hannon, S.J., Wilson, S. and McCallum, C.A. Does cowbird parasitism increase predation risk to American redstart nests?, Oikos, 118 (7) 1035-1043. 2009.

Karubian, J., Sillett, S. and Webster, M.S. The effects of delayed plumage maturation on aggression and survival in male red-backed fairy-wrens, Behavioral Ecology, (3) 508-516. 2008.

LaDeau, S.L., Kilpatrick, A.M., Calder, K. and Marra, P.P. West Nile virus revisited: Consequences for North American ecology, Bioscience, 58 937-946. 2008.

Langin, K.M., Marra, P.P., Nemeth, Z., Moore, F.R., Kyser, T.K. and Ratcliffe, L.M. Breeding latitude and timing of spring migration in songbirds crossing the Gulf of Mexico, Journal of Avian Biology, . 2009.

Liu, I.A., Lohr, B., Olsen, B. and Greenberg, R. Macrogeographic Vocal Variation in Subspecies of Swamp Sparrow, Condor, 110 (1) 102-109. 2008.

Luther, D.A. and Greenberg, R. Mangroves: A Global Perspective on the Evolution and Conservation of Their Terrestrial Vertebrates, Bioscience, 59 (7) 602-612. 2009.

Marra, P.P., Dove, C.J., Dolbeer, R., Dahlan, N.F., Heacker, M., Whatton, J.F., Diggs, N.E., France, C. and Henkes, G.A. Migratory Canada geese cause crash of US Airways Flight 1549, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7 (6) 297-301. 2009.

Mettke-Hoffmann, C. Context-specific neophilia and its consequences for innovations, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30 (4) 419. 2008.

Mettke-Hofmann, C., Lorentzen, S., Schlicht, E., Schneider, J. and Werner, F. Spatial neophilia and spatial neophobia in resident and migratory warblers (Sylvia), Ethology, 115 482-492. 2009.

Newhouse, M., Marra, P.P. and Johnson, L.S. Reproductive Success of House Wrens in Suburban and Rural Land-Use Areas, The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 120 99-104. 2008.

Olsen, B., Felch, J., Greenberg, R. and Walters, J. Causes of reduced clutch size in a tidal marsh endemic, Oecologia, 158 (3) 421-435. 2008.

Olsen, B., Greenberg, R., Fleischer, R. and Walters, J. Extrapair paternity in the swamp sparrow, Melospiza georgiana: Male access or female preference?, Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 63 (2) 285-294. 2008.

Peluc, S.I., Sillett, T.S., Rotenberry, J.T. and Ghalambor, C.K. Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in an island songbird exposed to a novel predation risk, Behavioral Ecology, 19 (4) 830-835. 2008.

Philpott, S.M., Arendt, W.J., Armbrecht, I., Bichier, P., Diestch, T.V., Gordon, C., Greenberg, R., Perfecto, I., Reynoso-Santos, R., Soto-Pinto, L., Tejeda-Cruz, C., Williams-Linera, G., Valenzuela, J. and Zolotoff, J.M. Biodiversity Loss in Latin American Coffee Landscapes: Review of the Evidence on Ants, Birds, and Trees, Conservation Biology, 22 (5) 1093-1105. 2008.

Poisbleau, M., Demongin, L., Angelier, F., Dano, S. and Lacroix, A.Q.P. What Ecological Factors can Affect Albumen Corticosterone Levels in the Clutches of Seabirds? Timing of Breeding, Disturbance and Laying Order in Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome), General and comparative endocrinology, 162 (2) 139-145. 2009.

Reudink, M.W., Marra, P.P., Boag, P.T. and Ratcliffe, L.M. Plumage colouration predicts paternity and polygyny in the American redstart, Animal Behaviour, 77 495-501. 2009.

Reudink, M.W., Marra, P.P., Kyser, T.K., Boag, P., Langin, K. and Ratcliffe, L. Non-breeding season events influence sexual selection in a long-distance migratory bird, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276 (1662) 1619-1626. 2009.

Reudink, M.W., Marra, P.P., Langin, K.M., Studds, C.E., Kyser, T.K. and Ratcliffe, L.M. Molt-migration in the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) revisited: Explaining variation in feather delta D signatures, Auk, 125 (3) 742-746. 2008.

Reudink, M.W., Studds, C.E., Kyser, T.K., Marra, P.P. and Ratcliffe, L.M. Plumage brightness predicts non-breeding season territory quality in a long-distance migratory songbird, Journal of Avian Biology, 40 34-41. 2009.

Rice, R.A. Agricultural intensification within agroforestry: The case of coffee and wood products, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 128 (4) 212-218. 2008.

Ryder, T.B. and Wolfe, J.D. The current state of knowledge on molt and plumage sequences in selected neotropical bird families: a review, Ornitologia Neotropical, 20 (1) 1-18. 2009.

Ryder, T.B., Parker, P.G., Blake, J.G. and Loiselle, B.A. It Takes Two to Tango: Reproductive Skew and Social Correlates of Male Mating Success in a Lek-Breeding Bird, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276 (1666) 2377-2384. 2009.

Salgado-Ortiz, J., Marra, P.P. and Robertson, R.J. Breeding seasonality of the mangrove warbler (Dendroica petechia bryanti) from southern Mexico, Ornitologia Neotropical, 20 255-263. 2009.

Salgado-Ortiz, J., Marra, P.P., Sillett, T.S. and Robertson, R.J. Breeding Ecology of the Mangrove Warbler (Dendroica petechia Bryanti) and Comparative Life History of the Yellow Warbler Subspecies Complex, The Auk, 125 (2) 402-410. 2008.

Smith, J., Marra, P.P. and Reitsma, L.R. Roosting Behavior of Northern Waterthrush during the Non-Breeding Season, Journal of Avian Biology, 39 460-465. 2008.

Smith, J.A.M., Reitsma, L.R., Rockwood, L.L. and Marra, P.P. Roosting behavior of a Neotropical migrant songbird, the northern waterthrush Seiurus noveboracensis, during the non-breeding season, Journal of Avian Biology, 39 (4) 460-465. 2008.

Studds, C.E., Kyser, T.K. and Marra, P.P. Natal dispersal drive by environmental conditions interacting across the annual cycle of a migratory songbird, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 2929-2933. 2008.

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