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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children
Child Support Report Vol. XXV, No. 10, Oct 2003

Child Support Report is a publication of the Office of Child Support Enforcement, Division of Consumer Services.

CSR is published for information purposes only. No official endorsement of any practice, publication, or individual by the Department of Health and Human Services or the Office of Child Support Enforcement is intended or should be inferred.

Partnering for Children

Web Cast Information - 13th National Child Support Enforcement Training Conference "Partnering for Children"

OCSE Commissioner Awards

Military Reservists and Child Support

Marriage Protection Week, 2003 - By the President of the United States of America - A Proclamation

Improving Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations

Follow Up to Previous Articles

2003 Conference and Events

Partnering for Children

By: Larry Holtz

Reflecting its theme "Partnering for Children", the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) held its 13th National Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Training Conference, September 8-10, by hosting representatives from 50 combined states/territories and 6 tribes. A total of approximately 450 people attended the conference in Washington, D.C. along with an untold number of additional web cast viewers. Most of the plenary and workshop sessions emphasized the need to create, reestablish, or enhance viable partnerships with states and other stakeholders including other components of the Administration of Children and Families (ACF).

In her keynote address to the 13th National audience - "Partnering to Meet the Challenges in the Child Support Enforcement Program" - Commissioner Sherri Z. Heller recalled words from Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous 'I Have A Dream' speech forty years earlier, when he indicated he had seen the mountain top. Drawing on that analogy, Dr. Heller suggested that for those in the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) community there is also a mountain top. It is providing regular, reliable, and sufficient income to families that need it. She went on to applaud the remarkable strides that the CSE program has made, especially in the last five years, and urged a continued commitment to reaching our ultimate goal. She cautioned, however, that we cannot afford to be complacent or satisfied with the accomplishments of the past because that equates to reaching only a plateau or even sliding back down the mountain. Dr. Heller then provided five management tools to assist in reaching the goal of child support as a reliable source of income.

Those principles are:

Dr. Heller closed her commentary with a more in depth discussion of how each of the tools identified could and should be applied to everyday working situations to help attain the successes needed to move the CSE community closer to reaching beyond where we are now and closer to our ultimate goal - the summit.

The conference workshops and plenary sessions showcased various methods aimed at improving collaboration among CSE partners and identifying other tools and practices to help eliminate the many barriers to interstate case processing; coordination between the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the CSE program; increased medical support to child support-eligible children; increased services to children of minority groups; and children whose cases are international. Also featured were workshops with newer partners in the CSE program, such as faith-based, healthy marriage, and fatherhood organizations, along with the many entities serving children through the National Child Access and Visitation Grant program. The role of the employer, courts, and other partners important to the CSE program were similarly highlighted.

On the second day of the conference, Commissioner Heller joined with the ACF Office of Family Assistance, Chief of Staff, Grant Collins, in a plenary session which involved a frank and free wheeling discussion on how the partnership should work to benefit both the CSE and TANF programs. The dynamic duo concluded their lively and entertaining exchange with the consensus that the data available to both components needs to be fully shared in order for it to be effectively used in resolving cases.

An awards ceremony capped off the luncheon hosted by OCSE and honored Federal staff, as well as state, judicial, and other individuals and organizations that have made a difference to the nation's Child Support Enforcement program.

Larry Holtz is the Court and Military Liaison in the Division of State, Tribal, and Local Assistance's National Training Center.

Web Cast Information - 13th National Child Support Enforcement Training Conference "Partnering for Children"

To view the digital recording of the plenary sessions and workshops click on the following link: . Then scroll down to the two OCSE sessions available for your viewing: (Day 1, September 8th and Day 2, September 9th)

Day 1, September 8th

Opening Ceremony: In the Opening Ceremony view a montage video of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) and its partners. Listen to the welcoming addresses from the District of Columbia's, Maryland's, and Virginia's IV-D Directors who include comments about their commitment to marriage projects in their remarks. The Opening Ceremony ends with Dr. Sherri Z. Heller providing points regarding what we need to do to improve our program for the coming year.

Partnering to Meet the Challenges in Interstate Case Processing: This plenary showcases a panel of experts who describe new interstate tools and products, highlight the use of technology, and discuss the importance of partnerships in both the administrative and judicial environment.

Interstate Case Reconciliation (ICR): In this workshop presenters discuss how the ICR can improve services to families and fits into the broader OCSE initiative to improve interstate case processing.

Working with the Military on Child Support Matters: This workshop highlights what the experts (child support enforcement and military) have to say about working with the military, including tips on establishing and enforcing support obligations both financial and medical. The presenters also introduce OCSE's new training curriculum for cases involving the military

Day 2, September 9th

Child Support and TANF - A Critical Partnership for Strengthening Families: This plenary is set-up in a "talk show" format featuring OCSE's Commissioner Sherri Z. Heller and the Federal Office of Family Assistance Chief of Staff Grant Collins. They discuss the importance and the benefits of Child Support Enforcement and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) partnerships. Joining them from Harrisburg are John Clark, Region III, and Pennsylvania State IV-A/IV-D staff who describe initiatives they have begun to improve relationships.

Don't Let Borders be Barriers-International Child Support Enforcement Cooperation: This workshop describes how international reciprocal cooperation is established, how it works, and some things to do when there is no federal agreement or state arrangement.

International Reciprocity Leading towards a New Hague Multilateral Convention: Presenters report current efforts by the international CSE community to design and revise a child support multilateral convention that will improve international case processing.

Since broadcasting our 13th National CSE Training Conference as a web casting event, several States inquired about what software/hardware was needed to successfully view the web cast. Web cast events can be viewed using RealOne or RealPlayer software. You can download and install the latest free version of RealPlayer software from If you need help installing the software send an email to

As far as hardware is concerned, web cast events are best viewed with a high-speed network connection and high color or better color setting. At a minimum, your computer will need VGA graphics with at least 256 colors, a sound card with speakers or headphones, and a network connection or high-speed modem. Any multi-media computer with a 56 Kbps (Kilobits per second) modem connecting at 34 KBPS or faster can view current web cast events with the latest free version of Real client software.

For any questions or comments, contact Yvette Riddick at

OCSE Commissioner Awards

Commissioner Awards presented at the 13th National Child Support Enforcement Training Conference Awards Luncheon follow. OCSE Commissioner Sherri Z. Heller, Ed.D. announced her second annual series of awards in the following categories:

Commissioner's Award for Exemplary Customer Services

Colorado Division of Child Support Enforcement
Bilinda McKay-Johnson, Lead Family Support Registry Program Specialist

Florida Child Support Enforcement Program
Undistributed Collections Resolution Action Team
Lillie Bogan, Director

Missouri Division of Child Support Enforcement
Laura O'Mara, Social Services Manager

Commissioner's Award for Achievement Beyond the Call of Duty

Aleida Varona-Mendez
Administrator, Puerto Rico Administration for Child Support

Commissioner's Award for Creative Use of Automation in Increasing Efficiency

Bobbie Davis, Management Analyst
Iowa Bureau of Collections

Kentucky Division of Child Support
Steven Veno, Director

South Dakota Office of Child Support Enforcement
Mark Close, Assistant Program Administrator

Commissioner's Partnership Award

The National Automated Clearinghouse Association
Priscilla Hollard, Helena Sims, Gary Nesbitt (EastPay)

Commissioner's Judicial and Executive State Partnership Award

TheHonorable Terry L. Bullock
3rd Judicial District, Kansas

Julie Elder
Chief, Topeka Child Support Enforcement Area Office.

Commissioner's Award for Outstanding State Legislator

The Honorable Peter Hershberger

Commissioner's Award for Practical Partnership Initiative

Oregon Division of Child Support
Shani Fuller, Manager for Policy, Rules, and Legislative Section

Commissioner's Award for Consistent Commitment to the Child Support Enforcement Program

Antoinette Downing, Special Assistant to the Director
Keith Bassett, Director, Office of Audit (Retired)

Commissioner's Group Award for Achievement Beyond the Call of Duty

Donna Bonar, Robin Rushton, Joseph Bodmer, Michael Rifkin, Walter Zeitschel, and David Tabler

Commissioner's Regional Group Award for Exemplary Technical Assistance

ACF Region III - Juanita DeVine, John Clark, Carolyn Crumbley, Joan Kaub, Valerie Kelly, Jack Shaw, and Mary Williams

Military Reservists and Child Support

By: Greg Abbott

Due to the crisis in Iraq, thousands of mothers and fathers in the military reserves and National Guard are leaving civilian careers for active duty on our shores and abroad. First and foremost, my employees and I join those who thank you for your sacrifice in service to our country.

Many reservists called to active duty may be parents who receive child support services through the Child Support Division of my Office. We wish to assist those parents during their transition to full-time military service by ensuring that their children's court -ordered child support payments are not disrupted. We also want parents to understand our policies pertaining to military service, particularly in the areas of review and adjustment of child support orders, medical support, and passport requests.

If you are a custodial or non-custodial parent who has been called to active duty, please report your change of address and/or employment status to your local child support office. This notification is especially important for non-custodial parents whose child support payments are withheld from their paycheck, so that we know to issue a new withholding order to the military employer.

Employers of military reservists who pay child support through an income withholding order can also report their employee's changed status. Contact us at (800) 252-8014 to report your employee's date of activation to full-time military service. My office will issue a new income withholding order to the appropriate military service branch to avoid lapses in child support payments.

Review and Adjustment

For some parents, military activation will mean a reduction in total monthly income. We do not want parents to fall behind on child support because they are unable to make payments that are based on a higher salary. Non-custodial parents experiencing a change in monthly income due to military deployment may contact their child support office to request a review and adjustment of the child support order. My staff will give these requests the highest priority. Being called to active duty is considered a material and substantial change in circumstances and constitutes legal grounds for requesting a review of the child support amount. If the ocurt order is eligible for modification, it will be based on the parent's new income.

Medical Support

Court orders to support children finally also include the requirement to provide medical support . Parents who are called to active duty may enroll their children in the military health care coverage TRICARE by contacting their military base. If the parents ordered to provide medical support is in the military and does no enroll the child(ren) in TRICARE, the custodial parent can initiate enrollment by bringing the child(ren) and court order to any military base in the world.

Passport Requests

Man and women in military service may be required to obtain passports before their deployment depending on their job duties and assignments. The State Department will not issue passports to parents who owe $5,000 or more in past-due child support until arrangements are made to satisfy the arrearage. Parents whose passport applications are denied should contact their child support office to work out an agreement for paying the amount that is owed.

Greg Abbott is the Texas Attorney General and Director of the Texas Child Support Enforcement Agency.

Printed with permission from the Texas Attorney General's Office.

Marriage Protection Week, 2003 - By the President of the United States of America - A Proclamation

Marriage is a sacred institution, and its protection is essential to the continued strength of our society. Marriage Protection Week provides an opportunity to focus our efforts on preserving the sanctity of marriage and on building strong and healthy marriages in America.

Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and my Administration is working to support the institution of marriage by helping couples build successful marriages and be good parents.

To encourage marriage and promote the well-being of children, I have proposed a healthy marriage initiative to help couples develop the skills and knowledge to form and sustain healthy marriages. Research has shown that, on average, children raised in households headed by married parents fare better than children who grow up in other family structures. Through education and counseling programs, faith-based, community, and government organizations promote healthy marriages and a better quality of life for children. By supporting responsible child-rearing and strong families, my Administration is seeking to ensure that every child can grow up in a safe and loving home.

We are also working to make sure that the Federal Government does not penalize marriage. My tax relief package eliminated the marriage penalty. And as part of the welfare reform package I have proposed, we will do away with the rules that have made it more difficult for married couples to move out of poverty.

We must support the institution of marriage and help parents build stronger families. And we must continue our work to create a compassionate, welcoming society, where all people are treated with dignity and respect.

During Marriage Protection Week, I call on all Americans to join me in expressing support for the institution of marriage with all its benefits to our people, our culture, and our society.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim the week of October 12 through October 18, 2003, as Marriage Protection Week. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-eighth.


Improving Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations

On September 22, the Administration eliminated more barriers that had kept faith-based organizations from partnering with the Federal government to help people in need. Four new regulatory actions were finalized by HUD and HHS, five new regulatory changes and one policy change were announced by DOJ, Veterans Affairs, Education and Labor. In addition, over $30 million in new Compassion Capital Fund grants were awarded to 81 organizations to provide technical assistance and increase the capacity of faith-based and community organizations that work with the homeless, addicted, and others who suffer from poverty and despair.

Follow Up to Previous Articles

In our August and September 2003 issues, we reprinted "Closing the Marriage Gap." an article by, Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, Dr. Wade F. Horn. Healthy Marriage is one of ACF's "Key Priorities." More information is available on the ACF web site at

2003 Conference and Events


2-6 - Western Interstate Child Support Enforcement Council (WICSEC) 20th Annual Training Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Margie Adams, (702) 486-8526.

17-19 - Tennessee Child Support Conference, Nashville, TN, Dottie Griggs, (615) 313-4880.

20 - National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) Child Support Tele-Talk (Broadcast) Topic: Systems (IT), NCSEA, (202) 624-8180.

January, 2004

15 - National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) Child Support Tele-Talk (Broadcast), Topic: Tribal Issues, NCSEA, (202) 624-8180.

26-28 - National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) 2004 Midyear Policy Forum & Training Conference, Washington, DC, NCSEA, (202) 624-8180.

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