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Internal Revenue Service

A Federal government agency responsible for administering the Internal Revenue Code, reporting requirements for Social Security and Medicare taxes, and auditing and collecting FICA taxes.


man speaking on telephone

National Conference of State Social Security Administrators (NCSSSA)  [Disclaimer]

This group lends peer support, expertise and a forum for networking to the State Social Security Administrators. The NCSSSA also provides a critical link between the States, the SSA and the IRS.



Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

A Federal government corporation established by title IV of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) in 1974 to encourage the growth of defined benefit plans, provide timely and uninterrupted payment of benefits and maintain pension insurance premiums at the lowest level necessary to carry out the Corporation's obligations.



Social Security Administration's Office of the Actuary



Social Security Advisory Board

An independent, bipartisan Board created by Congress and appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters related to the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs.



State Public Employer Web Sites

  • Colorado  [Disclaimer]
  • The State of Colorado Department of Labor and Employment provides this Web site as a quick reference tool for Social Security and Medicare coverage, benefits, and tax withholding requirements for state and local (public) employees. While this Web site is part of the State of Colorado's Homepage and includes examples using Colorado and its political subdivisions, the issues presented are national in nature.

  • Kentucky  [Disclaimer]
  • Louisiana  [Disclaimer]
  • Pennsylvania  [Disclaimer]
  • Tennessee  [Disclaimer]

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
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