Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
The Office of the Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate fights for affordable, reliable, and fair auto and home insurance in the state of Michigan. Our office's website address is michigan.gov/lowerratesnow

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate The Advocate presented at the Michigan Association of Insurance Agents board meeting this morning in Lansing. Q and A followed. The agents want to open up a dialogue. That's a good thing. The auto insurance reform train for fair and affordable rates is leaving the station!

Yesterday at 3:18pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Check out the latest episode of "Insurance 101," now airing on cable stations around the state. We take you behind the scenes to see how auto and home insurance claims are processed: http://www.michigan.gov/dleg/0,1607,7-154-10573_11472-219420--,00.html

Wed at 6:34am
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate The average American driver pays $44 per monthe for car insurance, compared to $90 per month for the average Michigan driver, according to National Association of Insurance Commissioners data. Yet crashes are down by 54% and company profits are at record levels. For the first time in 30 years, a package of bills is being readied to help Michigan drivers obtain fair and affordable premiums now. Time to act!

August 2 at 10:46am
It's about time someone is going to act on the behalf of the citizens of Michigan. Good job Butch!! Thank you for doing your part to make Michigan a better place to live!! =)
August 3 at 12:01pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Thanks for the great input and comments. Since No Fault was enacted on October 1, 1973, the insurance industry has had Lansing in a headlock. Breathtaking deregulation has led to historic power and profits for companies at the expense of consumers. The state Legislature must stand with consumers for lower rates, and hold the industry accountable by... Read More adopting the 10 recommendations for auto insurance reform put forth by this Office, on behalf of the Governor. Recommendations such as banning the practice of credit scoring, offering a low cost policy for the working poor, and requiring companies to get the approval of the state Insurance Commissioner before they can raise their rates.
August 3 at 10:05pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Hats off to Speaker of the House Andy Dillon, Chair of the House Committee on Insurance Rep. Barb Byrum, and House Democrats for creating a package of bills that will toughen penalties and rein in corporate leaders who promote a culture that denies consumers' legitimate claims. Visit here to read more: http://067.housedems.com/news/article/house-dems-bad-faith-insurance-practices-must-end/plan-cracks

July 23 at 6:32am
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Aprreciate it Mark! As you can see, we have first-rate leadership in the Legislature. That will be crucial in getting the recommendations for fair and affordable insurance passed into law this year.
July 27 at 2:29pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Highest Rates in the Country - Insurance Advocate appears on Lansing-area Comcast Newsmakers this week to discuss legislation that could help address Michigan's highest-in-the-country auto and home insurance rates, and also gives tips to consumers on how to save money now on their insurance. Check local listings for time and channels.

July 13 at 9:37am
Is the video from this comcast appearance available online? Maybe at YouTube? If so, link to it. If not, you should check into making future shows and appearances available online. People are more likely to watch a vid clip (or audio clip) on something they care about than read an article, I think.
August 3 at 4:30pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Good suggestion Amy. And you're right. We put all episodes of our "Insurance 101" shows on the website <www.michigan.gov/lowerratesnow> for easy viewing. We'll post what's on line, and if it's not on line we'll talk to the stations about getting a DVD of future interviews, and posting it here.
Yesterday at 3:07pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Michigan boaters, motorcyclists, snowmobilers and operators of other recreational vehicles can learn about various insurance coverage options, and how to reduce premium costs, on the latest episode of "Insurance 101 with Butch Hollowell," set to begin airing this week on cable stations throughout the state. Click here to read more: http://www.michigan.gov/dleg/0,1607,7-154-10573_11472-217494--,00.html

June 30 at 8:04am
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Thank you House Judiciary Committee Chair Mark Meadows, for entering the Advocate’s written submission on the high number (20%) of uninsured drivers in Michigan into the official record of the committee’s June 19 hearing. This unacceptably high percentage reflects auto insurance rates that are unaffordable for far too many Michiganians. We need comprehensive insurance reform passed in the State Legislature this year!

June 24 at 6:14am
Thats right. This year!
June 24 at 12:15pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate A number of people have been asking about showtimes for "Insurance 101" in their area. So we have compiled a list of the cities that are showing it, as well as when and where. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to give feedback.

June 16 at 11:14am
Good job
June 16 at 2:39pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Thanks Derrick! Nice seeing you at Cadillac Place.
June 16 at 2:53pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Catch the Advocate on Lansing’s WILS Radio, 1320 AM, being interviewed by host Walt Sorg. The Advocate discussed important savings tips for Michiganians, ranging from cars to boats. These and other consumer savings tips can be seen on the top-rated “Insurance 101” show.

That can be accessed at michigan.gov/lowerratesnow.

Source: www.amlansing.com
June 15 at 9:31am
Good stuff, Butch!
June 15 at 9:35am
i take credit for ANY and ALL good that you do. thank you.
June 15 at 10:49am
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Lets raise awarness by becoming a fan of my page. 500 BY FRIDAY!!!!

June 3 at 10:07am
I have been an advocate for fair auto and home insurance for years, having represented thousands of people who needed coverage and had to fight to receive it. May this good work continue.Let me know if I can be of any help.
June 10 at 9:31am
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
George, thank you so much. To get our reform package of bills enacted by the State Legislature, we will need all hands on deck. I'm looking forward to learning from your insights and experience.
June 10 at 1:44pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Check your local cable station to view the latest episode of "Insurance 101." This month my guest is Lynn Brouwers, director of Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers, who discusses the outstanding health care benefits that are part of Michigan’s No Fault insurance system.

Source: www.michigan.gov
MI Department of Labor & Economic Growth -
June 3 at 7:16am
This programs airs on Comcast channel 10 in Waterford.
June 3 at 7:46am
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
The show runs on 81 different cable stations throughout the state. The stations will get us a schedule of the time slots, shortly, which will be posted here. In the mean time, you can watch the current show, and all past episodes, today, on our website:www.michigan.gov/lowerratesnow.
June 3 at 12:01pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Lynn Brouwers, director of Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers, testifies at the Auto Insurance Affordability public hearing in Bay City.

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate A big thanks to State Rep. Bert Johnson for inviting me to discuss insurance reform at his "State of the Community" town hall meeting last night. Other speakers included Detroit Mayor Dave Bing; Kim Trent, Governor's Office; Sen. Martha Scott; Rep. Tim Melton; Rep. Marie Donigan; Rep. Fred Durhal; Rep. Shanelle Jackson; and Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Lots of valuable information. Excellent public dialogue. Great event!

June 2 at 11:23am
We're depending on you Butch.
June 2 at 3:30pm
Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate

Michigan Automobile and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate Here's more evidence that consumers are doing their part to take costs out of the insurance system. Fewer crashes should mean lower premiums!

Source: www.freep.com
A number of trends -- not least the economy and unemployment -- appear to be making southeast Michigan a safer place to drive.