The Official Web Site For The State of New Jersey
Global Navigation NJ Home Page Services A to Z Departments/ Agencies FAQs

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  In the spaces provided below, please enter your contact information, the service program you are interested in and your question/problem.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. All others are optional.

Warning: Users of the Google Chrome browser should note that they may experience difficulties transmitting cases through this facility. We cannot guarantee that we will receive your information if you use this browser. Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher is the preferred browser when submitting a case.

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Service Category: *
Other Service Category:
Business Name:
10 Digit Business ID or UCC Filing Number: Find 10 Digit ID or UCC Filing Number

* Required Fields

revenue: revhome | registrations | certifications | tax filings | online services | njbgs

Updated: 04/07/09