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Child & Adult Care Food Program


Legislative History
Overview traces significant changes in CACFP, from 1968 through 2004.
National School Lunch Act
Section 17 of the National School Lunch Act authorizes the Child and Adult Care Food Program.  This link takes you the most current version of the Act, dated October 1, 2008.
Child Nutrition Act
This link takes you the most current version of the Act, dated October 1, 2008.
Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 - Public Law 108-265 
This Act made several changes to the Child Nutrition Program as well as WIC.  Provisions within the Act made changes to the Child and Adult Care Food Program, as well as the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and Summer Food Service Program.  This version of the Act is dated June 30, 2004.
Public Law 106-224 [PDF]
Letter explains provisions of the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000, signed into law on June 20, 2000.


Last modified: 04/08/2009