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Blue Space for balance En Espanol Together We Prepare CDC - Emergency Preparedness and Response Publications

arrow image 1 for navigation Home
arrow image 2 for navigation Emergency Water and Food Supplies
  arrow image 3 for navigation Disaster Supplies Kit
arrow image 4 for navigation Sheltering-in-Place
arrow image 5 for navigation Quarantine and Isolation
  arrow image 6 for navigation Quarantine Fact Sheet
arrow image 8 for navigation Maintaining a healthy State of Mind
  arrow image 9 for navigation Parents/caregivers
  arrow image 10 for navigation Middle school students
  arrow image 11 for navigation High school students
  arrow image 12 for navigation Adults
  arrow image 13 for navigation Seniors

What do you think of our website?

The possibility of terrorist incidents in the United States concerns many people. To help, the American Red Cross and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have teamed up to answer common questions and provide guidance on steps you can take now to protect you and your loved ones.

On this site, you will find guidance on—
what kinds of emergency supplies to put aside and advice on how, from food and water to disaster supplies kits.

You will also find information on—

  • What sheltering-in-place means, how it would work and what it would involve.
  • When quarantine and isolation may be called for, what they are and how it would work.
  • Tools for coping with terrorism for adults, parents, children, students and seniors.

More topics will be posted on this site when available.


Build a Kit

What kinds of threats does terrorism pose?
What can I do now?
What can I expect after a possible terrorist event?

Last Updated 2/23/2006 10:58:50 AM