Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Queen Angelfish

Queen Angelfish.
Credit: Carl Hansen

Elephant in the Rotunda Queen Angelfish Hope Diamond Sea turtle

Join and Explore the Ocean With Us!

To celebrate the opening of the extraordinary new Sant Ocean Hall, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History has launched a welcoming charter membership program — the first in its almost 100-year history.

Come celebrate the 4.5-billion year history of our planet at a museum that is world renowned for its groundbreaking research, stunning collections, innovative education, and fascinating exhibitions. You have the chance of a lifetime to secure your place in history as a Charter Member of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.

Oceans Exhibit
The Sant Ocean Hall

Charter Membership at the Museum is filled with insider opportunities and experiences you’ll find nowhere else. Among the many Benefits and Privileges for members, the Museum will honor your generosity as a Charter Member by listing your name on the Ocean Wall of Supporters in the new Sant Ocean Hall during your Charter Member year.

As a Charter Member, you’ll have a special place at an extraordinary Museum that interprets the natural world for more visitors than any other natural history museum on the planet!

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