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Highways for LIFE

Innovation Station
A toolbox for Innovations and Technologies

Featured Project

4500 South at I-215 East Rapid Bridge Replacement Project Salt Lake City, Utah

Nestled in the scenic Wasatch Front the 4500 South Bridge over I-215 East is being replaced using an innovative process called Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) which allows for the building of a new bridge in a staging area until it is moved into place. Watch animiation of the existing bridge being replaced with a single span bridge (.wmv, 8 mb).

 A self-propelled modular transporter moves the prefabricated superstructure of the new 4500 South bridge in Salt Lake City, Utah

Want to hear discussions on particular innovations?

Each month, the Utah LTAP (Local Technical Assistance Program) conducts a videoconference with state DOT professionals to discuss specific technologies. These include things as diverse as roundabouts and maintenance programs.

Stakeholder Input Requested

Stakeholder involvement provides the Highways for LIFE program with valuable input on everything from program goals to construction projects. It enables FHWA to build the support needed to sustain the changes the program is bringing about. We welcome your knowledge and insight on the program's future directionNew

Announcing the FY09 Selected Projects and Reopening the Solicitation for Demonstration Projects

Colorado, Florida, Maine, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, D.C., and Wisconsin have been chosen for 2009 grants of up to $1 million each. Jeff Paniati, the Federal Highway Administration's acting deputy administrator, announced that the awards had been made at a Highways for LIFE stakeholders meeting in May.  New
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Featured Success Story: Florida

Graves Avenue Prefabricated Bridge Project: Widening of I-4 from four to six lanes the old Graves Avenue Bridge had to go. Officials from the Florida DOT had seen an innovative bridge building technique in use overseas. There, crews used self-propelled modular transporters or s-p-m-ts to lift old bridges out of the way and then replace them with pre-constructed bridge spans in a short amount of time. The Graves Avenue project is the first time s-p-m-ts have been used in the construction of a bridge over an interstate highway in the United States. Watch a video on the Graves Avenue project (.wmv, 14 mb).

Project Demonstration Showcase

About HfL

The purpose of the Highways for LIFE (HfL) pilot program is to accelerate the adoption of innovations and new technologies, thereby improving safety and highway quality while reducing congestion caused by construction. [ More about Highways for LIFE ]

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This page last modified on 06/22/09
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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration