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New Zealand

U.S. Ambassador Vacant (Accredited to both Samoa and New Zealand; resident in Wellington, New Zealand.)
Background Notes

Map and flag of New Zealand

In Commemoration of ANZAC Day
On April 25, the American people join Australians and New Zealanders across the globe in remembering and honoring those who have served with distinction in the defense forces of their countries over many decades. Statement by Secretary Clinton

U.S.-New Zealand Relationship
Date: 04/07/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton delivers remarks with New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully after the signing ceremony for the U.S.-New Zealand Arrangement for Cooperation on Nonproliferation Assistance.
State Dept PhotoSecretary Clinton (Apr. 7): "Five months ago, just as we were electing a new president, our friends in New Zealand elected a new government led by Prime Minister John Key. And we’re off to a great start together. The U.S.-New Zealand relationship is the best it has been in 25 years, and we look forward to building on the progress we have already made. New Zealand is such a valued partner. It is a country whose values and interests coincide very often with ours. In Afghanistan, its elite Special Air Services troops distinguished themselves early on, and New Zealand’s leadership of the Bamiyan Provincial Reconstruction Team has been a model for other nations."  Full Text | Media Note