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Weighing & measuring device licenses
Introduction to licenses
Small weighing devices
Large weighing devices
Measuring devices
More information on devices
Introduction to licenses
All weighing and measuring devices being used commercially in the state of Oregon must be licensed with the Department of Agriculture. You will find a list of the licenses, broken down by device type. The annual license fee listed is for the fiscal year, not a calendar year. The license year runs from July 1st to June 30th and the fees are not prorated. The fee is for each device and is based upon the manufacturer's rated capacity for that device.

Small weighing devices
Description                                                                                License fee
Type A Device
Scales where manufacturer´s rated capacity is:
from 0 to 400 pounds
Type B Device
Scales where manufacturer´s rated capacity is:
from 401 to 1,160 pounds
Type C Device
Scales where manufacturer´s rated capacity is:
from 1,161 to 7,500 pounds
Type D Device
Scales where manufacturer´s rated capacity is:
from 7,501 to 60,000 pounds
Type E Device
Scales where manufacturer´s rated capacity is:
over 60,000 pounds

Large weighing devices
Description                                                                                             License fee
Type Q Device
Railroad track scales, weigh-in-motion
Type R Device
Railroad track scales, static weighing
Type W Device
Continuous weighing devices where:
manufacturer´s rated capacity is under 10 tons per hour
Type X Device
Continuous weighing devices where:
manufacturer´s rated capacity is 10 to 150 tons per hour
Type Y Device
Continuous weighing devices where:
manufacturer´s rated capacity is 151 to 1,000 tons per hour
Type Z Device
Continuous weighing devices where:
manufacturer´s rated capacity is over 1,000 tons per hour

Measuring devices
Desription License fee
Type F Device
Service station type pump meters where:
manufacturer´s rated capacity is
under 20 gallons per minute (except LPG meters)
Type G Device
Bulk petroleum fuel meters where:
manufacturer´s rated capacity is
20-150 gallons per minute
Type H Device
Bulk petroleum fuel meters where:
manufacturer´s rated capacity is
over 150 gallons per minute
Type M Device
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) meters
1 inch diameter or under
Type N Device
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) meters
over 1 inch diameter
Type O Device
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) vapor meters
1 inch diameter and under
Type P Device
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) vapor meters
over 1 inch diameter

More information on devices

Page updated: May 19, 2008

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