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Public Inquiries

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act, commonly known as the FOIA, was enacted by Congress in 1966 to give the American public greater access to the Federal Government's records. Congress amended the FOIA statute several times since then. An informal explanation of the FOIA process at the FCC is available.


Copies of documents which are available or made available for inspection under Sections 0.451 through 0.465, may be prepared and certified, under seal, by the Secretary, or for documents located in the Commission's Gettysburg, PA office, by his deputy. Requests must be in writing.


Best Copy and Printing, Inc. provides equipment and research services to the public for photocopying documents at the FCC, provides research services for various records and ensures daily subscription services to customers.


An administering Amateur Volunteer Examiner must give credit to an examinee holding an expired or unexpired FCC-issued Technician Class operator license document granted before March 21, 1987: Element 3(B) - Section 97.505 (a)(8). If the examinee does not have the original Technician class license, a verification letter stating he/she was licensed prior to March 21, 1987 may be requested from the Commission.


Requests for copies of documents by representatives of foreign governments or persons residing in foreign countries should be submitted to the General Counsel

License Refunds

Requests for refund of a fee paid to the FCC must be made in writing.

Ship/ Aircraft Special Temporary Authority

You may operate your marine or aircraft radio after you have mailed your application(s) to the FCC if you complete, detach, and retain the temporary operating authority attached to the application form.

Fee Exemptions

Governmental Entities, Special Emergency and Public Safety Radio Services may request fee exemptions.

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