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Collaboration and Partnership

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You have reached the Contents page for a collection of project descriptions gathered from across the Agency. Several of them may appear in the Council on Environmental Quality’s 2007 Annual Report on Cooperative Conservation. Following are links to 111 EPA examples of collaboration, partnerships and activities designed to improve collaboration competencies.


Collaboration and Partnership



Large-scale Ecosystem Improvement

A Biodiversity Strategy for Lake Ontario
Building Innovative Industry-Producer Partnerships to Reduce Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico
Columbia River Toxics Reduction Strategy An EPA National Priority
Gulf of Mexico Governors’ Alliance
Memorandum of Agreement on Fostering Collaboration and Efficiencies to Address Water Quality Impairments on National Forest System Lands

Local/Regional Partnerships for Ecosystem/Quality of Life Improvement

Advancing Environmental Performance through Integrating Stewardship between Local Officials and the Development Community
Atchafalaya East Watershed Initiative (LA)
Beaver Creek Watershed Initiative
Birch Bay Watershed Characterization Pilot Study
Enhancement of Watershed Protection Measures in the Karst Region of Pleasant Grove Creek, Kentucky
Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model: Project and Documentary Film
Mystic River
Puget Sound Partnership (WA)
Schuylkill Action Network (PA)
Unique Multi-Party Actions to Improve Environmental Results (FL)
Watershed Improvement Summary-Lake Apopka (FL)
Watershed Improvement Summary-Little River Subwatershed (TN)
Watershed Improvement Summary-Lower Horse Creek Watershed (SC)

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Water Infrastructure

Denver-Metro Area Water Sense Model Community
Innovative Funding Approaches and Partners to Help Address Nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure
Potomac River Basin Drinking Water Source Protection Partnership
Rhode Island Sanitary Sewer Overflow Integrated Initiative
Sibley Lake Drinking Water Protection Project
Sustainable Water Infrastructure Video and Case Studies

Habitat/Landscape Improvement

2007 Chicago Wilderness Conservation and Native Landscaping Awards Program
Palmerton, PA – Zinc Pile Site
The Wisconsin Cooperative Conservation Initiative

Good Samaritan/Acid Mine Drainage

Good Samaritan CERCLA Administrative Tools
Improving Water Quality in the Ocoee River (TN)

Air Quality Improvement

Air Quality Management Plan Pilot Projects
Blue Skyways Collaborative
Mid-Atlantic Diesel Collaborative
Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative
SmartWay and Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative’s “Idle Free Quiet Zone” Program
Southeast Diesel Collaborative
State Early Action Plans
Supplemental Risk Analysis of Potential Air Emissions from the Confined Disposal Facility for the Indiana Harbor and Shipping Canal Sediment Dredging and Disposal Project

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Conflict Resolution Actions

Montana-Wyoming Water Quality Standards/ Coal Bed Methane Negotiations

Regulatory Streamlining/Removing Barriers to Collaboration

A Conference for Federal Regulatory Professionals
eRulemaking Program’s Migration of Departments and Agencies to Regulations.gov

Federal Facilities Clean-up

Annual EPA-DOD Federal Facility Colloquium
Chesapeake Bay Focused Environmental Management System
Federal Facilities:  Federal Prison Initiative

Tools/Activities that Encourage and Ease Collaboration

Annual EPA-DOD-STATE Federal Facility Colloquium
Change a Light Campaign Intergovernmental Outreach
Environmental Finance Program
EPA-State Workgroup  - “Stormcatchers”
EPA and State Environmental Commissioners and Oil and Gas Directors: Improving Communications and Consultation
Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
Intergovernmental Outreach to Local Elected Officials
Highlands Action Program Charter
Improving Water Quality Standards Review
Mid Atlantic Green Highways Partnership
Mid-Atlantic Wetland Working Group
Mining and Mineral Processing Dialogue Group
Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee
National Association Outreach Meetings
Ohio River Valley Conference on Sustainable Development
Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee
State Reporting Burden Reduction Initiative
Strategic Partnership Agreements
Systematic Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Results
Taking Environmental Protection to the Next Level: An Assessment of the U.S. Environmental Services Delivery System
Tennessee Growth Readiness Program
Toxic Substances Control Act- College and University Polychlorinated Biphenyls Compliance Assistance Workshop
Water Quality Trading

Community-Based Work

Annapolis Eco-Tour Showcases Environmental Achievements
Collaborative Problem Solving
Communities in Action for Asthma Friendly Environments
Community Action for a Renewed Environment Program Cross-Agency Program
Community-Based Abandoned Drum Clean Up and Chukotka Demonstration Project
EPA/ATSDR and State and Local Brownfields Health Projects
FY07 Five-Star Restoration Training Grant Sub-award
Greater Grand Rapids Children’s Environmental Health Initiative
Maple Beach Brownfields Project
Pennsylvania Bacteria Pilot
Rebuilding Greensburg, Kansas - Sustainable Long-Term Community Recovery Plan
Sustainable Management of the Pocono Creek Watershed
Tampa Bay Estuary Program- Bay Mini-Grant Program
Targeted Watersheds Grants
Voluntary Monitoring Equipment Loan Program

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Partnerships for Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization

Collision Repair Initiative
Commodity-Grade Mercury Stakeholder Panel
Compliance Assistance Centers
Earth Keepers: A Community, Tribal and Faith-based Approach to Pollution Prevention in the Great Lakes Basin
Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool
Integrated Pest Management in Affordable Housing
National Partnership for Environmental Priorities
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program
Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products in the Environment
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
RCC Scrap Tire Workgroup
Recyclemania Outreach Partnership Team
Rose Township Michigan Superfund Site—Biodiesel Project
Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign
State/EPA and Stakeholder Partnership to Recycle/Divert Food and Paper Wastes in the Mid-Atlantic
Strategic Agriculture Initiative(National)
Strategic Agricultural Initiative (Regional)
The National Vehicle Mercury Switch Recovery Program
The Resource Conservation Challenge

Working with Tribes

Blue Skyways Clean School Bus Collaborative
Improving Compliance in Indian Country
IPA From EPA Region 4 to the Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Yukon River Solid Waste Backhaul and Recycling Program


Collaboration Training
Growing Collaborative Skills through Experience and Training
Hiring at All Levels Targeting Collaboration & Communication Skills
Leadership Development
Legal Authorities Supporting Collaboration

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