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About the MICHIGAN.GOV Suite of Sites

  • 124 Live Web sites on as of 1/01/2009
  • 320 Online services and around 640 links to Search for a State License are listed on
  • 124,740 Live content items in the CMA.
    • 105,467 of the 124,740 live content items are shared in one or more places across the 128 sites for a total of 230,207 content items that are displayed on
  • Over 240,000 Files: Documents, Spreadsheets, Images, PDF files, Flash Files, Multimedia Files
  • 7,009 Navigational categories

Usage Statistics

  • 43,500,000 average monthly Page Views for 2008
  • 8,831,015  average monthly Visits for 2008
  • 429,000,000 average monthly Hits for 2008
  • 7.4 trillion average monthly bytes for 2008
  • 104,250 average monthly visits from WAP (mobile) Browsers Platform and Site Features

  • Content Management Application (CMA)
    • All of our agencies are on the same platform
    • 991 CMA Users
      • 738 Authors
      • 187 Editors
      • 131 Publishers
      • 210 Administrators
    • Dynamically share information across all agencies by associating the information with little or no duplication of documents.
      • This practically eliminates inconsistent information that is displayed in multiple places across multiple sites.
  • State wide search engine
    • Features:
      • Agency Site specific or entire portal search capacities
      • Advanced search that allows visitors to search the entire portal or search within a given site.
        • Search for particular document type.
      • Spelling Suggestions
      •  "No-hits" Forwarding
      • Automatic Title Replacement
      • Quick links
    • Our search results display within the site that the search was performed, which helps to maintain the visitor's position within the site.        
  • Podcasting
  • RSS
  • Blogs
  • Printer Friendly Version
  • Text Only Version
  • Font Adjustment
  • Personalization
  • Mobile/PDA site
  • Share this page - This feature enables any page on that contains the "Share" link  to easily shared to Social Network sites.   
Michigan NewsWire combines all of the news releases from all of the State of Michigan agencies including the Governor's office into one location for easy access to the latest that is happening within state government. This process is automatic and requires no administrative intervention. Releases are automatically added as agencies add them to their sites. Home | Help & Contacts | State Web Sites | Awards | Disability Resources
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