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Related links
Organization name Website address Details
American Standards for Testing and Materials
Oregon adopts nationally recognized standards for motor fuel developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
Bureau International des Pois et Measures (BIPM):
SI Units, the International Standard
The national standards of mass are traceable to the international 1 kg standard at BIPM in Sevres, France.
National Conference of Weights and Measures
Due to evolving technologies, effective weights and measures management requires a continuous review and updating process. NCWM was formed to meet just such a need.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Oregon adopts standards for testing procedures developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
National Type Evaluation Program
The National Conference of Weights and Measures, industry and officials, established a Task Force to develop NTEP to establish a uniform set of criteria and test procedures for the evaluation of commercial weighing and measuring devices.
National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP)
Certificate of Conformance (CC) Database Search
An official Certificate of Conformance is issued by NCWM following successful completion of the evaluation and testing of a device. This certificate indicates that the device meets applicable requirements for commercial weighing and measuring equipment in the U.S.
United States Metric Association
The U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Inc, is a national non-profit organization advocating U.S. conversion to the International System of Units.
Western Weights and Measures Association
The members of the Western Weights & Measures Association, have formed this Association to promote equity in the marketplace in the exchange of goods and services by weight, measure or count.
Oregon Revised Statutes
Oregon Administrative Rules
The rules and regulations that Measurement Standards is responsible for.
*Special note: The state does not endorse or sponsor products, services or information provided by these links.

Page updated: December 29, 2008

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