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Motor fuel information center
Program background
Fuel complaints
Frequently asked questions
Renewable fuels
More info for consumers
More info for operators
Program background
In 1997 Oregon adopted the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) national standards for motor fuel. The adoption of these national standards, along with state motor fuel quality laws, established the Division´s Motor Fuel Quality (MFQ) Program. The Measurement Standards Division tests the quality of gasoline and diesel products sold within the state of Oregon. Loading terminals, jobbers, and motor fuel retailers are all subject to inspection by the Division.
Through our MFQ program and meter inspection, we work to ensure that consumers and retailers alike receive the quality and quantity of fuel products purchased.
Fuel complaints
Picture of a consumer fueling their vehicle.
Submit a complaint form online if you think that
  • you did not receive the correct quantity of fuel that you were charged for.
  • you purchased fuel that was sub octane, contaminated with water, or was of poor quality in some other manner.
  • a station was incorrectly advertising and/or pricing their fuel.

A division field inspector will investigate your complaint and inform you of the results. 
Please be advised that this complaint will become part of our permanent records. Complaint forms are subject to Oregon's Public Records Law and may be disclosed to persons who request to review its contents. As such, it may be released to the business or person about whom you are complaining, members of the public, or other agencies if requested.

Frequently asked questions
Please visit our motor fuel frequently asked questions page for answers to some common questions.

Renewable fuels
Oregon's biofuel renewable fuel standard
For information on Oregon's renewable fuel standard which mandates biodiesel and ethanol in fuels, go to our biofuel renewable fuel standard page.

Biodiesel and E85 fuel requirements
For information on regulations and dispenser labeling requirements for biodiesel and E85 fuel ethanol, please see our biodiesel & E85 fuel requirements page.

More info for consumers
Fuel economy information
For information including gas mileage ratings, fuel savings tips, gasoline prices, and alternative fuel vehicles, go to fueleconomy.gov (The state does not endorse or sponsor products, services or information provided by this link).

Gas and diesel prices
For recent gas and diesel prices in the Portland-metro area go to PortlandGasPrices.com, for prices elsewhere in Oregon go to OregonGasPrices.com. (The state does not endorse or sponsor products, services or information provided by these links.)

Price gouging
To report possible price gouging in Oregon, contact Oregon's Attorney General.

Vehicle specifications
For information on a particular vehicle's specifications, including it's rated fuel tank capacity, go to edmunds.com (The state does not endorse or sponsor products, services or information provided by this link).

More info for operators
Motor fuel unit price computing
For information on how to calculate fuel prices if your fuel dispenser has an obsolete computer, see our motor fuel unit price computing page.

Wholesale terminal meters
For information on temperature compensated wholesale terminal meters, please see our Notice for wholesale terminal meters.
Page updated: April 29, 2009

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