Link to press release
Flu Season School Guidance
Secretaries Sebelius, Duncan, and Napolitano announced guidance on H1N1 flu for schools.


Race to the Top
President Obama and Secretary Duncan announced the Race to the Top draft application and information about other new Recovery Act education programs.
Link to forum page with video Ed Stakeholders Forum
Watch video of the August 4 meeting on Race to the Top, Investing in Innovation, and State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Part II.
Link to blog entry Read to the Top
Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki and his wife joined Secretary Duncan to read to children as part of ED's "Read to the Top!" summer reading initiative.
Special Ed Parent Centers
ED announced grants for special education parent information and training centers in 14 states.
Remarks to Teacher Unions
Secretary Duncan challenged the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers to help accelerate reform.
Student Financial Aid Go to College
A great education can help you achieve your dreams. You can do it. Here's how.
Do What Works
Learn about research-based practices for organizing instruction, teaching algebra, and more.

Visit ED's flu page
Teaching Ambassador Fellows
Secretary Duncan announced that 13 teachers have been selected as Teaching Ambassador Fellows for 2009-2010.
ED to Accelerate Stimulus Spending
ED will accelerate Recovery Act spending by making $11.37 billion in Title I, IDEA, and Vocational Rehabilitation funding available to states one month early to help save jobs and drive reform.
Restraint and Seclusion in Schools
Secretary Duncan encourages states to review their policies on the use of restraints and seclusion techniques in schools.
The Four Reforms
Read this series of speeches about the four reform areas states must address to receive State Fiscal Stabilization funding and compete for Race to the Top funding.
Stabilization Fund
Fifty-one applications have been approved for funding under the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund.
Secretary Arne Duncan on the listening tour in VermontListening Tour
Find out about Secretary Duncan's visits to Orlando, Detroit, Lame Deer (MT), and other places. Join online discussions about higher standards, rural challenges, and using data.