Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Current Program Activities Report

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Updated May 2009

This report has been updated and summarizes recent activity of selected programs within the Office of Operations. The revisions reflect program titles that are consistent throughout the Office of Operations. For additional information about these or other activities, contact the program manager noted in each section. Additionally, more information may be available on the Office of Operations' Web site: This report will be updated quarterly.

Table of Contents



Office of Operations Program Activities Report

Access Management

Web Site:

Access Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services

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Arterial Management

Web Site:

Arterial Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Comprehensive Traffic Management Program Guidebook: This guide book will provide agencies with a template for developing policies, objectives and performance measures that support proactive traffic signal management, operations and maintenance practices. Eddie Curtis September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Traffic Signal Timing Manual: The Traffic Signal Timing Manual is a practical and comprehensive tabletop resource for state, and local public agency individuals responsible for the day-to-day timing and coordination of traffic signals as well as planners and designers that desire to obtain a greater understanding of traffic signal timing and operations.. Eddie Curtis Now Available Technical Assistance / Guidance
Traffic Signal Operations and Maintenance Resource Requirements Guidance: Several engineering guidebooks promote a rule of thumb which suggests that one traffic engineer is needed to properly operate and maintain every 75 to 100 signals and one technician to operate and maintain every 40 to 50 signals. This guidance demonstrates that clearly stated objectives, well trained and knowledgeable staff and organizational structures that support and promote operations are the primary key to proactive management of traffic signal systems. Eddie Curtis Complete Technical Assistance / Guidance
Regional Traffic Signal Operations Best Practices Guidance: The objective of this guidance is to identify and promote regional activities that enhance leadership, reduce operations and maintenance costs, improve customer service, stimulate proactive management, and improve the safety operation of traffic signal systems. This effort was motivated by the positive outcome of several regional traffic signal programs such as Operation Green Light in the Kansas City, the Regional Traffic Operations Committee formed in Puget Sound and DRCOG in the Denver region. Participation from State DOTs, MPOs and local agencies are critical to the success of regional operations programs, this guidance will identify critical activities, people and programs that contribute the successful formation of regional systems that result in the overall improvement of traffic signal operations. Eddie Curtis September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Arterial Performance Measures Research: Traffic signal timing becomes less effective as traffic conditions change whether it is over the course of several hours, weeks, months or years. This research project will explore methods of persistently measuring the effectiveness of traffic signal timing against a baseline to better identify when signal retiming efforts will provide the greatest benefit. Eddie Curtis August 2009 Research
Localized Bottleneck Reduction Program Guidance: The purpose of the program is to bring attention to mitigating local, operationally influenced bottleneck locations; e.g., lane drops, merge areas, poorly functioning signals, ramp metering, and peak hour shoulder use. This program seeks to address these problem areas in the short term, and hopefully using less structurally-intensive means, as opposed to waiting for a more expensive mega project or corridor sized improvement. In short, this program is to local, spot improvements, as tolling and HOV lanes are to corridors, and as urban partnerships are to regional solutions. In FY09 we seek to develop template processes that state agencies and MPOs can learn from, as well as to continue to deliver the message to individual states. Neil Spiller December 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
ACS-Lite Eddie Curtis Ongoing Tools
Signal Timing Workshop Eddie Curtis Ongoing Training
Regional Traffic Signal Program Review (Process Review): The FHWA Resource Center Operations Technical Service Team has conducted Regional Traffic Signal Operations Reviews in over 8 metropolitan regions. The objective of the program is to improve regional consistency in traffic signal management across jurisdictional boundaries, leverage regional expertise to improve operations and maintenance practices, improve training, outreach and maximize resources. The reviews provide an in depth look at the operations and maintenance practices for each agency within the region and use the framework provided in the Regional Concept of Transportation Operation to develop achievable objectives and performance measures. Eddie Curtis Ongoing Technical Assistance / Guidance
Signal Timing Under Saturated Conditions: As volume to capacity ratios exceed .85, Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methods and HCM based software for evaluating signal timing become insolvent and may worsen congested conditions. This research looks at best practices for addressing saturated conditions based on case studies and interviews with recognized experts. Several simulation studies were conducted in VISSIM to validate selected methods for resolving saturated conditions. Eddie Curtis Completed Research

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Corridor Traffic Management

Web Site:

Corridor Traffic Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), Phase 3 Stage 2, Analysis, Modeling and Simulation: Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) involves the coordination of transportation management techniques among networks in a corridor that together can collectively address congestion and improve overall corridor performance. The goal of the ICM Initiative to to provide the institutional guidance, operational capabilities, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology and technical methods needed for effective Integrated Corridor Management System. There are four (4) phases in the ICM initiative approach that delineate the functional activities: 1) Foundation Research; 2) Corridor Tools, Strategies, and Integration; 3) Corridor Sites Concept Development, Site Operations Analysis and Evaluation, and Site Demonstrations; and 4) Knowledge and Technology Transfer. The 3 Pioneer sites were selected May 2008. Stage includes complete experimental plans, data collection, ICM strategy modeling and evaluation based on Concept of Operation and System Requirements developed in Phase 1. Products will include developed simulation models, concept of operations and requirements documents for Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (AMS), AMS data requirements, evaluation, and lessons learned. Robert Sheehan November 2009 Research
Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), Phase 3 Stage 3, Pioneer Site Demonstration Projects: Up to 3 Pioneer Sites will be selected for demonstration/deployment of ICM concept as defined in their application and based on the concept of operations and system requirements developed in Phase 3 Stage 1. Demonstration RFA March 2009, Demonstration Selection June 2009, Demonstration Award September 2009, Demonstration Start November 2009, Demonstration/Evaluation complete November 2012. Robert Sheehan November 2012 Research

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Emergency Transportation Operations

Web Site:

Emergency Transportation Operations Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Knowledge Management Portals: FHWA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched an Emergency Transportation Operations (ETO) channel - or special interest page - on the DHS Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) system. This channel is dedicated to topics related to emergency transportation. In addition, ETO will be consolidating the FHWA ETO, Traffic Incident Management (TIM) and Planned Special Events (PSE) Web sites to make them more user friendly for those who access information through the FHWA Web sites. The consolidated web page will be called ETO-TIM-PSE and will be available in the December 2008. Kimberly Vásconez Both LLIS-ETO Channel & Integrated FHWA ETO-TIM-PSE Web Site Consolidated

Awareness & Outreach
The Integration of Transportation Management Centers (TMC), Emergency Management Centers (EMC) and Fusion Centers (FC): This integration of TMC and emergency management information/system processes look at how information can be integrated to support decision-making in the emergency and security environments. The report will be finalized in October 2008. In addition, the Office of Operations will continue to support Incident Command training for highway transportation officials. The Office of Operations will produce guidance to aid State and local highway authorities operate within the national security special events environment. This guidance will be forthcoming from the Office of Operations in June 2009 and will complement the highly successful "Simplified Guide to the Incident Command System for Transportation Professionals". Briefing is currently available for use and may be obtained by request to Kimberly Vásconez Publication due June 2009

Briefing Available
Technical Assistance / Guidance
Evacuation Primer Series: This primer series is intended as guidance to state, local, and regional authorities on how to prepare an evacuation plan with regard to transportation, i.e., a kind of "101". It is designed for two separate audiences: emergency managers who lead development of evacuation plans and transportation managers. The Emergency Transportation Operations Team has developed a Primer Series that comprehensively addresses all aspects of transportation evacuations. The emphasis of the first primer is on Highway Evacuations triggered by events that give advance warning. The second primer in the series has as its focus Highway Evacuations resulting from no-notice events. The third primer in the series focuses on evacuating populations with special needs was posted to the web site in April 2009. The first two primers are available on line and available as hard copy publications. Kimberly Vásconez April 2009 Awareness & Outreach
Evacuation Modeling Task and Survey: The U. S. DOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Operations in coordination with the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) which is part of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) is collecting information on tools and methodologies that can support the planning and/or operations phases of the evacuation response cycle with a focus on transportation. The result will be a guide to provide information on transportation evacuation analysis tools/models. The audience for the guide will be State and local agencies involved in transportation planning and/or operations in support of an evacuation. The modeling inventory is available now and the final guide will be available in August 2009. Kimberly Vásconez Final Guide August 2009

Modeling Inventory Currently Available
Technical Assistance / Guidance
Emergency Evacuation Planning On-Line Training: As the result of a successful focused brainstorming session, the statement of work for the training has been developed and the expected delivery date of the training is July 2009. The nine member states and TSA of the Security Pooled Funds Study provided funding for the task. Laurie Radow FY 2010 Training
Debris Removal from Roads during Emergency Operations: In response to the impact of Hurricane Ike on Galveston and the complexity of debris removal of road during TIM and disaster operations, the Emergency Transportation Operations Team will begin work on a Debris Clearance Checklist and Primer for DOTs and Public Works organizations. This will be accomplished in coordination with the Superintendent of Public Works, Overland Parks, KS, who is the IMSA rep to the NTIMC. Kimberly Vásconez February 2010 Awareness & Outreach
Transportation Evacuation Planning and Operations Workshops Kimberly Vásconez Completed Awareness & Outreach
Best Practices: Summary of Transportation Evacuation Planning and Operations Workshops: The report summarizes the best practices of the five Evacuation Workshops held during 2007 and 2008. Kimberly Vásconez Completed Awareness & Outreach
The Best of Public Safety and Emergency Transportation Operations CD Kimberly Vásconez Completed Awareness & Outreach
Emergency Transportation Operations Documents Kimberly Vásconez Completed Awareness & Outreach

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Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment

Web Site:

Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Distance-Learning: FHWA is working with the JPO to focus on the objective of providing the right training at the right time. One of the results is expected to be the introduction of a Web based distance-learning program. Tom Stout December 2009 Training
Turbo Architecture On-Line Tutorial: FHWA is working with the JPO to develop an on-line version of the NHI classroom Turbo Architecture course. Turbo Architecture is a software program that simplifies the process of developing, using and maintaining the Regional ITS Architecture. Emiliano Lopez December 2009 Awareness & Guidance
Architecture Use and Maintenance On-Line Tutorial: FHWA is working with the JPO to develop an on-line version of the Architecture Use and Maintenance Workshop. The workshop objective is to provide comprehensive instruction on the use and maintenance of an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architecture with a focus on use of architecture in planning process as well as ITS project development process. Emiliano Lopez September 2010 Training

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Freeway Management

Web Site:

Freeway Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Regional, Statewide, and Multi-State Transportation Management Center (TMC) Concept of Operations and Requirements: This project develops a document providing guidance and recommended practices on what are regional/statewide/multi-state TMCs, pros and cons of the concept; how to develop and use a concept of operations and requirements for regional, statewide, and multi-state TMCs; policy, institutional and technical issues to consider; resources required, stakeholders to involve; process to develop and implement a statewide/multi-state TMC; and operations and maintenance considerations. Jessie Yung Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Recovery and Mitigation for TMCs: This project will develop a technical document that synthesizes current practice and state of practice as related to TMC redundancy and recovery; and highlight technical issues to considered, lessons learned, and recommended practices on the concepts, methods, and procedures for planning, designing, developing and implementing recovery plans and redundancy of TMCs. This project has reached final stages. Jessie Yung Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Enforcement Handbook: Associated products include a primer and brochure. Together, these products will provide guidance, recommended practices, and lessons learned on how to successfully enforce HOV lanes, integrate these needs in the design of HOV facilities and HOV program. The handbook is in its final draft stages. Jessie Yung October 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Safety Considerations of HOV Facilities Handbook: This project will develop a technical reference, primer, and brochure to provide guidance and best practices on the key issues, considerations, and potential impacts on safety related to various HOV facility issues, including roadway design features (e.g., facility type, shoulder widths, and types of ingress/egress), transit facilities, enforcement area and traffic incident management provisions, and signing or pavement marking. The handbook is in its final draft stages. Jessie Yung October 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
HOV Performance Monitoring, Evaluation, & Reporting Handbook: Completed and available on the HOV/ML Pooled Fund Study Web site. Jessie Yung Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
HOV Hours of Operation and Eligibility Requirements: Currently under development to develop outreach materials (primer, brochure, and presentation). Jessie Yung November 2009 Awareness & Outreach
TMC Business Planning and Plans: Completed, on TMC Pooled Fund Study Web site. Jessie Yung Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Procuring, Managing, and Evaluating the Performance of Contracted TMC Services: This project will develop guidance and recommended practice to managers, planners, and operators of TMCs in making decisions related to outsourcing portions, or in entirety, of their operation to a private contractor(s). Currently under development. Jessie Yung December 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
TMC Web Site Clearinghouse and Facility Database: Completed, available at: Jessie Yung Completed Awareness & Outreach
Automated Vehicle Occupancy Technologies "State of the Practice": This project develops a white paper that identifies, compiles, and systematically evaluates concepts, methods, and technologies for automated vehicle occupancy detection, verification and enforcement. Completed white paper available on HOV/ML Pooled Fund Study Web site. Jessie Yung Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Synthesis of Active Traffic Management (ATM) Practices: The purpose of this ATM program is to advance the use of active traffic management techniques as part of an operations' congestion management and corridor management practices. The ATM program will demonstrate how effective and strategic integration of these active management techniques preserves existing infrastructure, improves travel time reliability and predictability, and allows transportation practitioners to proactively anticipate and manage congestion. The goal of the program is to provide the organizational guidance, the operational knowledge, and technical methods that will support implementation of active traffic management strategies. A consultant is under contract to conduct initial synthesis and inventory of information on current and future ATM deployments. The synthesis information is intended to supplement the 2006 international scanning tour data, and assess U.S. deployment initiatives. An initial outline for an ATM Guidebook will be developed. This guidebook will serve as the primary resource for practitioners considering ATM deployment. The synthesis document will be available by November 2009. Jessie Yung / Robert Sheehan November 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Transportation Management System Performance Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Handbook: The handbook has reached final stages. The handbook will provide guidance on how to develop, implement, improve, and sustain a continuous performance monitoring, data management, evaluation and reporting program or initiative for TMCs and transportation management systems. Jessie Yung January 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Driver Use of Real-Time En-Route Travel Time Information: This project will assess impacts of en-route real-time travel time information on drivers and define the most effective way to provide such information. This project will develop preliminary guidance to practitioners for delivering en-route travel time information. The final research report and preliminary guidance will be available in mid 2009. Jessie Yung October 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Implications on Lane Pricing Handbook: This project will develop a handbook that identifies technical, institutional, and organizational implications and provides guidance and recommended practices on planning and implementing pricing techniques on converting existing HOV lanes into HOT lanes. The handbook will be available in the December 2008. Jessie Yung March 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
TMC Clearinghouse Enhancement: Phase 1 is complete to establish a central clearinghouse located on an internet Web site that houses a comprehensive database of TMC related resources and provides resources at one central location. Phase 2 is under development to identify and implement enhancements to the clearinghouse and provide support and update to the Web site. Jessie Yung Phase 2 - December 2009 Awareness & Outreach
Federal-Aid Highway Program Guidance on High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes Jessie Yung Completed Policy
TMC Pooled Fund Study Quarterly Newsletter Jessie Yung Ongoing Awareness & Outreach
TMC Pooled Fund Study Jessie Yung Ongoing Technical Assistance / Guidance

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Freight Analysis

Web Site:

Freight Analysis Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Freight Analysis Framework (FAF): Revisions to the 2002 O-D benchmark, 2010-2035 forecasts, and 1997 historical file will be released in FY 2009. The next generation FAF will be designed in FY 2009 and implemented in FY 2010 based on data released in December 2008 from the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey. Rolf Schmitt / Mike Sprung September 2010 Tools
Development of a User Friendly Searchable Database of FAF: Web based tool to make FAF more accessible to a broad range of freight stakeholders. Rolf Schmitt / Mike Sprung FY 2009 Technical Assistance
Freight Facts And Figures 2009: Annual report. Rolf Schmitt / Mike Sprung 1st Quarter FY 2010 Report / Document
Integrating Freight Into NEPA Analysis: Intended to provide direction on fully incorporating freight transportation issues in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis for transportation projects, specifically highway projects. Kate Quinn September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Freight and Air Quality: Description of freight and air quality issues with the identification of freight related air quality mitigation strategies as well as funding options. Ed Strocko September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Freight and Land Use Study: Research to develop a workshop on integrating Freight into Land use decision making. Ed Strocko September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Economic Methods Analysis: FHWA released the Highway Freight Logistics Reorganization Benefits Estimation Tool. This is a Microsoft® Excel®-based tool - available on FHWA Web site at The tool does not replace, but rather supplements, a conventional benefit-cost analysis (BCA). It relies on the data collected for, and outputted by a traditional BCA, for its inputs. The outputs of the Highway Freight Logistics Reorganization Benefits Estimation Tool indicate the additional benefit related to reorganizing logistics that can be expected following a planned improvement in the transportation infrastructure. A practitioner then can add these outputs to cost-benefit analyses that do not independently account for the value of improved freight movement. Ed Strocko Completed Tools
Freight & Economics: Training being developed to provide information on the links between freight transportation and the economy and freight transportation cost/benefit analysis. Ed Strocko / Kate Quinn 1st Quarter FY 2010 Training

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Freight Infrastructure

Web Site:

Freight Infrastructure Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Truck Parking Facilities Program: Refer to SAFETEA-LU Addendum Section 1305 Tom Kearney September 2009 Policy
Projects of National and Regional Significance: Refer to SAFETEA-LU Addendum Section 1301 Ed Strocko September 2009 Policy
National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program: Refer to SAFETEA-LU Addendum Section 1302 Ed Strocko September 2009 Policy
Freight Intermodal Distribution Pilot Program: Refer to SAFETEA-LU Addendum Section 1306 Ed Strocko September 2009 Policy

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Freight Operations and Technology

Web Site:

Freight Operations and Technology Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Freight ITS Technologies Research Program to Streamline Information Exchange: The operational tests and streamlines information exchange between supply chain partners. The Electronic Freight Management (EFM) initiative involves private sector participants Adoption of the EFM is now continuing with Kansas City Smart Port and 2 partners. A RFP for cases studies is out and waiting for proposals in June 2009. They are expected to be completed in 2010 to determine the cost benefits of implementing EFM across a wide industry group. Randy Butler January 2011 EFM Software Package and Awareness and Outreach
Border Technology: The Office of Freight Management and Operations (HOFM) is leading or participating several projects that utilize technology to measure and disseminate border wait times and delays. Work on the US/Canada border centers on using the Border Information Flow Architecture (BIFA) a tool for ensuring institutional agreement and technical integration of ITS and other technology used to measure border wait times and delay at major land border crossings. On the US/Mexico border, HOFM, in coordination with the Office of Interstate and Border Planning, is conducting several projects to measure truck crossing and delay time at two major U.S. land border crossings. These projects will identify and evaluate technologies that can easily and precisely measure commercial vehicle crossing time. Work on both borders has an end state objective of having quantifiable data and information that can support transportation operations, planning and investment decisions. Crystal Jones Ongoing Tools

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Freight Professional Development Program (FPD)

Web Site:

FPD Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Freight Transportation Industry Internship Program: This program helps public-sector transportation professionals gain a better understanding of issues facing local businesses and industries, opens up lines of communication, and builds relationships with the private sector. Through the program, public-sector participants work with their counterparts in several industries for one - two months. Program rolled out in March 2009 - marketing program through FY 2009 and FY 2010 - Testing program by getting several people on board and following their progress. Carol Keenan / Kate Quinn FY 2010 Training
Eisenhower Freight and Transportation Logistics Scholarship: FHWA offers tuition assistance for transportation logistics courses and seminars at accredited U.S. institutions of higher education. The program objective is to improve knowledge and advance transportation professional capacity across all modes. Carol Keenan Applications due June 12, 2009. Training

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Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)

Web Site:

MUTCD Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
General MUTCD Training Course: This 8-hour workshop includes modules on human factors, positive guidance, and the history of the MUTCD. The workshop also highlights basic information from each part of the MUTCD that is helpful for novice users of the MUTCD to know. We plan to put this training on CD and make it available as a classroom training tool or as a self-instructional tool to interested persons upon request. Availability is anticipated by March 2009. Ken Wood March 2009 Training
Sign and Pavement Markings Retroreflectivity Rulemaking: The final rule on sign retroreflectivity requirements published in the Federal Register on December 21, 2007 adopting revision number 2 of the current 2003 edition of the MUTCD, was posted to the MUTCD Web site. The MUTCD Team continues to participate in the development of proposed rulemaking for pavement markings retroreflectivity requirements, an activity being led by the Office of Safety. A Notice of Proposed Amendments for pavement marking retroreflectivity is anticipated in late 2009. The amendments would be proposed as Revision number 1 of the 2009 MUTCD. Scott Wainwright June 2009 Policy
Traffic Control Devices for Managed Lanes: FHWA has identified the need to establish uniform practices for traffic control devices for managed and preferential lane facilities. A task force of National experts completed a scan of such facilities in the United States that are in various stages of planning or operation. A policy memorandum was issued on August 3, 2007 that clarified and expanded the criteria for signing and marking of preferential lane facilities. In addition, a synthesis of signing practices for managed lane facilities has been completed and Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center has been engaged to conduct a human factors evaluation of various messages and sequences of freeway guide signs to direct traffic into and along managed lanes. The ultimate goal of this effort is to establish new provisions for the MUTCD in the areas of preferential and managed lane facilities. Kevin Sylvester August 2009 Policy
Rulemaking for the Next Edition of the MUTCD: The Office of Operations published a Notice of Proposed Amendments (NPA) to the MUTCD in the Federal Register on January 2, 2008. The NPA proposed a variety of new and updated uniform traffic control device designs and practices, reflecting advances in technology and successful research. The MUTCD Team has conducted a large number of webcasts and on-site presentations to inform all interested parties of the proposed changes. After analysis of docket comments, a final rule to adopt a new edition of the MUTCD is anticipated late 2009. Scott Wainwright September 2009 Policy
Worker High Visibility Clothing: Refer to SAFETEA-LU Addendum section 1402 Hari Kalla September 2009 Policy
Traffic Control Devices Pooled Fund Study: The experimentation process has been used by jurisdictions for on-road testing and evaluation of innovative traffic control devices. FHWA has established a pooled fund study for traffic control devices that is intended to provide a quicker way to assess low-risk new traffic control devices and applications. Eighteen States have become members of the pooled fund, which has completed seven projects (results from which were incorporated into the NPA for the next edition of the MUTCD) and has three additional projects underway and expected to be completed in 2009. Three on-going projects are: (1) Evaluation of International Symbol Sign Designs for Potential U.S. Adoption, (2) Evaluation of Combined Lane Use and Destination Sign Alternatives, (3) Best Practices in Proportionally-Based Design and Layout of Guide Signs. Scott Wainwright December 2009 Research
MUTCD Strategic Planning Initiative: The Office of Operations has identified the need for a strategic long term plan for the MUTCD that would define a strategic direction for the MUTCD's future scope, content, and format. Consensus answers to longstanding questions, such as what things are or are not traffic control devices and thus are regulated or not regulated by the MUTCD, need to be developed to guide future decision making. It is necessary to develop an MUTCD strategic plan with a 20-year vision. A meeting was held with a group of respected leaders from the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD) to discuss the issues. It is anticipated that the NCUTCD will take a leadership role in this effort, which may start at the end of 2009, will take several years to complete. Scott Wainwright January 2010 Policy

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Performance Measurement

Web Site:

Performance Measurement Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Freight Performance Measures - Web Base Tool: The Office of Freight Management & Operations (HOFM) is developing performance measures for freight-significant corridors and border crossings. Data collected from commercial vehicles equipped with tracking and communications technologies are used to derive measures of speed and reliability along freight-significant corridors and delay measures at border crossings. Data are available (May 06 - present) for 25 interstate corridors and for 5 U.S. - Canada border crossings: Blaine (Pacific Highway for 5 U.S. - Canada border crossings: Blaine (Pacific Highway), Washington; Pembina, North Dakota; Ambassador Bridge (all Detroit crossings), Michigan; Peace Bridge (all Buffalo-Niagara crossings), New York; and Champlain, New York. In January 2008, 10 additional U.S. - Canada border crossings were added and in 2009, one year of data collection will be completed for two U.S. - Mexico crossings. In 2009 FHWA will be deploying a web tool that will provide our state and local partners access to historical speed data that is collected for the 25 interstate highways. Crystal Jones Ongoing Awareness & Outreach
Mobility Monitoring Program (MMP) Rich Taylor Ongoing Awareness & Outreach
Quarterly Urban Congestion Reporting Rich Taylor Ongoing Awareness & Outreach
Developing Reliability Measure Outreach Materials Rich Taylor Ongoing Awareness & Outreach

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Planned Special Events

Web Site:

Planned Special Events Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Planned Special Events - Cost Management and Recovery Primer: This primer will aid jurisdictions recover some of the costs associated with traffic planning and operations for Planned Special Events (PSEs). The anticipated availability date is Spring 2009. Laurie Radow Spring 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Managing Travel for Planned Special Events CD: The CD contains all of the FHWA planned special events publications. As new publications become available, the CD will be updated. Laurie Radow Completed Technical Assistance
2009 National Conference on Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events: Conference was held March 25-26 following the Institute of Transportation Engineers Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference presentations may be found at Laurie Radow March 2009 Technical Assistance
Planned Special Events - Role in the Economy and the Extent of PSE-Caused Congestion Laurie Radow Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
"ITS Best Practices Cross-Cutting Study to Monitor and Manage Traffic Associated with Large-Scale Special Events" Laurie Radow Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Managing Travel for Special Events NHI-133099 Laurie Radow Ongoing Training
Managing Travel for Planned Special Events Handbook Laurie Radow Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Tabletop Exercise Instructions for Planned Events and Unplanned Incident/Emergencies Laurie Radow Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance

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Planning for Operations

Web Site:

Planning for Operations Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Development of Reference Guidebook on Advancing Planning for Operations in Metropolitan Areas: The FHWA Office of Operations is working with the FHWA Office of Planning and the FTA Office of Planning to develop and support guidance on SAFTEA-LU transportation planning provisions that integrate operations into the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the CMP. The thrust of this effort is to advance objectives-based, performance-driven planning for operations. Interim guidebooks were disseminated to the public on May 16, 2008 with a public comment period on the draft documents that was concluded on December 15, 2008. In the Summer of 2008 and Spring 2009 eight workshops were conducted across the country providing an opportunity for interactive discussion on the objectives driven, performance based approach that is contained in the two Interim Guidebook documents. A finalized Reference Guide on Advancing Planning for Operations in Metropolitan Areas product is planned for dissemination to the public by September 2009. In addition, brochures that explain the benefits of an objectives driven, performance based approach for an audience of MPO executive level decision makers will be completed by July 2009 for public use. Rick Backlund September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Statewide Planning for Operations - A Reference Guide: A detailed reference guide that will provide specific "roadmap" approachs for advancing collaboration between Planners and Operators was commenced in October 2008 as a follow-up product from the recent release of the Primer document on linking Statewide Planning and Operations. A Draft Reference Guide document will be completed by September 2009 with a final reference guide product produced in FY 2010. Rick Backlund November 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Model Transportation Plans Incorporating Operations and Safety Objectives: This reference manual will showcase menus of potential model operations and safety objectives that can be used by MPOs as they work to advance an objectives driven, performance based approach to Planning for Operations. Work on development of this document was commenced in October 2008. The draft Model Plans reference manual will be developed by July 2009, with a completed product disseminated to the public in FY 2010. Rick Backlund September 2010 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Statewide Opportunities for Linking Planning and Operations - A Primer Rick Backlund Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Collaborative Advantage: Realizing the Tangible Benefits of Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration Wayne Berman Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Improving the Application of Exiting Methods to Advance Transportation Operations: This summary brochure and separate case studies provides a high level overview of the need for, and availability of, analysis tools and technical methods that modelers can utilize for Operations planning. Rick Backlund Final Report July 2009; Pilot workshop August 2009 Washington DC Area; Subsequent Workshop September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance

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Real-Time Traveler Information

Web Site:

Real-Time Traveler Information Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
iFlorida Model Deployment (a condition report system): A complete software overhaul was initiated in 2006 to enable certain functionality that was incorrectly implemented. The software is in the final stages of implementation and testing. The final evaluation report for the iFlorida Model Deployment is available at James Pol January 2009 Study
Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Program (ITIP)/ Transportation Technology Innovation and Demonstration Program (TTID): Refer to SAFETEA-LU Addendum Section 5508 Jimmy Chu October 2009 Tools / Technical Assistance / Guidance
Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) / 511 Guidance, Lessons Learned and Technical Assistance Jimmy Chu Ongoing Technical Assistance / Guidance
AMBER Alert Guidance, Support and Implementation Program Robert Rupert Ongoing Guidance
Travel Times on Dynamic Message Signs Jimmy Chu Ongoing Technical Assistance / Guidance

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Road Weather Management

Web Site:

Road Weather Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Implementation and Evaluation of Environmental Sensor Station (ESS) Siting Guidelines: The Road Weather Management Program published the ESS Siting Guidelines in 2005, in partnership with AASHTO and the Aurora Pooled Fund Program. FHWA recently completed a study that determined how well the guidelines are meeting the needs of the transportation agencies, and identified the changes needed to make the guidelines more useful and applicable in the field. Three States - Michigan, New Hampshire and Idaho - worked with FHWA in implementing and evaluating the siting procedures outlined in the guide. These States provided information about their ESS deployment experiences and plans, and how they used the ESS guide in those deployments. The Final Report and Revised ESS Guidelines are now available on the Road Weather Management Web site. Roemer Alfelor Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Weather and Traffic Analysis - Incorporate Weather Impacts In Traffic Estimation and Prediction Systems: The goal of this study is to determine how pre-trip and en-route weather information affects travel demands and traffic flows, and incorporate this knowledge in dynamic traffic assignment and prediction models like DynaSMART and DynaMIT. Roemer Alfelor September 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Weather and Traffic Analysis - Microscopic Traffic Analysis: This study analyzes traffic flow at the microscopic level during adverse weather conditions specifically how weather affects car following, lane changing and gap acceptance driving behavior. Roemer Alfelor October 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Weather and Traffic Analysis - Human Factors: This study currently underway is looking at human factors in road weather advisory and control information. The objectives are to identify traveler requirements for weather information (both pre-trip and en-route) and determine the most effective messages and methods for communicating weather information. Roemer Alfelor November 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS): Version 5.0 of the Federal prototype MDSS software can be downloaded from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Web site A "Lessons Learned" evaluation of a MDSS deployment in Maine has been completed as has the benefits/costs analysis of a pooled fund deployment involving 14 states. The second Phase of the costs/benefits analysis of a MDSS deployment by the City/County of Denver is currently being underway and a final report is due by December 09. MDSS is also being deployed on a global front, with systems being developed and deployed in several European countries. Paul Pisano December 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Clarus Initiative: Clarus is an ITS R&D initiative aimed at improving the quality (e.g., accuracy and timeliness) of road weather information made available to road users and operators, and to build the road weather observational database that supports the development of "anytime, anywhere road weather information". The Clarus system design, software development, and proof-of-concept demonstrations in three State DOTs (Utah, Minnesota and Alaska) were completed in 2005. Phase 1 of a 3 Phase Regional demonstration project was completed in October 2008, resulting in three "Clarus Multi-State Regional Demonstration Concept of Operations." Phase 2 was initiated in July of 2007 with the announcement/posting of the Connection Incentives Program (CIP) to encourage and assist eligible transportation agencies to collect their Environmental Sensor Station (ESS) metadata and connect their Road Weather Information Systems to the Clarus system. Twenty nine state DOTs, three local agencies and three Canadian provinces have connected 1,750 ESS to Clarus for a total of 35,000 individual sensors. (refer to the Clarus Web Portal at: Phase 3 was launched in June 2008 to enable the private sector to build out and test the best concepts captured in the Phase 1 Concepts of Operations. Phase 3 also calls for an independent evaluation of the Clarus System. Testing and evaluation of potential weather related technologies derived from the IntelliDriveSM initiative (formerly the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) initiative) are also underway. The FHWA continues to work very closely with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the prospect of transitioning the Clarus system to an operational status under NOAA. Additional information about the initiative can be found at: Paul Pisano October 2010 Research
Maintenance and Operations Decision Support System (MODSS): The Road Weather Management Program is working towards expanding decision support systems beyond winter maintenance to include traffic management and maintenance beyond snow and ice control, leveraging and expanding upon the capabilities of MDSS. Current efforts to develop and evaluate MODSS are taking place under the Clarus Initiative, including Phase 3 of the Clarus Multi-State Regional Demonstrations. Paul Pisano October 2010 Tools
Integrating Weather in TMC Operations: The Road Weather Management Program is currently working with several Transportation Management Centers (TMC's) around the country in expanding the use of weather information in their daily operations, making them more proactive when it comes to adverse weather conditions. FHWA developed a TMC Weather Integration self-evaluation and planning guide to assist TMC's in identifying their weather integration needs and help them identify and implement strategies to meet those needs. The Guide is being actively promoted and deployed by FHWA and its contractors. Roemer Alfelor June 2010 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Principles and Tools for Road Weather Management - Web-based Training: The FHWA Road Weather Management Program and the Consortium for ITS Training and Education (CITE) have recently developed an interactive web-based course on the "Principles and Tools for Road Weather Management." It is essentially the same material as the NHI Course No. 137030A, only it is converted to an on-line format. The course has been delivered twice and received positive feedback from the participants. Roemer Alfelor Ongoing Training
Performance Metrics for Road Weather Management: The Road Weather program has identified and is currently evaluating various performance measures and indicators to determine its success in meeting the goals established under SAFETEA-LU Section 5308 pertaining to the Road Weather Research and Development Program. Roemer Alfelor September 2009 Technical Assistance Guidance
Road Weather Resource Identification (RWRI) Tool: The Road Weather Management program will soon release Version 3.0 of the RWRI tool, a database search engine developed to help transportation practitioners find resources and other materials pertaining to road weather management. Version 3.0 will contain more than 950 documents which can be searched by keyword and other criteria. Roemer Alfelor Ongoing Tools / Guidance

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Tolling and Pricing Opportunities

Web Site:

Tolling and Pricing Opportunities Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Value Pricing Pilot (VPP) Program awarded more than $6 million in grants to California, Minnesota, New York and Washington State. Angela Jacobs Completed Awareness & Outreach
VPP Program Lessons Learned Report Angela Jacobs Completed Awareness & Outreach
Urban Partnership projects awarded by the Department of Transportation are advancing in the cities of Miami, Minneapolis-St. Paul, San Francisco, and Seattle. The project award for New York City was withdrawn when the State legislature did not approve the proposed pricing concept for Manhattan. In April, 2008, the US Department of Transportation (US DOT) awarded two new projects under the Congestion Reduction Demonstration Program (CRD) to the City of Chicago and the County of Los Angeles. The project award to the City of Chicago was withdrawn when the City did not approve the proposed parking pricing concept by the deadline. The US DOT awarded a new project under the CRD to Atlanta, Georgia to implement the first phase of a High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane network on a 14.3 mile segment of I-85. Wayne Berman December 2010 Research
Tolling and Pricing Web Site Wayne Berman Completed Awareness & Outreach
Value Pricing Pilot Program Quarterly Report Angela Jacobs Ongoing Awareness & Outreach

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Traffic Analysis Tools

Web Site:

Traffic Analysis Tools Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
DYNASMART-P John Halkias Ongoing Tools
ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS) John Halkias Ongoing Tools

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Traffic Incident Management

Web Site:

Traffic Incident Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Full-Function Service Patrol Handbook: FHWA began work to develop a handbook in support of the Congestion Initiative element for implementing "full-function" service patrols in the top 40 urban areas of the U.S. This Handbook will describe the range of functions that a service patrol can and should perform as a full emergency response partner with public safety agencies at incident scenes. The Handbook will also cover equipment and training issues and costs and benefits of service patrols. Since traffic control is the primary function of a service patrol, the Handbook will also address how this should be provided under different incident scenarios. Work began in October and will be completed in the summer of 2008. The survey of activities has been completed and the document is in the final stages of editing. An Executive Summary will be produced. Kimberly Vásconez Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
LAWTOW - TRAA National Drivers Certification Outreach: We are supporting the Towing and Recovery Association of America (TRAA), in an effort to increase awareness of its certification program for towers. An outreach package on the TRAA National Driver Certification Program will be sent to over 17,000 law enforcement agencies with a cover letter jointly signed by TRAA and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Four regional workshops for leaders of the towing and recovery industry and law enforcement were completed in 2008, the last one on December 11. A final report on these workshops will be completed by TRAA in January 2009. We are supporting the Towing and Recovery Association of America (TRAA), in an effort to increase awareness of its certification program for towers. An outreach package on the TRAA National Driver Certification Program will be sent to over 17,000 law enforcement agencies with a cover letter jointly signed by TRAA and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Four regional workshops for leaders of the towing and recovery industry and law enforcement were completed in 2008, the last one on December 11. A final report on these workshops will be completed by TRAA in January 2009. Dave Helman Completed Awareness & Outreach
TIM Performance Measures: Eleven FHWA Division Offices are participating in a Focus States Initiative (FSI) addressing Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Measurement. This Initiative also involves transportation and law enforcement representatives from each State. The purpose of the FSI is to identify appropriate measures of performance for TIM programs, and promote widespread TIM program performance measurement. The FSI States have developed two measures of incident clearance and incident duration and a measure for secondary crashes. An outreach package and marketing strategy for TIM performance measurement and the Focus States final report will be completed in January 2009. Work has also begun on development of a TIM Performance Measurement Knowledge Management System to facilitate information sharing and communications among practitioners nationwide who are working on program performance measurement for TIM. This system will be demonstrated at TRB in January 2009. Dave Helman June 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Traffic Incident Management Handbook - Revision: The revision of the TIM Handbook (2000) is underway. The new TIM Handbook will describe TIM practices within the context of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and will include information about the many significant changes in TIM over the last seven years. The review of handbook sections is being coordinated with the National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC) and the new TIM Handbook will carry the logos of both FHWA and the NTIMC. It will be complete in March 2009. Dave Helman March 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Best Practices in Traffic Incident Management (TIM Safe, Quick Clearance Handbook): In FY 2008, FHWA will take the Information Series a step further to provide guidance to States on how to organize and conduct safe, quick clearance, using laws and policies and the myriad of State and local resources - law enforcement, fire, rescue, Emergency Medical Service (EMS), Full Function Service Patrols, Transportation Management Centers (TMC's) and other Transportation resources - to get traffic moving while safeguarding travelers and responders following an incident. This document will provide actual efforts from both advanced and developing programs. This should be available during the second quarter of FY 2009. Kimberly Vásconez August 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
3rd Traffic Incident Management & Planned Special Events Conference: The "Transportation Operations for Planned and Unplanned Events" will be held March 25-27, 2009 following the Institute of Transportation Engineers Spring 2009 meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. The Conference will be held in conjunction with the Traffic Planned Special Events community and NTIMC. Dave Helman (TIM) / Laurie Radow (PSE) Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance & Awareness & Outreach
Full-Function Service Patrol (FFSP) Field Operations Guide and Checklists: As a companion to the FFSP Handbook, FHWA will produce a Field Operations Guide (FOG) and Checklists to aid FFSPs in conducting their operations: from motorist assist to Incident Management. The FOG will provide easy to use, step-by-step instructions on performing all FFSP responsibilities - with a strong focus on safety and best-practices. The resulting "prototype" guide will be easily adaptable to any program around the country no matter the size, location or functions performed. Appropriate space will be provided in which individual programs can insert their unique protocols, procedures, regulations, etc. The document is expected to be completed by the Spring of 2009. Kimberly Vásconez Draft Completed, to be published by June 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Education Outreach for Safe, Quick Clearance Laws and Policies (Safe, Quick Clearance Driver Education Training Module): FHWA is developing outreach materials that can be used by State and local jurisdictions to explain how interconnected laws, policies and resources come together to establish an effective TIM program. A promotional campaign similar to the "Click It or Ticket" campaign (e.g., Move It to Save a Life) will inform the motoring public of the laws and their purpose, and promote tools that can be used by multiple jurisdictions to educate highway users in the shared responsibility of maintaining open roads. This document will be available in 2009. Kimberly Vásconez September 2009 Awareness & Outreach
Secondary Crash Study: Secondary crashes at traffic incident scenes cause significant delays but data on the frequency and impact of secondary crashes are sparse because they are difficult to identify and relate to previous incidents. This study will identify issues associated with secondary crash data analysis and purpose solutions to advance the state-of-the-art in study of the frequency, nature, cause, severity and impacts of secondary crashes. This effort will begin in FY 2009 and will be completed in FY 2010. Dave Helman September 2010 Research & Technical Assistance / Guidance

Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Safe, Quick Clearance Information Series: This project includes 5 primers and 5 1-page Executive Summaries that describe various aspects of Safe, Quick Clearance of traffic incidents. They include:

All completed and posted on the ETO-TIM-PSE Web site.

Kimberly Vásconez Completed Awareness & Outreach
TIM Self-Assessment: Recurring. In FY 2009, the tool has been automated and Divisions will have training available later in the summer 2009. Kimberly Vásconez FY 2009 Assessment Completed, Training August 2009 Performance Measurement & Gap Analysis
Traffic Incident Management Quick Clearance Laws: This report (1) prepares States contemplating quick clearance legislation with reasons why such laws are needed (2) provides a detailed review of the purpose, intent, model language, observed content trends and anomalies and implementation challenges and resolutions for Move Over, Driver Removal and Authority Removal Laws, including specific examples; and (3) strategies for implementing these laws. Kimberly Vásconez Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
NHI Course 133101 - Using the Incident Command System (ICS) at Highway Incidents Dave Helman Ongoing Training
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Community of Practice (CoP) Web Site: Turning over management of the CoP to NTIMC. Dave Helman September 2009 Awareness & Outreach
National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC) Dave Helman (FHWA Rep) / Kimberly Vásconez (Management) Ongoing Awareness & Outreach
TIM Practitioner Workshops with one Day PSE/ETO Workshop Option: FHWA plans to develop a workshop series that will bring together TIM partners in the top 40 metropolitan areas to obtain training and participate in tabletop exercises that introduce new TIM guidance and offer an opportunity for table top exercise and team building among those that deal with TIM operations. Dave Helman (TIM Portion) / Laurie Radow (PSE & ETO Portion) Prototype 12/09; 1st course February 2010, then ongoing Training
Full-Function Service Patrol Field Training: Developing a training curriculum and materials to local delivery of training to Safety/Service Patrol personnel on the latest based on the latest FHWA FFSP, Safe/Quick Clearance and TIM guidance to improve operations and cooperating with TIM partners. Kimberly Vásconez January 2010 Training
Public Outreach for Safe, Quick Clearance: FHWA is developing outreach materials that can be used by State and local jurisdictions to explain to the public and through drivers education course State and local laws and regulations on various Safe, Quick Clearance laws and practices and the availability and how to access Full Function Safety/Service Patrols. Will included canned media releases. Laurie Radow September 2010 Awareness & Outreach
FHWA TIM National Unified Goal Support: Incident Performance Measure Baseline research and Data Collection: This project will identify which States and major jurisdictions are collecting TIM incident performance measurements, what systems are being used to capture them, identifying a system to aid FHWA in future data collection efforts, educate States and the top 40 metro areas on new definitions of lane closure times, incident response times, and secondary crashes, and establish baseline information. Kimberly Vásconez December 2010, then Ongoing Research & Technical Assistance / Guidance
TIM/PSE Peer-to-Peer Program: Due to the high level of interest in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) collaboration in the TIM & PSE areas, we will be establishing a new TIM/PSE P2P program and may reactivate the TIM Pooled Fund Study for this purpose. We are in the investigative stage right now. Kimberly Vásconez / Dave Helman June 2010 Technical Assistance / Guidance

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Travel Demand Management (TDM)

Web Site:

TDM Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
TDM Reference Guide - Update Wayne Berman Completed Awareness & Outreach
Managing Demand Through Traveler Information Services Wayne Berman Completed Awareness & Outreach
Managing Travel Demand: Applying European Perspectives to U.S. Practice Wayne Berman Completed Awareness & Outreach

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Vehicle Size and Weight

Web Site:

Vehicle Size and Weight Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Size and Weight Training (NHI 139004): This course provides in-depth information on Federal commercial motor vehicle size and weight regulations, writing and evaluating State Enforcement Plans and Certifications, and new and innovative enforcement technologies. It also discusses the importance of state-level enforcement programs in protecting the integrity of highway infrastructure and enhancing safety of the roadway.

John Nicholas / Tom Kearney

Ongoing Training
Electronic Reporting and Access: The Office of Operations developed an automated system, called the Vehicle Size and Weight reporting tool. It resides on a web site accessible by the state and division personnel with Size and Weight (S&W) responsibility. The system enables FHWA Division Offices and State DOTs to develop and submit required Annual Enforcement Plans and Certifications electronically via a secure web portal. The system is fully available to all states, and all submissions to FHWA will be required to be made on the system by January 1, 2009. John Nicholas January 2009 Tools
Virtual Weight Station, E-Permitting, and Damage Assessment Exchange: The Office of Operations is conducting several research projects to advance the state of the art in truck size and weight. The virtual weigh station project is meant to provide better enforcement tools to law enforcement to better preserve the infrastructure. A "Concept of Operations Plan" for Virtual Weight Stations is scheduled to be developed in FY 2009. An investigation into technologies that could accurately and efficiently serve as "universal truck identifiers" enhancing roadside information exchanges between commercial vehicles and screening platforms has been initiated in FY 2009. E-Permitting is focused on harmonization of permit requirements by states and checking those electronically at roadside. Development of System Architecture for e-Permitting and Virtual Weight Stations will be initiated in FY 2009. A Pavement Damage Assessment Tool is being prepared for states to estimate damage to pavement infrastructure associated with overweight permitting. The tool will assist state permit officials to evaluate the adequacy of their permit fees based upon these damage estimates. The tool is under development and a version is scheduled to be available toward the end of FY 2009. Tom Kearney September 2009 Tools

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Work Zone Management

Web Site:

Work Zone Management Program Activities Report
Task Lead Complete By Product or Services
Assessment of Work Zone ITS Effectiveness: FHWA has completed a study to quantify some of the benefits and assess the effectiveness of ITS applications in work zones. The study included five sites deploying WZ ITS and measures included elements of congestion (diversion, vehicle throughput), safety, the delivery of information on work zones to travelers, and accuracy of information. Summary and detail reports are available at Tracy Scriba Completed Technical Assistance / Guidance
Regional Work Zone Analysis Modeling Workshops: This 1- day workshop is based on the materials in Volumes VIII & IX of the Traffic Analysis Toolbox. The workshop targets managers or analysts charged with developing an overall work zone modeling program/approach, or conducting a specific work zone analysts projects. Workshop goals include: 1) Provide a better understanding of the constraints and opportunities of work zone analysis associated with available transportation modeling approaches; 2) Build familiarity with the work zone factors influencing the selection of a transportation modeling approach; 3) Provide practical experience in developing a transportation modeling approach in a collaborative process considering a range of different work zone characteristics. (Five regional workshops have been scheduled during 2009.) Chung Eng January 2009 Training
Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume IX - Work Zone Modeling and Simulation - A Guide for Analysts: This guide targets practitioners and includes more detailed real world and application information to help guide the selection of a modeling approach as well as specific project applications. This would be where tailoring the analysis begins, moving towards choosing what type of approach to administer and finally selecting the appropriate category of tool(s). This document uses examples/case studies/real world applications to help support the guidance provided. (Guide is being printed and will be available around June 2009.) Chung Eng June 2009 Guidance
Work Zone Performance Measures Pilot Test: FHWA has a pilot test underway working with three State DOTs (Washington, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania) to test a set of work zone performance measures on a sampling of road construction projects. The test sites include those that have data sources available from existing instrumentation through transportation management centers, as well as some that do not and will reply on data collection from field personnel and emerging data sources (e.g., third parties). Data collection is occurring in Summer 2008/Winter 2008-09 and compiled results are expected in Summer 2009. Tracy Scriba August 2009 Research
ITS and Work Zones Crosscutting Study: Using ITS in work zones can help ease traveler frustration, manage congestion, and prevent crashes. This study looks to educate maintenance and construction engineers and public sector managers about work zone ITS technologies and how they can be used to address work zone mobility and safety challenges. A study report, brochure, and four case studies were previously published and can be obtained at FHWA is currently finalizing an implementation guide that will provide information to practitioners on the considerations for selecting and implementing a work zone ITS application. Tracy Scriba June 2009 Technical Assistance / Guidance
Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume VIII - Work Zone Analysis - A Guide for Decision-Makers Chung Eng Completed Guidance
Work Zone Process Review Toolbox Tracy Scriba Completed Tools / Technical Assistance / Guidance
QuickZone Traffic Impact Analysis Tool Daniel Grate Completed Tools
Work Zone Peer-to-Peer Program (WZ P2P) Chung Eng Ongoing Technical Assistance / Guidance
Work Zone Self-Assessment Tracy Scriba Ongoing Technical Assistance / Guidance

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The Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users, authorizing funds for Federal-aid Highways, highway safety programs, transit and other purposes, requires a number of actions to be handled by the Office of Operations. These include the following:

  • Section 1110 - Temporary Traffic Control Devices - Requires the issuance of regulations to establish conditions for appropriate use of, and expenditure of funds for, uniformed law enforcement officers, positive protective measures between workers and motorized traffic, installation and maintenance of temporary traffic control devices during construction, utility, and maintenance operations.

    Current Status - SAFETEA-LU did not establish a statutory deadline, a self-imposed deadline of 2 years was established. Office of Operations (HOTO) worked with the FHWA Offices of Infrastructure and Safety to implement Section 1110. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) was published in the Federal Register on November 1, 2006. The comment period, originally set to expire on January 2, 2007, was extended to February 16, 2007 (per a December 19, 2006 notice in the Federal Register). Comments received were analyzed, and a Final Rule on Temporary Traffic Control Devices (Subpart K) was published on December 5, 2007. This Final Rule became effective on December 4, 2008. Information on Subpart K, including the Final Rule, the NPRM, and a set of Questions & Answers can be found at Contact Chung Eng ( for more information.

  • Section 1121 - HOV Facilities (23 U.S.C. 166) - Replaces Section 102(a) of 23 USC with a new Section 166, clarifying the operation of high occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities and provides more exceptions to vehicle occupancy requirements. A State agency that has jurisdiction over the operation of a HOV facility must establish the occupancy requirements of vehicles operating the facility. Except as provided otherwise in this new section, no fewer than two occupants per vehicle may be required for use of a HOV facility. Motorcycles and bicycles must be allowed to use HOV facilities unless a State certifies that such use would create a safety hazard. Until September 30, 2009, States may permit vehicles certified and labeled as Inherently Low-Emission Vehicles (ILEV), in accordance with Sections 88.311-93 & 88.312-93 of CFR 40, to use HOV facilities. States may also establish exceptions for public transportation vehicles, certified low emission and energy efficient vehicles, and High Occupancy Toll (HOT) vehicles. Tolls under this section may be charged on both Interstate and non-Interstate facilities.

    To void the need for potential corrective action, States are encouraged to work with their local FHWA Division Office before allowing HOT, alternative fuel, or low emission and energy-efficient vehicles (i.e., hybrid vehicles), that do not meet minimum occupancy requirements, to use HOV facilities. When HOT and low emission and energy-efficient vehicles are allowed to use HOV lanes, States are required to annually certify that operational performance monitoring programs and enforcement programs are in place to ensure HOV facilities are not degraded and are operated in accordance with the restrictions and requirements of 23 U.S.C. 166. States must limit or discontinue the use of the facility by a sufficient number of HOT and/or low emission and energy-efficient vehicles, if the operation of the facility has degraded.

    Current Status - On May 24, 2007, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement elements of the SAFETEA-LU Section 1121 (23 U.S.C. 166) to provide exemptions for vehicles certified as low emission and energy-efficient for use in high occupancy vehicle lanes. Revised HOV Program Guidance (dated August 2008) is posted on-line at Contact Jessie Yung ( for more information.

  • Section 1201 - Real Time System Management Information Program - Requires the establishment of a real-time system management information program to provide, in all States, the capability to monitor, the traffic and travel conditions of the nation's major highways and to share that information with State and local governments and the traveling public. The purpose of the program is to improve the security of the surface transportation system, to address congestion problems, to support improved response to weather events and surface transportation incidents, and to facilitate national and regional highway traveler information. The program will also identify longer range real-time highway and transit monitoring needs and develop plans and strategies for meeting such needs.

    Current Status - Comments have been received for the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that was published in January 2009, and work on a Final Rule has begun. Interim guidance on data exchange formats to facilitate sharing of program information was published October 2007 in the Federal Register, with workshops held in the summer and fall of 2008 to further identify issues surrounding data exchange and data quality. An additional Webcast is planned for summer/fall of 2009 for further discussion regarding data and possible implications of the proposed rule. The data exchange formats reference existing message sets among various ITS Standards to ease implementation and broaden acceptance of the standards. Contact Bob Rupert ( for more information.

  • Section 1301 - Projects of National and Regional Significance - Establish a program to solicit for and provide grants to the States for projects of national and regional significance. Grants can be used for eligible project costs including development, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and acquisition of real property. The program provides funding beyond the state apportionment levels for high cost transportation infrastructure facilities for critical national economic and transportation needs that are not adequately funded within existing surface transportation program categories. The program improves economic productivity, facilitates international trade, relieves congestion, and enhances movement of passengers and freight.

    Current Status - Project funds are fully earmarked through 2009, however grant recipients will need to submit project descriptions to the Office of Operations (HOFM) in accordance with the guidance issued on January 4, 2006 (refer to the HOFM Web site at The Final Rule establishing eligibility and rating criteria was published on October 24, 2008. The Final Rule and Annual Reports to Congress can be viewed at:

  • Section 1302 - National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program - Establish a program to make allocations to States for highway construction projects in corridors of national significance to promote economic growth and international or interregional trade. Priority will be given to those corridors that are a part of or will become a part of the National Interstate Highway System and projects that will be completed within 5 years of the date of allocation of funds for the project.

    Current Status - Project funds are fully earmarked through 2009, however, grant recipients will need to submit project descriptions to the Office of Operations (HOFM) in accordance with the guidance issued on January 4, 2006 (refer to the HOFM Web site at

  • Section 1305 - Truck Parking Facilities - Requires implementation of a pilot program to address the shortage of long-term parking for commercial motor vehicles on the National Highway System. Report to Congress by August 10, 2008.

    Current Status - Both projects awarded funding in FY 2008, the California iPark project and the I-95 Corridor Coalition truck parking project, were obligated (refer to the HOFM Web site at Systems Engineering/Project Management Plans are currently under development for each of these two projects. They are expected to be complete by Summer 09. FY 2009 funds have been made available to the program, awarding of funds has not been done. The Report to Congress has been sent.

  • Section 1306 - Freight Intermodal Pilot Grant Program - Requires implementation of a freight intermodal distribution pilot grant program. The pilot should facilitate and support intermodal freight transportation at the State and local levels to relieve congestion, improve safety and provide capital funding to address infrastructure and freight distribution need at inland ports and intermodal freight facilities. Report to Congress in three years.

    Current Status - Project funds are fully earmarked through 2009, however grant recipients will need to submit project descriptions to the Office of Operations (HOFM) in accordance with the guidance issued (refer to the HOFM Web site at The Office of Operations (HOFM) is actively working on a Report to Congress.

  • Section 1309 - Extension of the Public Transit Exemption from Axle Weight and Restrictions - Section 1023(h)(1) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (23 U.S.C. 127 note; 106 Stat. 1552) is amended by striking "2005' and inserting 2009.

    Current Status - The Office of Operations (HOFM) prepared the required NPRM due May 2007 and a Final Rule was published February 20, 2007. The final rule can be found at

  • Section 1310 - Interstate Oasis Program - Requires consultation with States and other interested parties to establish an interstate oasis program. This includes public comment, development of standards for identifying facilities that offer services to the public, 24-hour access to restrooms and parking for autos and heavy trucks, and establishment of facility standards and proximity to Interstate System, including a logo.

    Current Status - HOTO held a stakeholders' workshop with AASHTO and organizations representing truck stop operators and independent truckers to help define issues for the program. Program guidance was posted in the Federal Register on October 18, 2006. The NPA for the next edition of the MUTCD incorporates provisions for signing of Interstate Oases, including a logo. Contact Hari Kalla ( for more information.

  • Section 1402 - Worker Injury Protection and the Free Flow of Vehicular Traffic - Issuance of regulations to: Decrease the likelihood of worker injury; Maintain the free flow of vehicular traffic by requiring workers whose duties place them on or in close proximity to a Federal-aid Highway to wear high visibility garments.

    Current Status - Office of Operations (HOTO) published a final rule in the Federal Register on November 24, 2006. The final rule can be found at

  • Section 1604 - Tolling - Extends and authorizes a total of $59 million funding for the Value Pricing Pilot Program; creates a new Express Lanes Demonstration Program to permit tolling on up to 15 demonstration projects to manage congestion, reduce emissions, or finance new lanes to reduce congestion on the highway system; and creates a new Interstate System Construction Toll Pilot Program that authorizes tolling to finance construction of up to three new Interstate highway facilities.

    Current Status - The FY 2007 and 2008 Value Pricing Pilot Program funds for under Section 1604 (a) are being used to support the Urban Partnership Agreements with the USDOT in the cities of Seattle, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. The FY 2009 Value Pricing Pilot Program funds for under Section 1604 (a) are being used to support a new series of Value Pricing Pilot projects solicited in the Federal Register on November 7, 2008. Award of these projects is expected in early 2009. The first two toll agreements under the Express Lanes Demonstration Program were signed with the Texas Department of Transportation for the following projects: 1) I-635 priced managed lane project that will add 28 miles of new tolled lanes as part of the Dallas-area highway reconstruction project, and 2) North Tarrant Express priced managed lane project that will build 36 miles of new tolled lanes as part of improvements to I-820, I-35W and State Highway 183 in and around Fort Worth. Work is underway on rulemaking required in section 1604(b) to establish interoperability requirements for electronic toll collection systems implemented in projects pursued under this section, and a Final Rule has been drafted based on the comments to the NPRM. Contact Wayne Berman ( for more information.

  • Section 1910 - Motorist Information Concerning Full Service Restaurants - Rulemaking may be initiated to determine whether full service restaurants should be given priority on not more two panels of the camping or attractions logo-specific service signs in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the Department of Transportation.

    Current Status - Office of Operations (HOTO) has decided that, at present, rulemaking is not necessary. An Interim Approval was issued in September 2006 allowing States to expand from 6 to 12 the number of logos for any given type of service at an interchange, including food, by utilizing unused logo positions on other service signs. These provisions were also included in the NPA for the next edition of the MUTCD. The MUTCD team will continue to work with the NCUTCD to explore ways to revise the Specific Service Program so as to permit States to provide more logo positions for all service categories. Congressional members were notified of FHWA intentions. Contact Hari Kalla ( for more information.

  • Section 1943 - Great Lakes ITS Implementation - Grants to the State of Wisconsin to continue ITS activities in the corridor serving the greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, and Gary, Indiana areas initiated under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, and other areas of the State of Wisconsin.

    Current Status - The Office of Operations (HOTM) will make funding available to the State of Wisconsin for the Lake Michigan Interstate Gateway corridor as appropriate. $2 million is available for FY 2009. Contact Greg Jones ( for more information.

  • Section 4112 - Nebraska Custom Harvesters Exemption - Nebraska may allow the operation of a truck tractor and 2 trailers or semi-trailers not in actual lawful operation on a regular or periodic basis on June 1, 1991, if the length of the units DOES NOT exceed 81 feet 6 inches and used to transport equipment to harvest wheat, soybeans and or silo during harvest months as defined by the State of Nebraska.

    Current Status - The Office of Operations (HOFM) prepared the required Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) due May 2007 and a Final Rule was published February 20, 2007. The final rule can be found at

  • Section 4141 - Driveaway Saddlemount Vehicles - Amended 49 U.S.C. Section 31111(b) (1) to allow lengths of 97' on a driveaway saddlemount with fullmount vehicle transporter combinations.

    Current Status - The Office of Operations (HOFM) prepared the required Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) due May 2007 and a Final Rule was published February 20, 2007. The final rule can be found at

  • Section 5204(g) - Training and Education (Freight Capacity Building Program) - Requires establishment and implementation of a freight planning capacity building program to support enhancements in freight transportation planning to better target investments in freight transportation systems to maintain efficiency and productivity and strengthen the decision-making capacity of State transportation departments and local transportation agencies with respect to freight transportation planning and systems.

    Current Status - The Office of Operations (HOFM) is incorporating these requirements into the Freight Professional Development Program. Contact Carol Keenan ( for more information.

  • Section 5211 - Multi-state Corridor Operations - Encourage multi-state cooperative agreements, coalitions or other arrangements to promote regional cooperation, planning and shared project implementation for programs and projects. The program will improve transportation management and operations along Interstate 95 corridor and enhance transportation systems management and operations.

    Current Status - $7 million annual ITS research funds will be administered by the Office of Operations. Contact Greg Jones ( for more information.

  • Section 5507 - Rural Interstate Corridor Communications Study - This study will determine the feasibility for leveraging the rights-of-way of three Interstate corridors - I-90 (SD, MN, IA, WI); I-91 (MA, VT, NH); and I-20 (LA, MS, AL) - for securing resource sharing agreements with communications providers. The feasibility assessment will identify the potential benefits of enhanced wireline and wireless communications for the rural communities along the corridor. A report to Congress is due by September 30, 2007, and will be prepared that documents the impacts of enhanced communications to social and demographic groups, education and health systems, homeland security, local industry and transportation. A more detailed report that illustrates a concept-level plans package will be delivered to the stakeholder states in early 2008.

    Current Status - Report was finalized and sent to Congress by August 28, 2008. The report was posted on the FHWA Web site

  • Section 5508 - Transportation Technology Innovation and Demonstration Program - This is a 2-part intelligent transportation infrastructure program (ITIP) to advance the deployment of an operational intelligent transportation infrastructure system, aid in transportation planning and analysis; and provide a basic level of traveler information. The program addresses national, local, and commercial data needs through enhancement of surveillance and data management. On the national level the program measures the operating performance of the roadway system. Locally, such roadway system performance data can be used to assist in local system planning, evaluation, and management activities.

    Current Status - Extension of the TEA-21 ITIP Program. Selection of cities and which part of the Program to participate in were made March 2006. Local Agreements have been reached with 25 cities under Part 1. To date, system in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Oklahoma City, Providence, St. Louis, San Diego, San Francisco, Tampa and Washington D.C. have been completed and system in Baltimore, Cincinnati, Columbus, New Orleans, Norfolk, Phoenix, Raleigh/Durham, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Jose, and Seattle are under development. It is anticipated that the program will be completed in Spring of 2010. The request for proposals for first Part 2 city was issued June 25, 2007, subsequently canceled. The Fiscal Year 2008 Omnibus Appropriations Bill, signed into law December 26, 2007, rescinded the remaining unobligated TTID program funding. As a result, further deployment under Part 2 cannot be pursued. Contact Jimmy Chu ( for more information.

  • Section 6001 - Transportation Planning – Operations - Metropolitan transportation plans shall include operational and management strategies to improve the performance of the existing transportation facilities to relieve vehicular congestion and maximize the safety and mobility of people and goods. The requirement for the inclusion of operational and management strategies must be in place prior to MPO. adoption of transportation plans addressing SAFETEA-LU provisions. Congestion Management Processes in Transportation Management Areas (TMAs): there must be "a process that provides for effective management and operation" to address congestion management. Management and Operations Planning Factor: The metropolitan transportation plan shall provide for consideration of projects and strategies that will "(G) promote efficient system management and operations."

    Current Status - Interim guidebooks for the Congestion Management Process and Management and Operations in the MTP were disseminated to the public on May 16, 2008. In the Summer of 2008 FHWA and FTA conducted seven workshops across the country to showcase the objectives driven, performance based approach that is contained in these guidebook documents. In addition, a public comment period on the Guidebook documents took place from May 16th until December 15th, 2008. FHWA and FTA are continuing to conduct outreach workshops as they continue to receive input on this approach. A consolidated "Reference Guide to Advanced Planning for Operations in Metropolitan Areas" that combines the two guidebooks will be published by Fall 2009. In addition, brochures that explain the benefits of an objectives driven, performance based approach for an audience of MPO decision makers will be completed by September 2009 for public use. Contact Rick Backlund ( for more information..

  • Section 10204 - Catastrophic Hurricane Evacuation Plans - Requires DOT and DHS Secretaries to coordinate with the Gulf Coast States and contiguous States to jointly review and assess Federal and State evacuation plans for catastrophic events impacting the Gulf Coast Region. The report was produced in consultation with appropriate Federal, State, and local transportation and emergency management agencies. The Office of Policy will lead a multi-office team in producing the report. However, the Office of Transportation Operations will produce the foundational material defining "good practice" evacuation planning, management, and implementation tools.

    Current Status - Report was finalized and sent to Congress by June 1, 2006. The report was distributed in CD form to Research Centers and Division offices in late July and posted on the FHWA Web site at

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