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Confined animal feeding operations
Program overview Committee meetings notice
CAFO Program documents Public notice
History of the CAFO Program New EPA emissions rule change
CAFO inspections Animal disposal
CAFO geographic boundaries Manure Spreading Index (MSI)
CAFO links
Program overview
The Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) permit program was developed to assist operators and producers with managing their waste so as not to contaminate ground or surface water. Since the early 1980s, CAFOs have been registered to a general Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit designed to protect water quality, while allowing the operators and producters to remain economically viable. It is recognized that a properly maintained CAFO is protective of ground and surface water.

A facility that is properly maintained may dispose of its wastes in a number of ways. Some methods of disposal may create what the law refers to as a discharge of wastes, as do some extreme weather events.

In order to assure continued protection of ground and surfacewater, ODA has been directed by the 2001 Oregon legislature, to convert the program from a WPCF permit program to a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. A NPDES permit will allow discharge in certain circumstances, while at the same time providing protection for our water resources.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
CAFO contacts and administration

CAFO Program documents
CAFO Program documents

Rules, application, general permit information, compliance documents, CAFO record keeping calendars, and other helpful information

History of the CAFO Program
The CAFO permit program began in the early 1980s to prevent CAFO wastes from contaminating groundwater and surface water. CAFOs are generally defined as the concentrated confined feeding or holding of animals in buildings, pens, or lots where the surface is prepared to support animals in wet weather, or where there are wastewater treatment facilities (e.g., manure lagoons). CAFO wastes include, but are not limited to, manure, silage pit drainage, wash down waters, contaminated runoff, milk wastewater, and bulk tank wastewater. When the program began, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) was the permit issuing and enforcement entity, and ODA functioned as the overall program administrator and investigating authority. DEQ is the delegated authority under the federal Clean Water Act to issue National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) permits for wastewater discharges to surface waters, including discharges from CAFOs. However, DEQ chose not to issue NPDES permits for CAFO wastes because the state Water Pollution Control Facilities (WPCF) permit program was deemed to be more restrictive. The WPCF permit program prohibits the discharge of CAFO wastes to surface waters, whereas NPDES permits allow such discharges to surface water during large storm events. In 1993, the Oregon Legislature directed the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) and ODA to enter into a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate the transition of the CAFO permit program from DEQ to ODA. The MOU, developed in May 1995, addressed transfer of the state WPCF permit program to CAFOs at that time. NPDES permitting responsibilities were not transferred. EPA has since directed DEQ and ODA to issue NPDES permits to CAFOs that fit the federal definition of a concentrated animal feeding operation. In addition, the 2001 Oregon Legislature authorized and directed the transfer of the NPDES permit program for CAFOs from DEQ to ODA upon approval by EPA.
CAFO inspections
Routine and follow-up inspections

Each permitted CAFO receives a routine inspection from their area Livestock Water Quality Inspector on average once a year. During this inspection, the operator and inspector discuss the operation, and the inspector views the entire operation to assure compliance with permit terms and water quality rules and laws. In the event a violation is found, the inspector works with the operator to develop a solution to the problem and a schedule to complete the corrections needed, if any.

The schedule will require certain items to be completed by specific dates. Depending on the nature of the problem, the inspector may make a follow-up inspection to the operation to see if progress is being made. At any time, the operator may call their inspector with questions or concerns about their facility.
Complaint inspections

ODA is charged with the responsibility to assure that CAFOs comply with water quality rules and statutes. Sometimes problems come to the attention of ODA through complaints made by other individuals or organizations about a certain operation or situation that concerns them. ODA receives complaints over the phone and in writing. To file a complaint, please contact the Livestock Water Quality Specialist for your area.

Once a complaint is received, it is evaluated by the area inspector and often the complainant is contacted for more information. If it is determined that the complaint could be valid, an inspection will be scheduled with the operator to view the situation and determine solutions, if needed.Upon completion of the complaint inspection, the inspector will advise the operator of his or her findings relative to the complaint, and if necessary, will work with the operator to develop a schedule to correct problems. If requested, the complainant will be notified of the results of the inspection.

CAFO geographic boundaries
The State of Oregon CAFO program is overseen by the ODA Natural Resources Division in Salem, Oregon. However, the entire state has been subdivided into CAFO regions.
CAFO boundary map

CAFO links
Additional CAFO resources and Web sites

Committee meetings notice
CAFO Advisory Committee

The Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Advisory Committee will hold a meeting from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room D, Oregon Department of Agriculture Building located at 635 Capitol St. NE, Salem, Oregon, on Thursday, October 8, 2009. The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities.

Public notice
Notice of Public Participation Opportunity - Proposal to Renew Permit Coverage for Confined Animal Feeding Operations in Tillamook County, issued July 2, 2009
Notice of Public Participation Opportunity - Proposal to Renew Permit Coverage for Confined Animal Feeding Operations in Area VI, issued July 20, 2009
Notice of Public Participation Opportunity - Proposal to Renew Permit Coverage for Confined Animal Feeding Operations in Area V, issued August 3, 2009

New EPA emissions rule change
For permittees with Large Federal CAFOs - Recent information for reporting requirements regarding air releases of hazardous substances

Animal disposal
Recent and imminent closures of Oregon rendering plants are leaving the state without those operations and prompting various state agencies, in partnership with users of rendering plants, to explore short and long-term options for disposal of dead animals and butcher waste. Among the state agencies working on potential solutions are the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) and Oregon State University (OSU).
Disposal of Animal Mortality and Byproducts (140K pdf)

Manure Spreading Index (MSI)
Current MSI
The most current Manure Spreading Index report for selected western Oregon locations.
ODA's Manure Spreading Index hotline: 503-986-4791 

About MSI
The Manure Spreading Index (MSI) was developed, in 2004, by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA). It was originally funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of the Clean Water Act's efforts to improve water quality.

The goal of this product is to provide guidance to Confined Animal Feeding Operations, regarding the spreading of manure on fields, in order to help reduce the amount of contaminated runoff into rivers, streams, creaks, ponds, and lakes. Targeting western Oregon, the MSI is a simple index that tracks rainfall and rainfall forecasts. Operators are encouraged to review the MSI prior to manure application to determine the best possible time to apply manure and prevent surface water contamination.

The MSI is based on rainfall and predicted rainfall. The formula was devised by the ODA meteorologist and weighs recent rainfall more heavily than rainfall from several days ago. MSI values range from zero to essentially unlimited. Generally, in Oregon, a value of 300 or less may correspond to lower risk of water contamination from spreading manure. Values above 300 indicate an increased water contamination potential. The MSI was calibrated against actual weather records, and threshold values of "Generally Okay,” "Use Caution" and "Not Advisable" were established.

Today’s MSI is computed as follows:
MSI = (P4 * 2) + (P3 * 4) + (P2 * 6) + (P1 * 8) + (P0 * 10)

MSI = Manure Spreading Index                               
P4 = Observed rainfall from 4 days ago (hundredths of an inch)           
P3 = Observed rainfall from 3 days ago                           
P2 = Observed rainfall from 2 days ago                           
P1 = Observed rainfall from yesterday                           
P0 = Forecast rainfall for today

Note:  To calculate the MSI, for future days, it becomes necessary to replace observed rainfall with forecast rainfall. Therefore, the potential for error increases rapidly with time, so the MSI is only projected out two days.

Although the original EPA grant has expired, the ODA has elected to continue providing the MSI in an ongoing effort to improve water quality. Past and predicted rainfall totals, for the MSI formula, are collected from National Weather Service observing stations and the National Digital Forecast Database. Zone averages are calculated using representative locations. The ODA meteorologist provides quality control and supplements the final product with a general weather discussion.
Page updated: August 05, 2009

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