Office of Management and Budget

North Carolina and the President’s Fiscal Year 2010 Budget

The President’s 2010 Budget seeks to usher in a new era of responsibility – an era in which we not only do what we must to save and create new jobs and lift our economy out of recession, but in which we also lay a new foundation for long-term growth and prosperity.  To achieve these goals, the nation must address some of the deep, systemic problems that have been ignored for too long by making critical investments in education so that every child can compete in the global economy, health care so that we can control costs while boosting coverage and quality, and renewable sources of energy so that we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and become the world leader in the new clean energy economy.  At the same time, we also must restore fiscal discipline, making sure that we invest in what works and do not waste taxpayer dollars on programs that do not work or are duplicative.

Taken together, education, health care, clean energy, and fiscal discipline are the pillars upon which we can build a new foundation for our economy, a foundation that brings opportunity and prosperity to all Americans for decades to come. 

Under the President’s budget, North Carolina will see:

Creating Jobs, Getting the Economy Moving Again, and Investing for Long-Term Growth

Bringing Down the Cost and Boosting the Quality of Health Care

Giving Every Child a World-Class Education

Reducing Our Dependence on Oil and Investing in a Clean Energy Future

Supporting Our Military and Veterans