Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Live Butterflies

One Hall, Two Exhibits

Partners in Evolution—a free-admission exploration into how insects and other animals have co-evolved with plants.

Butterfly exhibit illustration

The Butterfly Pavilion—a fee-based, live butterfly experience.

Partners in Evolution

Discover how natural selection has shaped animals and plants together through their ancient and persistent dependencies, and defenses with one another.

Butterfly Pavilion

Take a stroll among live butterflies and exotic plants! Located adjacent to Partners in Evolution, this tropical oasis offers visitors a rare opportunity to get close to a variety of living butterflies from all over the world.

Credits: Giant Hawk Moth (Xanthopan morganii praedicta) and Madagascar Star Orchid (Angraecum sesquipedale) illustrations by Diana Marques. Great Orange Tip butterfly (Hebomoia glaucippe) illustration by Vichai Malikul.

Ticket Sales

Tickets are required for the Butterfly Pavilion.

Purchase tickets online to avoid sold out time-slots. They are also available at the Museum on a first-come, first-served basis. Tickets are timed-entry at 15-minute intervals, 40 tickets per interval.

Prices per ticket:
Adults $6
Seniors $5.50 (60+)
Children $5 (2 to 12)
Members $5 (available by phone or at box office)
Groups $4.50 (10 or more, advance purchase by phone; 1 free ticket for every 20). There must be one adult for every 10 children or students.
Groups $5 (10 or more, no advance reservations; no free tickets). There must be one adult for every 10 children or students.
Tuesdays - no charge - but free timed-entry tickets are required and are available at the Butterfly Pavilion Box Office each Tuesday beginning at 10:00 am.

Butterfly exhibit illustration

Hours of Operation:

March 27 to
    September 6

Butterfly Pavilion:
First Entry: 10:15am
Final Entry:   6:00pm*
Pavilion Closes:  6:30pm*

Daily: 10:00am-7:30pm*

* * * * * * *

September 7
    thru Fall & Winter

Butterfly Pavilion:
First Entry: 10:15am
Final Entry:   5:00pm

Daily: 10:00 am-5:30 pm

* Exceptions: Evenings when the Museum closes early for special events.
See Museum Closing Times for additional information, including early closing for special events.

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