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As an important part of the Office's mission, the FCC's OET publishes various types of technical documents that communicates the results of its research and studies and provides technical information to the public. The categories of documents include Technical Memoranda, Measurement Procedures, Bulletins, and Reports. These documents are of interest to a broad spectrum of people. The documents are available to individuals and groups inside and outside the FCC.

18 GHz CARS study added (Reports Section) July 8, 2003

Technical Memorandum

This series of documents contain accounts of technical developments, investigations, research and analysis; may contain advisory or informative material; may give preliminary views on a question under study; may be a presentation for completion of records or documents of historical nature; and may be a summation of work done in a specific technical area.

TS 92-1 Creating New Technology Bands for Emerging Telecommunications Technology, 1992. FCC Warehouse
TM 91-1 Propagation in Subarban Areas at Distances less than Ten miles tm91-1.pdf
(Adobe PDF)
TM 90-1 Interference Immunities of Aviation Receivers Due to FM Broadcast Transmissions, 1990. (Project EEB-89-2)
FCC Warehouse
TM 87-1 Receiver Susceptibility Measurements Relating to Interference Between UHF Television and Land Mobile Radio Services. April 1986 OET Online
tm87-1.pdf 1.2 MB (Adobe PDF)
TM 82-5 Guidance for Evaluating the Potential for Interference to TV from Stations of Inland Waterways Communications Systems, 1982. tm82-5.pdf (Adobe PDF)
NTIS: PB 82-247644
TM 82-2 A Computer Program for Calculating Effect of Interference to TV Service, 1982. (Computer Program: TVINT)
FCC Warehouse
NTIS: PB 82-25091


Measurement Procedures (MP)

This series of documents are a formal presentation of recommended procedures that may be used when testing equipment to determine its compliance with FCC rules; may contain recommended procedures to perform a variety of physical measurements which are required or suggested by the FCC rules; and may contain procedures which have been accepted formally by the FCC according to procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act.

MP-1 FCC Methods of Measurements for Determining Compliance of Radio Control and Security Alarm Devices and Associated Receivers, February 1983 NTIS Accession Number PB 84-243641
OET On-line
MP-2 Measurement of UHF Noise Figures of Television Receivers, October 1986 FCC Warehouse
NTIS Accession Number PB 84-243609
OET On-line
MP-3 Methods of Measurements of Output Signal Level, Output Terminal Conducted Spurious Emissions, Transfer Switch Characteristics, and Radio Noise Emission from TV Interface Devices, January 1985 NTIS Accession Number PB 89-117030
OET On-line
MP-4 FCC Methods of Measurement of Radio Noise Emission from Computing Devices, July 1987 Replaced by National Standard C63.4-1991
OET On-line
MP-5 FCC Methods of Measurements of Radio Noise Emissions from ISM Equipment, February 1986 FCC Warehouse
NTIS Accession Number PB 89-117048
OET On-line
MP-8 Measurement Procedures for Radiotelegraph Auto Alarm, December 1984 NTIS Accession Number PB 89-117055
OET On-line
MP-9 FCC Procedure for Measuring Cable Television Switch Isolation, September 1987 FCC Warehouse
OET On-line



This series of documents contain detailed information on a specific subject appropriate for dissemination to a large sector of the general public; may explain procedural requirements of the FCC, such as for making an application for equipment importation or obtaining an equipment authorization; or may define terms used in Commission Rules and interpret the rules or technical details referenced in the rules.

B 37 Criteria to be Met by Doppler Radars Operating in the 24.09-24.15 GHz Band, June 1978 FCC Warehouse
B 43 Peak Envelope Power and Output Limiting in the Citizen's Band Radio Service, April 1977 FCC Warehouse
B 53 Compatibility Standards for 800 MHz Land Mobile Cellular Systems, July 1983 FCC Warehouse
B 56 Questions and Answers about Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of RF Radiation, January 1989 FCC Warehouse
OET On-Line
B 60 Multichannel Television Sound Transmission & Audio Processing Requirements for BTSC System, February 1986 FCC Warehouse
OET On-Line
B 61 FCC Equipment Authorization Program for Radio Frequency Devices, October 1992 FCC Warehouse
OET On-Line
B 62 Understanding the FCC Regulations for Computers and Other Digital Devices, December 1993 (ANSI Standard 63.4-1991 will replace) FCC Warehouse
OET On-Line
B 63 Understanding The FCC Part 15 Regulations for Low Power, Non-Licensed Transmitters, October 1993 (Edited December 1994) FCC Warehouse
OET On-Line
B 64 Voluntary Technical Standards for Broadcast Transmitters and Other RF Devices, June 1985 FCC Warehouse
B 65 Evaluating Compliance with FCC Specified Guidelines for Human Exposure to RF Radiation, August 1997 FCC Warehouse
OET On-Line
B 67 Potential Interference from Operational Fixed Stations in the 72-76 MHz Band to Television Channels 4 and 5, May 1988 FCC Warehouse
B 68 Ghost Canceling Reference Signal for NTSC, May 1993 FCC Warehouse
B 69 Longley-Rice Methodology for Evaluating TV Coverage and Interference, July 1997 OET On-Line
B 70 Millimeter Wave Propagation: Spectrum Management Implications, July 1997 OET On-Line
B 72 The ILLR Computer Program, July 2002 OET On-Line



This series of documents contain a formal account of research or analysis; may include policy as well as technical analysis; and may be written in response to a specific request or in association with a specific issue.

FCC/OET 07-TR-1006
Initial Evaluation of the Performance of Prototype TV- Band White Space Devices
Report: [Acrobat]
FCC/OET 07-TR-1005
Direct-Pickup Interference Tests of Three Consumer Digital Cable Television Receivers Available in 2005
[Word | Acrobat]
FCC/OET 07-TR-1003 Interference Rejection Thresholds of Consumer Digital Television Receivers Available in 2005 and 2006. [Word | Acrobat]
ET Docket No. 05-182 Report to Congress - The Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 [Word | Acrobat]
TR-05-1017-ATSC Tests of ATSC 8-VSB Reception Performance of Consumer Digital Television Receivers Available in 2005. [Word | Acrobat]
F03-1 18 GHz CARS band study pursuant to IB Docket No. 98-172 (18GHzStudy)
R 6406 Technical Factors Effecting the Assignment Facilities in the Domestic Public Land Mobile Radio Service, 1964. (The Carey Report) (4.5Mb) NTIS: PB 166734
RS 76-01 Field Strength Calculation for TV and FM Broadcasting, 1976. Computer Program: TVFMFS
NTIS: PB-249144
R 6602 Development of VHF and UHF Propagation Curves for TV and FM Broadcasting, 1966. (8.3Mb) NTIS: PB66-174288
R 86-1 Modern Methods for Calculating Ground-Wave Field Strength Over A Smooth Spherical Earth, 1986. FCC Warehouse
NTIS: PB 86-173457
ASD-9601 Measurements of Environmental Electromagnetic Fields at Amateur Radio Stations, 1996. NTIS: 96-145016
OET On-Line
R 99-2 DTV Report on COFDM and 8-VSB Performance, 1999 OET On-Line (MS Word)
TRB 99-3 A Study of Co-Channel and Adjacent-Channel Interference Immunities of Subsidary Communications Authorization (SCA) FM Broadcast Receivers OET On-Line (MS Word)
R2229-63 UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities Report R2229-63 (PDF)

These reports present data collected during staff research. Any opinions and conclusions expressed in them are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Communications Commission. These reports are intended to provide data that may be prove useful for addressing technical issues within the agency and outside as well.

OET TM87-2 UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities Report TM87-2 (PDF)
UHF study TM87-6 UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities Memo TM87-6 (PDF)
UHF study TM87-17 UHF TV Receiver Interference Immunities Note TM87-17 (PDF)


Distribution Source
  • FCC Warehouse:

      FCC, Forms Distribution Center
      9300 East Hampton Drive
      Capitol Height, MD 20743 USA
      Telephone: (202) 418-3676 or (800) 418-3676

  • NTIS:

      National Technical Information Service
      5285 Port Royal Road
      Springfield, VA 22161 USA
      Telephone: (703)605-6000 or (800) 553-6847
      TDD: (703) 487-4639 --- 8:30am to 5:00pm, Eastern Time
      Fax: (703)605-6900

last reviewed/updated 7/23/09

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