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News Releases - Underground Storage Tanks

Blog Question of the Week: Why do you drink bottled water or tap water?

Release date: 07/07/2008

Contact Information: (for media only; please leave responses as comments on the blog): Jeffrey Levy, (202) 564-9727 / levy.jeffrey@epa.gov

(Washington, D.C. – July 7, 2008) Ever wanted to tell EPA what you thought on an environmental topic? Each week, you have your chance in the EPA blog, "Greenversations." Each question is an open-ended blog entry; please share your thoughts as comments.

This week's question:

Why do you drink bottled water or tap water?
Most Americans have safe tap water and drink tap water fresh from the kitchen faucet. Others choose to buy more expensive bottled water. But bottling and transporting water can carry environmental costs and use energy and resources, and bottles contribute to littering if not properly disposed of.

¿Por qué toma agua embotellada o del grifo?
Muchos estadounidenses tienen agua potable sana y beben agua fresca del grifo de la cocina. Otros optan por comprar agua embotellada más cara. Sin embargo, el embotellar y transportar agua conlleva costos medioambientales y el uso de energía y recursos. Asimismo, las botellas contribuyen a los desperdicios si no se desechan adecuadamente.

Share your answer: http://blog.epa.gov/blog/2008/07/07/qotwbottledortapwater/

Get email when we post a new question: http://service.govdelivery.com/service/subscribe.html?code=USAEPA_345

Read the rest of the blog: http://blog.epa.gov/