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Driver Responsibility Highlights
New Law Changes Effective April 1, 2009 PDF icon
Starting April 1, 2009, drivers currently suspended for non-payment of the DRF may qualify for driver license restoration.

Drivers with seven points or more on their driving record will receive fee assessments.
Starting in November of 2006 points assessments will be issued.

If you have received an "Order of Action" notice alerting you of a Driver Responsibility
Fee suspension,

Second Year Driver Responsibility Fee Notices
Starting in April 2005 second year Driver Responsibility Fee notices will be issued.

Contact Us
Periodically the Michigan Department of Treasury experiences extremely high call volumes, which may result in lengthy wait time. For your convenience, the Michigan Department of Treasury, Collection Division has extended our telephone hours between 8 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Information about the Driver Responsibility Fee law, payment information and printable forms are available on this web site.


What is Driver Responsibility?

Public Act 165 of 2003, known as the Driver Responsibility Law, took effect October 1, 2003. This law was amended by Public Act 52 of 2004 and Public Act 460 of 2008.

Its purpose is to encourage traffic safety by deterring potentially dangerous driving behavior. Other states, including New Jersey and Texas, have implemented similar laws. Michigan's Driver Responsibility Law calls for a monetary assessment for drivers who:

  • Are convicted of specific qualifying offenses, or

  • Accumulate seven or more qualifying points on their driving records

Revenues collected from Driver Responsibility Fees go to the state's General Fund, with collections in excess of $65 million (up to $3.5 million) being directed to a newly created Fire Protection Fund. The State of Michigan has begun notifying affected individuals of their payment obligations for violations of the Driver Responsibility Law, through correspondence from the Michigan Department of Treasury.

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