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ACF Region 1 - Boston

Focus on Fatherhood

Regional Fatherhood Activities

Region I has developed strong partnerships with local, state and national fatherhood programs and organizations to produce an annual New England Fathering Conference.  In addition to providing family support and social workers, Head Start staff, state agency representatives, health professionals, educators, and father advocates an opportunity for learning and sharing, the conference provides scholarships to Dads who are participating in community based fatherhood programs so that they can learn more about the important role they play in their child's healthy development.  The conference is now planning for its tenth year anniversary event, which will be hosted by the Connecticut Dept. of Social Services in March 2009.  Information on how to register for the conference will be posted on this website as soon as it becomes available.

Primary Regional Fatherhood Contact:  Marilyn Lasky


State Fatherhood Activities

The Massachusetts Children’s Trust Fund’s Fatherhood Initiative sponsors Father’s and Families Networks throughout the state.  For more information, go to their website at

Information about Rhode Island’s Fatherhood Initiative and its Fatherhood Coalition can be found at

The State of New Hampshire created the Commission on the Status of Men that focuses on the experiences of males in New Hampshire, including fatherhood.  For more information, including their biennial reports, go to

Connecticut’s Fatherhood Initiative is a broad-based, statewide program led by the Department of Social Services that is focused on changing the systems that can improve fathers’ ability to pay child support and to be positively involved in the lives of their children.  For information, go to