Protecting Oregon's Environment
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Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

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Hazardous Waste

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Toxics Use and Hazardous Waste Reduction
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Toxics Use and Hazardous Waste Reduction (TUHWR)  

Planning and Reporting

The information and links provided on this page help an Oregon business fully meet the TUHWR requirements that can benefit employees’ health and the environment.

If your business recently received an official electronic e-mail notice from DEQ, you may want to start by reading the Background resources or just start by going in order through the four steps below. Otherwise, if you are well into complying with the requirements, you can:

Step 1 - Develop a Reduction Plan or Environmental Management System (EMS)

You can either develop a Reduction Plan or an EMS that is ISO 14001-certified or equivalent – your choice. Please do not submit your Plan or EMS to DEQ unless you have made prior arrangement with DEQ staff.

  • TUHWR Planning: Reduction plan questions and answers (coming soon)
    If you are new to the TUHWR Program and are getting ready to prepare a Reduction Plan, we recommend you read these answers to the 10 most commonly-asked questions by businesses.
  • TUHWR plan template DOC
    An easy-to-follow outline for businesses developing a plan for the first time.
  • Top 10 elements in an EMS PDF
    Checklist of 10 essential elements to have in an ISO 14001-certified or equivalent EMS. Note: An EMS does not require certification to be valid under Oregon TUHWR law.
  • Planning and Reduction Ideas  PDF
    Links to several Web sites that can help you develop an EMS and get ideas to reduce toxics use and hazardous wastes.

Step 2 – Submit a Notice of Plan Completion or EMS Completion electronically

After completing a Plan or EMS within 120 days of receiving the official e-mail from DEQ to start the process, you need to LOG IN to the reporting system and submit an electronic Notice of Plan or EMS form.

Step 3 – Submit two Implementation Summaries electronically

A year after the Notice of Plan or EMS is due, you must LOG IN and submit the first Implementation Summary. The Second Implementation Summary is due a year later.

Step 4 - Update Reduction Plan or EMS when changes occur and keep it on site.

The law requires businesses to keep the Reduction Plan or EMS current and on site. DEQ recommends revisiting the Reduction Plan or EMS annually to ensure it is current. If your business has made additional reductions, you may LOG IN and submit a Supplemental Implementation Summary.

  • TUHWR Reporting, LOG IN.
  • TUHWR compliance checklist PDF
    Easy-to-use checklist to verify compliance with the TUHWR Program requirements. Excellent tool for businesses new to the program and for those with well-established toxics use and hazardous waste reduction programs!


  • On-line reporting system and related technology questions.
    Chris Pickens, Portland, 503-229-6352, toll-free in Oregon at 1-800-452-4011 (extension 6352).
  • General TUHWR Program questions.
    David Livengood, Portland, 503-229-5181, toll-free in Oregon at 1-800-452-4011 (extension 5181).
  • For help developing a plan, completing an implementation summary or getting on-site assistance.
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For more information about DEQ's Land Quality Division and its programs, see the contact page.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Headquarters: 811 Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390
Phone: 503-229-5696 or toll free in Oregon 1-800-452-4011
Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-735-2900  FAX: 503-229-6124

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency authorized to protect Oregon's environment by
the State of Oregon and the Environmental Protection Agency.

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