Rep. Gene Taylor: Administration fails to back legislation that ensures coastal homeowners can buy insurance that fully covers hurricane damage at affordable price.  
May 11, 2009
“Apparently, the Obama Administration has no problem with bailing out insurance giant AIG with tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. But it will not ensure that coastal homeowners are able to buy insurance that will fully cover hurricane damage at an affordable price.” Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) insisted. “Sec. Napolitano’s letter is riddled with fiction which my staff and I can refute with facts. In his confirmation hearings last month, Craig Fugate—Obama’s nominee for FEMA Director—parroted the same industry-backed talking points. When it comes to protecting homeowners from the greed and avarice of insurance companies, none of this is change. It is the status quo, and it hurts homeowners throughout coastal America.”
U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor Dismayed at Homeland Security remarks concerning America's veterans 
April 17, 2009
I would like to add my voice to express my dismay with the remarks included in the Department of Homeland Security memo concerning rightwing extremism. While it is a sad fact that two veterans were involved the bombing of the Murrah Office building in Oklahoma years ago that resulted in the death of 168 people, it is also a fact that millions of American men and women have served honorably and returned to their communities as valued members of those communities.
Statement of US Rep. Gene Taylor on Seizure of US-Flag Vessel in the Gulf of Aden 
April 9, 2009

"I urge President Obama to strongly condemn the parties responsible for this act and consider the attack on a US-flag vessel as an attack upon the US.  Persons or organizations who attack US-flag vessels in international waters should be considered enemy combatants and the full might of the US including the use of the world's greatest Navy fleet should be used to safely bring the parties responsible to justice and prevent future harm to any US-flag vessels and crews. Furthermore, any attackers captured in this incident or subsequent attacks should be prosecuted by the US Justice Department, tried in US courts, and sentenced to serve out their sentences in US prisons.

I am happy to hear that the crew of the Maersk Alabama has retaken the ship, and all but their captain is safe.  I commend the crew for their brave actions, and I pray for the captain's safe release.  These actions are the result of a well-trained and prepared crew, common throughout our US Merchant Marine."


US Rep. Gene Taylor Statement on the DDG-51/DDG-1000 Agreement 
April 7, 2009

April 7 2009, (Washington, DC) - In order to meet the Navy's requirement for a 313 ship fleet, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Admiral Gary Roughead, proposed reducing the number of DDG-1000s Zumwalt-class destroyers and restarting production of the DDG-51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

The Navy has been working with Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics, the two builders of the Navy's destroyer fleet, to reach an agreement on future surface combatant workload within the shipbuilding industry.

Rep. Taylor Statement on the Budget Resolution 
April 3, 2009

Washington DC (April 3, 2009) - The House of Representatives voted on H.Con.Res. 85 last night.  This resolution sets the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2010.  The resolution passed in the House by a vote of 233 to 196.

Rep. Taylor stated that, "The Budget Resolution adds $1.22 trillion to our federal deficit. The Congressional Budget Office predicts that there will be a deficit each year through 2014. All of the alternative budgets that have been offered also add to the federal deficit including the alternative budget submitted by the Republican Study Committee which has a $952 billion deficit.

I cannot, in good conscience support any of these budget proposals."


Fact Versus Fiction
I routinely receive correspondence that contains information that is inaccurate or in some instances false.  This page is dedicated to clearing up some of the rumors and misinformation about Congress and legislation being considered in the House of Representatives.

Social Security
FICTION: Members of Congress are exempt or do not pay into social security.  Over the years I have received a variety of phone calls, letters and emails that falsely state that Members of Congress do not pay social security.

FACT: All Members of Congress pay Social Security.  As mandated by law, each Member of Congress pays 6.2% (the same as everyone else) up to the maximum amount of $6,651 for 2009.

HR 1388, the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act
There are several pieces of false information being spread through the media regarding this piece of legislation.  Below is a summary of some of the most common misunderstandings about this legislation, and what the bill actually does.
Paying Off Our Nation's Debt

At recent town hall meetings, some constituents expressed concerns over our nation's growing national debt. As your member of congress, I have always been fiscally conservative calling for fiscal restraint and responsibility from the federal government. Today, I disagree with President Obama when he calls for additional deficit spending which will only add to our existing national debt. My position has been consistent. Back in 2001, however, I also disagreed with President George W. Bush when he stated that he would not pay off our nation's debt. Below are a few of President Bush's quotes from early 2001.

President George W. Bush's Quotes on Paying Down the Nation's Debts

February 27, 2001
Remarks Following Discussions With President Andres Pastrana of Colombia and an Exchange With Reporters

It does not make sense to pay down debt prematurely and, therefore, have to pay a premium on the debt that you prepay. And so we've calculated the amount of debt that our Nation can pay off over the next 10 years, and that's $2 trillion, leaving about $800 billion unpaid.

February 28, 2001
Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on Small Business in Beaver

"I appreciate you bringing that up. We have set aside $2 trillion over the next 10 years to pay down debt. Now, people say, 'Well, why don't you pay all the debt off?' One reason why you don't pay all the debt off is because at the end of 10 years, a number of bonds will have not matured. It does not make economic sense to prepay American debt that will cost American taxpayers a premium to do so."

February 28, 2001
Remarks at a Leadership Forum in Council Bluffs

We can pay down $2 trillion of debt over the next 10 years. My budget does so; I'm confident the Congress will support me to do so. People say, 'Why don't you pay down more?' Because that's all the debt that's available to pay down in a 10-year period of time unless

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