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Congressman Bilbray talks health care with San Diego FOX 5 KWSB

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Congressman Bilbray on MSNBC’s Ed Show talking health care

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Congressman Bilbray on FOX News Business on health care

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Congressman Bilbray’s Floor Speech on Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas

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Congressman Bilbray LIVE with San Diego’s KUSI from the U.S. Mexican border on immigration, BPA Rosas

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Congressman Bilbray's Community Coffees/Town Halls

Washington D.C.--North County Congressman Brian Bilbray will be speaking at the community coffees listed below. Constituents from the 50th Congressional District are encouraged to join Congressman Bilbray for a discussion on current happenings in Washington, D.C. and issues affecting the residents of California's 50th Congressional District. ... view more

Congressman Brian Bilbray’s Principles on Health Care Reform

Recently, the House of Representatives took up the debate on overhauling our nation’s health care system. Rejecting our current system, H.R. 3200, the Affordable Health Choices Act, seeks to establish a national health plan run by the federal government. While I believe we need to make changes so that more people can have access to quality health care, I disagree with my colleagues who believe the federal government can do this by forcing a nationalized system of health care upon we, the citizens. ... view more

Congressman Bilbray Praises Homeland Security Decision to Trust Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officers

(Washington D.C.)- In response to today’s decision by Department of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute to deny a petition for rulemaking related to detention standards for immigration detainees, Congressman Bilbray released the following statement: ... view more


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ANOTHER VIEW: Consistent science funding could spur economy By Rep. Brian Bilbray, published in the North County Times

Scientific Funding Could Be a Prescription for U.S. Economic Woes ... view more

Tomorrow looks greener from San Diego by Representative Brian Bilbray, published in The Hill

On April 22 this year, residents of San Diego County celebrate the 39th Earth Day. And we have a lot to celebrate. ... view more

Bilbray Legislation Addresses San Diego Water Shortage by Mike Gleason, San Diego 10 News

North County Congressman Brian Bilbray (R-Carlsbad) addressed San Diego's water shortage in Congress Tuesday as he voted to bring a new water treatment facility to treat Lake Hodges water, Bilbray's office said. ... view more

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2009 Appropriations Requests

In keeping with his commitment to bring transparency to the federal appropriations process, Congressman Brian Bilbray has announced his funding recommendations for the 2009 Fiscal Year. ...view more

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The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 passed the House of Representatives and was signed into law by President Bush on Friday, October 3, 2008.

Click here to read the text of the legislation.

House Leaders Unveil the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

The final version of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 includes more safeguards for the American taxpayers than the original version of the "Paulson Plan".

For more information about the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 you may view the text of the bill or a section-by-section analysis of the bill.

to Reduce Gas Prices

High gas prices are affecting the
pocketbook of every family in San Diego
County. That's why Congressman Bilbray
is working on short-term and long-term
solutions aimed at lowering gas prices and
addressing our future energy needs.

See what Congressman Bilbray is doing

Find the lowest gas prices in San Diego County

Official CALTRANS sign warning California motorists to watch out for illegal immigrant crosserImmigration Reform Caucus

Congressman Bilbray currently serves as the chairman of the IRC. For more information on the IRC, please click here

Bilbray Seeks Passage of SAVE Act

Rep. Heath Shuler (NC-11) and Rep. Brian Bilbray (CA-50) are proud to introduce the Secure America with Verification and Enforcement Act.  Also known as the SAVE Act, this bill has strong bi-partisan support. It focuses on securing our borders, increasing interior detection and enforcement, and limiting the ability of illegal immigrants to work in America. It does not include any provision for amnesty. ...view more

Discharge Petition Launched

A discharge petition in support of the SAVE Act is currently being circulated. If 218 Members of Congress sign the petition, the SAVE Act would be brought directly to the House floor for consideration. To find out which members have already signed the petition, click here.


Congressman Brian Bilbray Representing the 2nd Congressional District of California