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Secretary Clinton Departs for India, Thailand
Posted by Ian Kelly on Jul 16, 2009 - 09:07 PM

Secretary Clinton boards plane in Beirut, Lebanon, April 26, 2009. [State Department Photo]

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary

About the Author: Ian Kelly serves as Department Spokesman.

We’re aboard the Secretary’s plane on the long flight to India. Many on the flight are already asleep, taking the opportunity to get some shuteye before the busy schedule in the days to come. Following her visit to India, Secretary Clinton will travel to Thailand to lead the U.S. delegation to the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum Foreign Ministers’ Conference and the ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference.

While in India, Secretary Clinton will meet with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and with External Affairs Minister Krishna. The Secretary and Minister Krishna will discuss the structure of an enhanced U.S.-India strategic partnership . We hope this partnership will enable us to advance solutions to the defining challenges of our time, and to enhance global prosperity and stability in the 21st century. This will be a major step forward in advancing the partnership between the largest and oldest democracies to date.

Secretary Clinton will also meet with a broad cross - section of Indian society in Mumbai and will remember the victims of the November 26, 2008 Mumbai attacks. She will then travel to New Delhi where she will have a full schedule of meetings with government officials, the leader of the opposition, entrepreneurs, scientists, and youth.

On Tuesday, July 21 Secretary Clinton will then travel to Thailand to meet with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Foreign Minsiter Kasit Piromyato to underscore the importance of our alliance and our bilateral relationship and to share perspectives on common interests in the region.

Along the way, you will be hearing from State Department employees who have worked on various aspects of the Secretary’s trip. You may also follow her travels via the Secretary’s interactive travel map on state.gov featuring her latest video, photos, and remarks. As you follow along, feel free to text the Secretary questions about her travel. We look forward to hearing from you and stay tuned to DipNote for more information.

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Rosey writes:

You are coming at a time when the President of India, the Speaker of the loksabha and the chairperson of the ruling alliance in India are women.
I have only one request to make. When you get to meet the Prime minister or The President, you may wear Indian saree which is commonly worn by Indian women.Since You are likely to meet these people in Delhi. May I suggest thatYou may get beutiful Indian sarees from a place called Delhi haat.

Posted on Mon Jul 20, 2009

Cathy in Texas writes:

Secretary Clinton,

What are you reading? Have you read anything by English novelist Margaret Drabble? I think you would love her work.

Safe trip,
Cathy C.

Posted on Fri Jul 17, 2009

Ashish in India writes:

Madam Secretary,

It is indeed a great honour for all of us in India that you managed to find some time from your extremely busy schedule to visit India.You are coming at a time when the President of India, the Speaker of the loksabha and the chairperson of the ruling alliance in India are women.

I have only one request to make. When you get to meet the Prime minister or The President, you may wear Indian saree which is commonly worn by Indian women.Since You are likely to meet these people in Delhi. May I suggest thatYou may get beutiful Indian sarees from a place called Delhi haat. I have never been there but I am told that Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, who is known for her exquisite choice, gets her Sarees from there.

I may just add here that when the P.M. of India met with the P.M. of Pakistan at Sharm ul Sheikh, he wore a typical suit made popular by the first P.M. of india Jawahar lal Nehru . The suit is now known as Jawahar suit. It only shows that Indians take pride in their ethnic wear.

Madam It was just a humble suggestion, I thought that Indians, especially women in India would be really fascinated to see one of the most important ladies in the world wearing an Indian dress.

With warm personal regards
Ashish K.
Sr. Producer
P7 News, Sector -57, Noida

Posted on Fri Jul 17, 2009

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Hi Ian,

Glad to see our Secretary of State has full extention on that wave, and it's a sure sign she's well on the mend.

Wish I could text her a question, but this will have to do since I'm technologicly challenged and I eat blackberries for breakfast.

Here's one of those odd news stories that gives hope for the future:


With all that Pakistan has on its plate, what do they do? They just broke the Guiness Book record for planting the most trees in a single day, in a little friendly competition with India.

You had 300 plant a half a million in one day, slightly less than that in India.

Ok so here's the question:

If everyone on the planet took a day off and planted trees, (being fond of round numbers call that 7 billion folks) just what kind of a dent in global warming could we expect in ten years if we all made this a weekly global event?

I came up with 11,666,666,666,666. and two-thirds trees per week.

Let's just call that ten trillion trees planted weekly. Let's say only half survive...

What's that old saying in Congress? "A billion here, a trillion there, pretty soon that adds up to real carbon sequestering."?

Here's your in-flight movie,...and happy landings!


Posted on Fri Jul 17, 2009

Anno Z. in Thailand writes:

Welcome Hillary, fine you do visit THailand now, I think Thailand needs this visit.

Have a nice trip ,en hello to Bill when you are back home!

(from the Netherlands living in Thailand)

Posted on Thu Jul 16, 2009

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