Program for Research Integrity Development & Education (PRIDE)

What's New

The Program for Research Integrity Development & Education (PRIDE) is a VA office whose mission is to protect participants in VA human research. PRIDE is responsible for all policy development and guidance, and all training and education in human research protection throughout the VA.

PRIDE's Vision is to make VA human research as safe as possible. We are excited to be working closely with the talented and dedicated people at the VISN and local levels to create a culture of shared responsibility and accountability that holds the protection of VA human research participants as its highest goal.

PRIDE Centers
The work of developing policies, guidance, education and training will be carried out by PRIDE and the Center on Advice and Compliance Help (COACH).


PRIDE (Program for Research Integrity Development & Education)
Director: Lynn Cates, MD
810 Vermont Avenue, NW (12)
Washington, DC 20420
Tel: (202) 461-1811 Fax: (202) 254-0162

COACH (Center on Advice and Compliance Help)
Director: Marisue Cody, PhD, RN
810 Vermont Avenue, NW (12)
Washington, DC 20420
Tel: (202) 461-1814 Fax: (202) 254-0162

VA R&D National Personnel Directory - lists contact information for administrators throughout the VA R&D system.