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Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems

"Get in, get out, stay out."

Why Use?

Prefabricated bridge elements and systems may be manufactured on-site or off-site, under controlled conditions, and brought to the job location ready to install. Using prefabricated bridge elements and systems facilitates meeting key public needs:

  • Minimizes traffic impacts of bridge construction projects
  • Improves construction zone safety
  • Makes construction less disruptive for the environment
  • Makes bridge designs more constructible
  • Increases quality and lowers life-cycle costs

Traffic and environmental impacts are reduced, constructibility is increased, and safety is improved because work is moved out of the right-of-way to a remote site, minimizing the need for lane closures, detours, and use of narrow lanes. Prefabrication of bridge elements and systems can be accomplished in a controlled environment without concern for job-site limitations, which increases quality and can lower costs. Prefabricated bridge elements especially tend to reduce costs where use of sophisticated techniques would be needed for cast-in-place, such as in long water crossings or higher structures, like multi-level interchanges.

Prefabricated bridge elements and systems is one of FHWA's Priorities, Market-Ready Technologies and Innovations. More information is available at the R&T Web site

Innovative Projects




More Information


Vasant Mistry
Office of Bridge Technology
E-mail Vasant

This page last modified on 06/30/09

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration