Official New Hampshire government website





The divisions within the Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food are involved with the implementation and management of many different programs for agriculture and related industries. Some key program topics are listed below.

You are now able to fill in your applications online, however, if a SIGNATURE is required anywhere on the form, you may fill in the form as necessary, but save the form to your computer, download and print the form, sign the form in the appropriate locations and send to our offices with the appropriate remittance due. If you do not follow these instructions, your application will not be processed properly. Should you encounter any difficulties with the applications, please contact us at 271-3551.

arrowPesticide Applicator Certification
arrowInvasive Species
arrowExhibiting Animals at the Fair
arrowWeekly Market Bulletin
arrowBest Management Practices
arrowNursery Plant Dealers Application
arrowPlant Dealer/Landscaper Application
arrowOrganic Certification Program

Grant Programs
The Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food administers several grant funding programs to qualified applicants. Criteria and application information follow.

Mini-Grant Program
The Agricultural Promotion Mini-Grant Program offers matching grants of up to $500 to organizations that wish to conduct a project focused on promoting New Hampshire agriculture. Grant recipients are selected from a pool of qualified applicants.

Applications are distributed in November, proposals are due in January and awards are made in February, as funding allows.

arrowDownload the Coverletter for the 2009 Mini Grant

arrowDownload the 2009 Mini Grant Application
arrowDownload the 2009 Criteria Information Sheet
arrowDownload the 2009 Mini Grant Summary Sheet

arrowSpecialty Crop Block Grant - Criteria and Application

Or Call the Division of Agricultural Development at 603-271-3788

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program
Since 1998, the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food has been awarding grants to projects promoting integrated pest management practices. The purpose of the Program is to encourage the principles and practices of integrated pest management in all areas pesticides are used. The goals of the Department are to contribute funding to further the education of the public, including those applying pesticides, minimize the use of pesticides, and improve the health, environment, and economics of New Hampshire citizens. The Program grant application process is open to all residents of the state, including citizens from the private sector, extension offices, trade organizations, corporate organizations, and government agencies. The Division of Pesticide Control manages the IPM Program. Please contact the Division for further information, 603-271-3118.

arrowDownload the IPM Information Sheet
arrowDownload the IPM Application Form

Learn more about IPM by visiting links to many interesting and informative IPM websites

Agricultural Nutrient Management (ANM) Program
The Agricultural Nutrient Management (ANM) Grant Program seeks to provide financial, educational and technical assistance for livestock and agricultural land operations and related organizations with implementing Best Management Practices and such other measures necessary to prevent or mitigate water pollution. Applicants for ANM grants may apply for cost assistance of up to $2,500 per year. There is no match required, however, in-kind services such as labor provided by the applicant will enhance the application. The majority of the funding will be used for on-farm projects that address the program objectives. Funding may also be utilized by organizations for educational projects.

arrowDownload the ANM Fact Sheet
arrowDownload the ANM Application Form
Call the Division of Regulatory Services at 603-271-3685 or 603-271-2753


New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food
25 Capitol Street, 2nd Floor
Concord, NH 03302
Copyright (c) State of New Hampshire, 2005