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Housing and Real Estate

Where can I find available housing in NJ?
New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, Inc. has extensive listings of homes and apartments for sale and rent in New Jersey.
How can I get information about affordable housing?
The Department of Community Affairs has posted information on affordable housing in New Jersey.
Where can I find more information on Section 8 housing?
The Department of Community Affairs has made available on the Web its Guide to the Section 8 Housing Program. Housing and Urban Development has information available on housing choice vouchers including Section 8.
Where can I find more information about HUD (Housing Urban Development)?
The HUD Web site.
How can I obtain a list of real estate regulations?
Submit a written request to the New Jersey Real Estate Commission, P.O. Box 328, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0328, Attention: Education Section. The cost of the statutes and rules is $10.00 (Certified check, cashier's check, or money order only.)
What are the rights of landlords and tenants in New Jersey?
The New Jersey Law Network has links to articles and laws concerning property and real estate law.
What types of mortgage programs are available?
The Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA)   page contains links to a variety of mortgage programs.
Where can I find information on homeowner's insurance?
The Homeowners Insurance page includes a premium comparison survey and frequently asked questions about homeowners insurance.
Where would I find the property tax rate for all the towns in New Jersey?
The Division of Taxation has a list of local property taxes.

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