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The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs has primary responsibility for development of the state's interest in the areas of the arts, history, and other cultural matters.

The department is responsible for:



State Historic Preservation Office Offers Technical and Financial Resources
for Floods of 2008

Iowa Historic Preservation Alliance and National Trust for Historic Preservation
make tip sheet available to Iowans

Report flood, storm and tornado damage of cultural, historical and art properties, assets


Go to CHAT!

IAC selects three arts scholarship recipients

IAC cancels Office on the Road and grant writing workshop

29 more Iowa students earn trip to National History Day national contest

Iowa Arts Jobs Preservation Grant deadline June 1

Book group explores Iowa’s Norwegian immigrant history

29 Iowa students earn trip to National History Day national finals

Blues Before Sunset resumes in June with reduced schedule

Historic presidential documents to State Historical Society of Iowa

SHSI presents Petersen/Harlan Award to Tom Morain

Governor Culver Announces Iowa Arts Jobs Preservation Grant Program

Iowa Arts Council Announces Mini Grant Awards

Historical Museum extends popular pottery exhibit

SHSI awards grants for preservation of historic documents

Iowa Arts Council visits Fort Dodge in May

Union Pacific Railroad Foundation grant supports Lincoln bicentennial

Iowa Not for Profit Alliance Conference 2009 Documents and Presentations

Twenty years of global exploration captured in exhibit

Historical resource grant applications due May 15

acrobat icon Access the DCA's FY07 Annual Report

E-mail contact for Historical Building rental



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Cyndi Pederson, Director