Grouped by Service - ORD Policies and Handbooks

NOTE: The handbooks listed on this page are provided as general reference, but please note that the contact information and dates in the handbooks may be out-of-date. However the basic guidance and processes are largely unchanged. For current dates, forms, and contacts for the upcoming funding round, please refer to the Applications & Submissions section.

For other handbooks and directives not listed on this page, please visit the VHA publications site. Please note that the most current copies of Service policy documents are on the ORD website.

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[+] Requirements for Reporting Research Events to Facility Oversight Committees and the Office of Research Oversight (204KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook sets forth the requirements for reporting certain research events to facility research oversight committees and to the Office of Research Oversight (ORO)(10R). NOTE: This Handbook does not preempt or otherwise alter any other applicable research reporting requirements, whether within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or to other Federal or state agencies or commercial sponsors.


[+] Research Misconduct (136 KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook establishes the procedures and other requirements for handling allegations of misconduct in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) research. Note: This document rescinds VHA Manual M-3, Part I, Chapter 15; Misconduct in Scientific Research.


[+] Investigational Drugs and Supplies (165 KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook provides specific procedures related to the appropriate handling of investigational drugs and supplies.


[+] Veterans Health Administration Research and Development Program (65 KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive provides an overview of Research and Development policies and procedures.


[+] Research and Development Committee Handbook (119 KB, PDF)
This Handbook is a major revision to the current VHA procedures governing the Research and Development’s responsibilities and operations. It also addresses emerging issues and recent concerns related to research including information security, and credentialing and privileging of physicians and other applicable research employees. The provisions of the Handbook must be implemented no later than July 31, 2007.


[+] Research Business Operations (224KB, PDF)
This Handbook establishes standards and requirements for the proper and efficient operation of research offices with regard to formal communications, financial operations, and personnel.


[+] Centralized Positions of Research Scientists, GS-14 and Above (30 KB, PDF)
This VHA Handbook defines the information required by the Office of Research and Development (ORD) to evaluate research scientist positions and other professional positions funded by ORD for classification at General Schedule (GS)-14 and above.


[+] NEW! Research Career Development Program (61 KB, PDF)
The Research Career Development Program is an award series under which both clinically and non-clinically trained post-doctoral researchers may gain mentored research time intended to advance awardees toward independence as funded Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) scientists. The program is designed to attract, develop, and retain talented VA researchers in areas of particular importance to VA. This Handbook provides the structure and procedures of this Office of Research and Development (ORD) program.


[+] Requirements for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research (196KB, PDF)
This Handbook prescribes procedures for the protection of human subjects in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) research.


[+] Control of Hazardous Agents in VA Research Laboratories (412 KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook establishes policy and guidance related to select agents and toxins and the prevention and/or detection of terrorist events occurring in or originating from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) research laboratories. NOTE: The policies contained in this Handbook apply to all Research and Development (R&D) laboratories located within VA facilities, including leased space, and to space within a VA facility leased to a private entity. VA research laboratories located in approved off-site facilities such as affiliate universities are expected to comply with all VA and other Federal laws and regulations regarding security of both research laboratory facilities and select agents and toxins.


[+] Use of Animals in Research (842 KB, PDF)
This VHA Handbook sets forth the principles and procedures that govern research, testing, and teaching activities involving laboratory animals in the VA.


[+] Safety of Personnel Engaged in Research (201KB, PDF)
This Handbook establishes policies for ensuring the safety of personnel engaged in research. [Replaces VHA Handbook 1200.11 dated Aug. 22, 1997.]


[+] Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Research (31 KB, PDF)
This VHA Handbook provides information regarding the requirement for the inclusion of women and minorities in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) sponsored research.


[+] Use of Data and Data Repositories in VHA Research (185KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook defines procedures on the research use of data and data repositories, including databases and data warehouses. It addresses both the use of clinical and administrative data repositories for research and the development and use of research data repositories.


[+] Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research Handbook (rescinded) (452, PDF)
This Handbook establishes policy and procedures to enable all VA medical centers to develop comprehensive programs regarding financial conflicts of interest in research, and to enable investigators to comply with applicable VA and other Federal and state regulations regarding conflicts of interest in research.


[+] New! Memo from CRADO – Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research (176 KB, PDF)
Official memorandum from the Chief Research and Development Officer, Joel Kupersmith, MD, regarding financial conflicts of interest in VA research.


[+] Eligibility for VA Research Support (278 KB, PDF)
This Handbook defines the criteria for eligibility to receive research support from the Office of Research and Development (ORD).


[+] VA Off-site Research Handbook (194 KB, PDF)
This Handbook clarifies the scope of the Office of Research and Development (ORD) on the performance of VA-funded research in sites other than VA medical centers and VA-leased space.


[+] Partial Offsite Waiver Request Template (60 KB, MSWord)
Template document for Partial Offsite Waiver requests.


[+] VA Research And Education Corporations (330KB, PDF)
This Handbook provides policies, procedures, and instructions governing non-profit Research and Education Corporations created pursuant to sections 7361 through 7368, United States Code.


[+] Intellectual Property (204KB, PDF)
This Handbook provides revised guidance and instruction regarding intellectual property (inventions) and the transfer of new scientific discoveries to benefit the public good (technology transfer).


[+] Presentation of Research Results (112KB, PDF)
This Handbook establishes procedures, assigns responsibilities, and specifies authority for ensuring that the contributions of the VA to research are appropriately acknowledged and publicly disclosed. This Handbook applies to all research results where either direct or indirect support for the research emanated from VA, either in the form of research funding, resources (e.g., facilities or patients), or as a result of the investigator’s full-time, part-time, or without compensation (WOC) appointment. The policies herein extend to all forms of research results, including publications, presentations, media interviews, and other professional activities.


[+] Overview of VHA Research Programs (35KB, MS Word)
This Directive provides an overview of Research and Development (R&D) research initiatives.


[+] Establishment of a Facility Human Protections Program (132KB, PDF)
This establishes a new policy for the establishment of a Facility Human Protections Program (FHPP) to help Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers fully cover costs associated with human subjects protection. This policy applies to all newly funded and VA approved industry-funded studies conducted at VA facilities.


[+] Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (27KB, PDF)
This Directive establishes policy requiring all VHA facilities conducting human subjects research to obtain accreditation of their Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) by an organization approved by VHA to perform this function. NOTE: It describes the accreditation process for a VHA facility using an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that is administered by an affiliated academic institution.


[+] Use of Non-contract Implantable Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators in VA-Approved Research (139 KB, PDF)
This VHA Directive provides policy for use of implantable pacemakers and implantable defibrillators that are not covered by the current national contract for research purposes.


[+] Requirements for Submittal and Approval of Biosafety Level-3 (BSL-3) Research Laboratory Construction and Renovation (40 KB, PDF)
This VHA Directive provides policy on how to obtain approval for the construction of new Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) research laboratories and approval for planning a major renovation of space for a BSL-3 research laboratory, including the renovation of an existing BSL-3 research laboratory. NOTE: VHA does not permit the construction or operation of Biosafety Level-4 laboratories.


[+] Requirements for Conducting VA-Approved International Research Involving Human Subjects, Human Biological Specimens, or Human Data (30 KB, PDF)
This VHA Directive provides policy that requires permission be granted by the Chief Research and Development Officer (CRADO), or designee, prior to initiating or conducting VA-approved international research involving human subjects, human biological specimens, or human data.


[+] Instructions for Requesting Permission to Conduct International Research as required by VHA Directive 2005-050 (66 KB, PDF)
Permission to conduct international research involving human subjects or human biological specimens must be obtained prior to initiating the research as required by VHA Directive 2005-050 “Requirements for Conducting VA-Approved International Research Involving Human Subjects, Human Biological Specimens, or Human Data.”


[+] Appointment of Facility Information Security Officer (ISO) and Privacy Officer to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Research and Development (R&D) Committee (29 KB, PDF)
Appointing the VHA facility ISO and Privacy Officer as non-voting members to each facility's IRB(s) of record or to the facility's R&D Committee of record helps ensure appropriate review of research practices to maintain confidentiality and security of identifiable data obtained from human research subjects or from other sources, such as administrative or clinical databases.


[+] Use of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) (25 KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive provides policy on mandatory use of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs).


[+] Research Compliance Officers and The Auditing Of VHA Human Subjects Research To Determine Compliance With Applicable Laws, Regulations, And Policies (30 KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive establishes policy requiring the appointment of a Research Compliance Officer (RCO) and the periodic auditing of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-approved human subjects research to assess compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies including those related to privacy, confidentiality, and information security requirements. The effectiveness of this Directive in assuring the highest level of human subjects protections will be evaluated in a year.


[+] Research Personnel Notification of Pharmacy Benefits Management (51 KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive establishes policy and procedures that will ensure that the investigators, Associate Chiefs of Staff for Research and Development (ACOS for R&D), Administrative Officers for Research and Development (AO for R&D), and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are notified as soon as possible about all Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) Services alerts. These alerts include safety issues and adverse events related to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications and biologics used in human research projects conducted by VA. This early notification of the ACOS for R&D, AO for R&D, investigator, and Chiefs of Pharmacy Services will allow for a timely assessment of risks to research subjects and, when indicated, modifications in research protocols, informed consent, and prompt notification of research participants to ensure the highest level of protections for these research subjects. It will also serve to alert investigators to the need for the reporting, monitoring, and surveillance of adverse drug events (ADEs), whether they were observed Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) or historical ADRs from FDA approved investigational drugs. This notification will ensure timely inclusion of patient or research subject information to the national VA Adverse Drug Event Reporting System (VA ADERS), the newly formed VA ADERS Advisory Committee (VA ADERS AC), and the FDA MedWatch System.


[+] Interim Guidance Usual Care Research (63 KB, MSWord)
Clinical and health services research involving "usual care" is common in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Subjects in such research receive the same "usual" interventions for their conditions as patients at their VA facility who are not involved in research.


[+] Interim Guidance on Special Safeguards (58 KB, MSWord)
In approving research, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) regulations and the Federal Policy (Common Rule) for the Protection of Human Subjects at Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations Part 16 (38 CFR 16) require that Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) determine the following...






[+] Overview of MRS (47KB, MSWord)
This Directive provides an overview of Medical Research Service policies and procedures.


[+] Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development (BLR&D) and Clinical Science Research and Development (CSR&D) Services Merit Review Award Program Process (56KB, PDF)
This is a new Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook, which establishes procedures for the Merit Review Award Program for the Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development (BLR&D) and Clinical Science Research and Development (CSR&D) Services of the Office of Research and Development (ORD).


[+] Research Career Scientist Program Handbook Biomedical laboratory Research and Development (BL&RD) Service and Clinical Science Research and Development (CSR&D) Service (85KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook establishes procedures for the Research Career Scientist (RCS) Program.


[+] William S. Middelton Award Procedural Handbook (54KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook provides information and procedures relating to the nomination, application, review, and selection process for the annual William S. Middleton Award.


[+] Research Equipment Management Program (33KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook establishes procedures related to the management, procurement, and disposition of research laboratory equipment or laboratory animal management equipment purchased with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) appropriated dollars.


[+] John Blair Barnwell Award (43 KB, PDF)
The John Blair Barnwell Award (Barnwell Award) for outstanding achievement in clinical science is the Clinical Science Research and Development’s (CSR&D) highest honor for scientific achievement. The award aims to recognize senior VHA investigators who have achieved international acclaim for clinical research accomplishments in areas of prime importance to VA’s research mission and who have also demonstrated a high level of clinical commitment to the patient population.






[+] Veterans Health Administration Cooperative Studies Program (44KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive provides policy and guidance for Cooperative Studies Program (CSP) activities and serves as a guide to additional resources for program-specific information and procedures.


[+] Cooperative Studies Program (CSP) Study Initiation and Management Processes (35 KB, PDF)
This Handbook provides process and procedures for Cooperative Studies Program (CSP) activities, including LOIs, scientific merit review of proposals, study initiation, and study management.






[+] VHA HSR&D (43KB, PDF)
This Directive contains policy and guidance for programs in HSR&D.


[+] Scientific Research and Development Projects (106KB, PDF)
This Handbook provides procedures on support for scientific research and development projects, and clarifies specific information about funding programs in HSR&D.


[+] 02/20/03 Section 7 Revision (30KB, MSWord)
This is intended to clarify Section 7 of the handbook, and applies to all applications seeking support of developmental work through HSR&D's Investigator-Initiated Research (IIR) program.


[+] 08/18/03 Memo 1 - Policy Change - Proposal Limit, Final Reports (29KB, PDF)
HSR&D has implemented changes in the proposal submission limit per review cycle and Institutional Review Board Approval process effective immediately. The principal changes clarify and incorporate additional information on Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) proposal submission and Final Report requirements.


[+] 08/18/03 Memo 2 - Policy Change - Implementation/Dissemination (118KB, PDF)
HSR&D has added application and final report requirements on Dissemination/Implementation, added a Dissemination/Implementation application, and changed Final Report submission requirements effective immediately.


[+] Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Centers (44KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook defines Health Services Research and Development Service’s (HSR&D) procedures that establish and govern HSR&D Centers and conference support.


[+] Under Secretary Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research (29KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook provides procedures related to nomination and selection for the “Under Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research.”


[+] Operational Procedures for Activities Sponsored by HSR&D (68KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook provides specific guidance for activities sponsored by Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Service including policies and procedures related to: communication with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Central Office; financial operations, including funding decisions and investigator travel; investigator eligibility; monitoring of HSR&D projects and programs; investigators’ reporting obligations and requests for modifications to approved projects. NOTE: This Handbook supplements VHA Handbook 1200.2.


[+] Modification of Projects Funded by HSR&D (43 KB, MSWord)
. Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Service expects all research projects it sponsors to be carried out according to the plan presented in the approved proposal. Once funding has started, investigators must obtain formal approval from the Director, HSR&D, for any significant change in objectives, methods, budget, time, key personnel, or location. Requests for changes must be submitted in writing by the medical center Director, through the Associate Chief of Staff (ACOS) for Research and Development (R&D) and the Principal Investigator of the HSR&D COE (if one) to the Director, HSR&D (124), in conformance with the following procedures. A project that is changed without prior approval is at risk of termination.






[+] RR&D Directive (38KB, PDF)
This Directive announces programmatic changes in the Rehabilitation Research and Development (RR&D) Service.


[+] Merit Review Program (35KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook announces programmatic changes to the Merit Review Program in the Rehabilitation Research and Development Service (RR&D).


[+] RR&D Centers (49KB, PDF)
This Handbook announces programmatic changes to the RR&D Centers in the RR&D Service.


[+] Journal of RR&D (76KB, PDF)
This Handbook announces programmatic procedures to the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development in the RR&D Service.


[+] Paul B. Magnuson Award for Outstanding Achievement in RR&D (37KB, PDF)
This Handbook announces programmatic procedures for the Paul B. Magnuson Award for Outstanding Achievement in RR&D.


[+] RR&D Service, Data Safety Monitoring Board (122KB, PDF)
The RR&D Service Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) is being established to serve as a review panel to address issues pertaining to the protection of subjects participating in human research programs and projects that involve one or more than one VA medical center. This is a new mechanism to provide advice to the Director of RR&D on questions or concerns pertaining to human subjects’ protections. The panel will oversee projects funded by the Office of Research and Development, RR&D Service.






[+] Request for Proposals for Rehabilitation Research and Development Centers of Excellence (COE) (66KB, PDF)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Notice announces the opportunity for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities to submit proposals for establishing Rehabilitation Research and Development Service (RR&D) Centers with focus on research in high-priority areas relevant to the rehabilitation needs of veterans.


[+] Requests for Proposal for Rehabilitation Research and Development Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP) (57KB, PDF)
This Veterans Heath Administration (VHA) Notice announces the opportunity for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers to compete for support by the Rehabilitation Research and Development (RR&D) Service Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP), in accordance with Title 38 Unites States Code (U.S.C.) § 7303.


Archived Handbooks





[+] Merit Review Entry Program (MREP) (UPDATED Jan. 2005) (204KB, MSWord)
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Handbook clarifies policy and establishes procedures for the Biomedical Laboratory (BLRD) and Clinical Science (CSRD) Research and Development Services Merit Review Entry Program (MREP) Award.



[+] Career Development Program (400KB, PDF)
This VHA Handbook provides guidelines and application procedures for the Medical Research Service (MRS) Career Development program. The fundamental objectives of the Career Development program remain the same – to build capacity, in a wide geographic distribution, for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to conduct research in areas of high relevance to the veterans healthcare system in fulfillment of its primary mission of patient care, supported by appropriate research and education.



[+] Research Career Scientist Program and Awards (34KB, PDF)
This announces programmatic changes to the Research Career Scientist Program in the Rehabilitation Research and Development (RR&D) Service.