Official New Hampshire government website




Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find what you're looking for? Below are a few of the most often asked questions submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture by our web site visitors.


Where is the Department of Agriculture located?
The New Hampshire Department of Agriculture is located in downtown Concord, on the second floor of the State House Annex Building, at 25 Capitol Street.

What is your mailing address?
Our mailing address is:

New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food

PO Box 2042

Concord NH 03302-2042

*Division of Agricultural Development-FAQ*
Weekly Market Bulletin:
How much is a WMB subscription?
  $22 per year

How may one subscribe to the WMB?
There are several ways:

  • Mail your request with a check made payable to “Treasurer, State of NH” to WMB PO Box 2042 Concord NH 03302-2042. 
  • Call us and pay for your subscription using your MasterCard or Visa.  Call us at 271-2505 to subscribe.
  • Sign up online for the WMB, using your MasterCard or Visa card.  Simply go to our website, click on WMB “Sign Up” and once at the WMB page, click on “Sign Up” again and fill in the necessary information.  This process will create a secure account with a password. You will have the option to choose to access your WMB online, or have it sent to you via US mail.  Note:  Please keep your password in a safe place.  You may be asked by the WMB staff to provide your password to assist you with any problems you may encounter.

How long does it take to receive my first WMB?
Typically two weeks, if you are a postal customer, to allow the database to be updated with our mail service.  Online subscribers may view the WMB after 3 p.m. on Wednesdays, pending credit card approval.

How does one advertise in the WMB?
There are three ways to get an advertisement to the WMB:
• postal mail
• email (; do not send attachments)
• fax (271-1109, 5 p.m.-7 a.m., only. No faxed advertisements will be accepted during our regular work hours of 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday).

Additionally, only subscribers to the WMB may place advertisements in the bulletin.  Note:  Out-of-state subscribers may only advertise under “Help Wanted” or “Wanted” categories.  Any questions regarding the rules refer to (, or you may call our office at 271-1324 for more details.

What is the deadline for submission of advertisements?
Advertisements must reach us by 4 p.m. on Thursday for placement in the following week’s Bulletin.

What is needed to place an advertisement into the WMB?  You must first be a current subscriber to the WMB.  To place an advertisement include the following information:

  • Your name as it appears on your mailing label
  • Your subscription number, again, as it appears on your mailing label, it is located to the right of your name
  • Your subscription expiration date, this appears on your mailing label, to the right of your subscription number
  • Item you are seeking to sell or want
  • A price for each item you are selling
  • A valid NH telephone number, no out-of-state numbers or cell phone numbers will be included; only exception to this will be for out-of-state subscribers who “Want” something

If any of the above information is missing, we cannot run your ad.  We do not call advertisers with missing information due to the sheer volume of ads each week.

Online subscribers may place advertisements in the WMB.  Online subscribers do NOT have the capability to enter ads directly into the WMB online.  Online subscribers need to adhere to the above requirements when placing an ad but, you need only identify yourself as an “online subscriber”.  We will verify the information.

*Division of Animal Industry-FAQ*
Were can I find the NH animal import rules? NH Import Rules

How do I report an animal welfare complaint?
Animal Welfare complaints should first be reported to the Animal Control Officer (ACO) or Police Department in the town. If they do not know how to handle the complaint or if the town’s officials do not want to deal with the complaint, the Division of Animal Industry can address the complaint but it must be sent received in writing. The complaint can be sent to the Department in the following manners:
Mail: NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food, Division of Animal Industry, PO Box 2042, Concord, NH 03302-2042. Fax: 603-271-1109; or Email:
Be aware that the complainant has the right to know the name of the person filing the complaint, but no other personal information is given. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can file a complaint with a local humane society.

What do I need to take my dog or cat to Canada? The requirements can be found at: Canada

Do I have to vaccinate my indoor cat for rabies? Yes, even indoor cats need to be currently vaccinated against rabies.
The rabies law can be found at: Rabies

What do I have to do to import game birds into NH?
You will first need to contact NH Fish & Game by calling, 603-271-3127 for a Possession, Propagation or Individual Training & Shooting permit. Once you have your permit with NH Fish & Game and you the producer you will be ordering your game birds from, you will need to contact the Division of Animal Industry at 603-271-2404 for an entry permit. The Division will need verification that the producer you are ordering your birds from are either NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Program) members or have had their flock tested for Pullorum Salmonella and Avian Influenza within the last year.

The Division rules for entry of poultry/game birds can be found at: Poultry/Game Birds

*Animal Population Control Program-FAQ*
Where can I obtain a Plan B application?
You may obtain a Plan B application by calling the Animal Population Control Program at 271-3697.

What are the eligibility requirements for the Animal Population Control Program?
To be eligible to participate in the program you MUST be on one of the seven State programs:

  • Food Stamps
  • Medicaid or Healthy Kids Gold
  • The Old Age Assistance Program
  • Supplemental Security Income Program
  • Aid to the Needy Blind Program
  • APTD Program

A person may also be qualified if they meet the income guidelines for the program. Please call 271-3697 to obtain these guidelines.

Can a Plan B application be filled out online or faxed to the program?
The Plan B application is a 4-part form and must be sent through the mail. The Plan B form cannot be found onliine and must be requested through the program, call 271-3697.

*NH Board of Veterinary Medicine-FAQ*
How do I contact the NH Board of Veterinary Medicine? You may contact the board via telephone: (603) 271-3706; mail: NH Board of Veterinary Medicine, PO Box 2042, Concord NH 03302-2042; or email:

The web site for the NH Board of Veterinary Medicine is:

How do I submit a complaint against a veterinarian?
Complaints to the board must in writing and include your name, address and telephone number. You may also include copies of related records. Mail to the above address.

*Division of Plant Industry-FAQ*
Where is the Division of Plant Industry office/lab located?
Health & Human Services Building 29 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03301

Where can insect/tick samples be brought for identification? To the lab (see above address).

Is there a charge for identification? No

Does the lab check for lyme disease? No, we only identify the ticks.

How should insect/tick samples be sent via mail?
Place specimens in vial or crush proofcontainer send to above lab address.

Where can we get a free copy of "Guide to Invasive Upland Plants"?
Contact Doug Cygan 271-3488 or or visit Invasive Species Guide

*Division of Weights & Measures-FAQ*
Information for Businesses with Commercial Scales

What must I do before before using a device commercially in the State of NH?

  • You must fill out an application to obtain a Weighing & Measuring Device License. This form can be found at: Device Licensing

Application may be mailed or faxed in at (603) 271-1109.

  • You must have your device(s) certified by a licensed NH Service Technical before placing it into service.

What is the fee for having a Weighing & Measuring Device License?
Fees vary depending on the device(s) being used commercially. The list of fees can be found at: Fee Schedule

How long does a Weighing & Measuring Device License last for?
A Weighing & Measuring Device License lasts for one calendar year.

How often do I have to get my device(s) certified?
Devices must be certified once a year by a licensed NH Service Technician. It is your responsibility to schedule this certification each year.

How can I apply to become a licensed Service Technician or Weighmaster in the State of NH?
Applications and renewals for Service Technicians or Weighmasters can be found at: Service Technician/Weighmaster

New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food
25 Capitol Street, 2nd Floor
Concord, NH 03302
Copyright (c) State of New Hampshire, 2005